Videogames based on Disney movies are designed to launch right around the same time as the film, distract the kids for a week or two, and then get shelved. They might be pulled down again for another go when the movie comes out on DVD, but let's face it -- they're made to be disposable. Still, given the obvious commercial cash-in nature of these Disney games, they're typically pretty good. Sure, they're not going to win any game of the year awards, but you can tell that some thought and care went into making them.

That said, Meet the Robinsons (the game) lives right up to that standard. Based on Disney's (not Pixar's) latest CG film, this game acts as a sort of side story to the events of the film. Strangely enough, you don't get to play as the movie's main character here, a kid named Lewis. I guess the game designers felt that a game centered on a orphaned, nerdy inventor kid wouldn't lend itself to any fast-paced action. Instead, you control Wilbur Robinson, the cocky kid from the future with a knack for getting into trouble. Yeah, there's your videogame protagonist.

The game begins with a brief training level in Ancient Egypt because, you know, Wilbur's got a time machine. From there, you head back to the future (insert "Hello, McFly" joke here) where you witness the time machine being stolen by the mysterious Bowler Hat Guy. All the levels from that point on expand on the movie's story, fleshing out details and introducing new characters. Of course, you'll also encounter several characters from the film, including many members of the Robinson clan.

The game itself plays a bit like Zelda-lite. You wander around each world figuring out simple puzzles to get past obstacles. Wilbur automatically jumps when he encounters a small gap or ledge and context-sensitive commands allow the boy hero to perform different moves with the press of a button. He can even lock onto enemies, making the combat very similar to Nintendo's legendary franchise. Of course, the combat lacks Zelda's finesse, and the levels are frequently bland and repetitive. Not that the kids will notice, mind you.

Danger, Wilbur Robinson!

Being from a family of eccentric inventors, Wilbur has a lot of wild gadgets at his disposal. Taking a cue from Metroid Prime, a scanner allows you to gather information on friends, items, and enemies. It's also useful for detecting hidden areas. The chargeball glove allows you to toss electrical spheres, havoc gloves let you create shockwaves and burrow underground, and the levitation ray lets you, well, levitate enemies. Perhaps the handiest gadget is the disassembler, which allows you to break down certain objects into their component elements. These elements are collected and converted into new items like power-ups, extra outfits, and cheats.

As you might expect, the game does a great job of capturing the look of the movie. Wilbur's over-exaggerated animations do a lot to tie this game into its source material. Instead of simply using clips from the film in-between levels, there are all-new animated sequences using the game's engine. Some of them are actually pretty funny, so the proper tone is there. The authentic feel is helped by having the film's voice actors perform in the game as well. I was disappointed by the music, however. It sounds rather bland and generic when compared to Danny Elfman's movie score.

When you need a break from the main game, there's a neat Pong-inspired mini game based around the chargeball glove. Whoever decided to make it a single-player only experience needs to be slapped, however.

Since this is a kid's game, it's not terribly long or difficult. Even so, it's a pretty decent romp. The kiddies will enjoy seeing more Robinsons goofiness, and you won't mind picking up the controller to help them through the occasional tough part.