Monday, October 14, 2024

Good Day Sunshine

Hello friends. We've had an absolutely gorgeous fall weekend here weather wise and it looks to be more of the same all week. I'm joining Holly and Sarah for their weekend recap link today so here we go-

First of all, it's hard to get things done when you have a brand new waterfall in your backyard. 

Especially on a sunny day. I kind of just want to hang out here and think deep thoughts or nothing at all.  Our travels and the busy days following have caught up with us and we were feeling it this weekend. At one point on Saturday I knew hubs had gone outside to sort out a few things and when I went looking for him he was sacked out in the hammock. Just taking a little rest he said lol. 

Let's back up to Friday. I spent the afternoon with a little baking project I'll talk more about later, but suffice it to say I made the biggest mess in my kitchen and when I was three quarters of the way through friends dropped by the dock to say hi. Hubs invited them up and I'm not kidding when I say there was sugar on every surface of my kitchen. 

These friends had never actually been inside my house before so 'oh hi, don't put your hand down on my countertop or you might be stuck there permanently'. I decided to finish the baking project later and have a glass of wine on the deck instead. In my apron, but hey that's lake life. Come as you are. 

We chatted for a while then they boated on home. Hubs fired up the new griddle while I tried to put the kitchen in to some sort of order and then we had our first BBQ in the new space. 

The chef's view is a win-

We made fajitas and by we I mean hubs grilled everything and I watched. They were delish. 

Saturday morning was another beauty. You should know I take a million pictures of the sunrise this time of year. It's the best. 

Does your neighborhood Boo people? It's a thing as Halloween approaches where someone secretly leaves a bag or bucket or box of goodies on your porch with a message inside that tells you to now go do the same for another neighbor. There's a foam pumpkin in the bag too,  that gets hung on your mailbox so you know who has been boo-ed and who hasn't. 

I snapped a picture of what was in my bucket...two cute pumpkin coffee mugs, some cinnamon flavored coffee, a fall kitchen towel and pot holder, two jumbo Reese's cups, a little cup filled with snickers bites along with candy corn and a decorative pumpkin.  

I'm not going to say what I put in the bag I gave away because a few neighbors read here and it's supposed to be hush hush. 

Except everyone in my neighborhood has cameras so it's hard to be too hush hush. I dropped mine off after dark and donned a baseball cap and a dark jacket to make the delivery. It's a fun little neighborly thing to do this time of year and I enjoy seeing what people put in their bags.

Hubs and I spent Saturday mostly trying to get the house cleaned and ready for company on Sunday. I finally tackled all the bathrooms and he vacuumed and then we both conked out and watched football. 

The Vols. Have mercy. That game was so painful to watch. Will they ever play a game where we're not yelling at the TV? A win is a win, but it was not pretty. Or quiet. 

The lake this time of year often looks 'smoky' early morning and Sunday was one of those times. It's called steam fog and it happens when warm water vapor rises from the lake into cooler air to form a mist you can see. It adds a mysterious quality to the early morning and I love it. 

Sunday was a fun family day. My momma and my younger sister and her family plus two of my nephew's friends all flew to SC for the weekend. My older sister lives about an hour from here and they were with her on Saturday then everyone came here on Sunday. 

Half of the crew came early so they could swim and have lots of lake time, the other half came a little later. Hubs and my brother-in-law took the boys for a boat ride while my sister and I sat by the waterfall and got caught up. We don't have a lot of time where it's just the two of us so this was really nice. 

The pup even got in on the action and hopped on a paddle board. The boys swam and kayaked and played corn hole and pool and they couldn't have asked for better October weather. The lake is still warm enough for swimming and the air was 82 degrees on Sunday so plenty warm out of the water too.

My sister brought my mom out to the lake later and my niece and her husband came too, so a houseful. A patio full? Hubs grilled burgers and wings and we put a couple of tables in the new outdoor dining area and declared it open. 

Furniture, fans, and lights will come later, but on Sunday we made do with what we had and it was better than fine. 

My younger sister has a birthday in about three weeks, but because we're almost never together on our birthdays I decided to get her a cake and celebrate a little early. 

It was a fun surprise. This was from our Publix bakery, and I don't know who did the decorating but they had some serious skill with a pastry tip. We all thought it was the prettiest writing on any cake we've seen. 

It was a great day. As the saying goes...I'm glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. 

And sisters too. 


  1. What a great weekend! I chuckled over your messy kitchen and neighbors story, and you finding your hubby sacked out in the hammock. I'm sure it felt great to have a low key weekend at home! I love that foggy lake picture; I love a water view so much!

  2. What an awesome weekend- I chuckled because when I bake, I get ingredients everywhere too! Ha! What beautiful sunrises and I am so jealous of your waterfall ;)

  3. Oh my goodness- lovely weekend with great photos. We are getting a Blackstone as part of our backyard project but it will not come with that view! I often take pictures and share them of my kitchen messes. They crack me up... or something. What a great time with family you guys had. Your new area is perfect for that. And I am swooning over the waterfall! We will likely buy a fountain or two because I love the sound of running water. But now with our project not getting done until the time that cold weather will descend, we will probably wait until the spring :(.

    1. My son-in-law loves his Blackstone. Ours is a stainless steel Blaze and so far we're loving it.

  4. I find I take lots more morning photos of the lake this time of year too; between the pretty colors at sunrise and all the misty fog, I just can't resist! That view from the new grill station is lovely.

  5. The backyard project is simply gorgeous!!! I don't know what happened to our Vols during that bye week but they haven't been the same since... have mercy is right! I had to just walk away for a minute or quarter. I didn't miss the end though. GBO!

  6. Your family day on Sunday sounds wonderful.

  7. I enjoyed this post, Joyce!! Family times are the best of times, indeed!! xo

  8. That cascading waterfall is a win! Adds another dimension to your lake setting. I'm impressed with your productivity and flexibility in enjoying the things that matter and keeping relationships a priority. That steam fog is really cool. Love the Boo your neighbors tradition. Happy Columbus day!

  9. That waterfall is stunning. That's funny about the kitchen and having people in who have never seen it before. Nice BBQ. Beautiful sunrise. That's really something about the Halloween tradition. I'm not sure I would like that at this point in my life. Love the way you delivered it. That's interesting about the lake. Then you had company on Sunday. You go girl! That was so awesome that they all came to visit. Enjoyed the family photos.

  10. Hi, LOVE the smoky water photos. :-)
    The Boo your neighbors sounds like fun.
    And as always, love seeing and reading about your family.
    Love, Carla

  11. Oh I feel relaxed just seeing the waterfall and lake photos. So nice to have your first meal on the grill! I'm sure your friend appreciated your openess to have them come to your house even in the midst of cooking! A world of Octobers and sisters is a good place!

  12. What wonderful photos and a wonderful view, I like looking at waterfalls

  13. That is so cute that your neighborhood "boos" one another. Mine is not nearly that creative (or, well, neighborly!) It does sound like fun. I have exchanged some fall "secret sister" type packages with friends who don't live too close. It's fun but not exactly secret:) A new waterfall in your backyard sounds amazing!! Enjoy...and happy Monday!
