Showing posts with label ZTE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ZTE. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Nokia asserting patents against high-volume smartphone maker Vivo in five countries (China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Germany) but no resolution in sight

In the previous post, I reported on a half-dozen of Datang v. Samsung patent infringement lawsuits that are pending in China. I've also obtained information about some other wireless patent enforcement activity in China. This here is a follow-up on Nokia v. Vivo, which is overdue as it's been almost ten months since I last reported on that dispute:


Nokia filed a patent infringement lawsuit with the Jinan Intermediate People's Court in April 2022.

Vivo countersued Nokia in March 2022 in the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court over one of its own patents.

Vivo furthermore (also in March 2022) asked the Chongqing First Intermedia People's Court for a FRAND determination. In Chongqing, a rate-setting case brought by OPPO against Nokia is already at an advanced stage. The findings made in that one could have a bearing on the later-filed Vivo case.

Not only Nokia is suing Vivo in China, but so is a Chinese company: ZTE (in Guangzhou and Xi'an).

According to Chinese reports, various decisions by China's patent office (SIPO) came down last week. Vivo is known to have challenged at least a dozen Nokia patents in China, and the result of the five revocation actions that have been adjudicated so far is that two Nokia patents were invalidated in their entirety, one was invalidated in part, and two were upheld. A ZTE patent challenged by Vivo (ZL201210363485.1) has also been declared partly invalid.

In the Chinese market, Vivo now sells more smartphones per year than any other Chinese company. That makes China a particularly important jurisdiction for any patent dispute with Vivo.


Delhi High Court records show that two Nokia v. Vivo patent infringement actions are pending there. I hope to find out the details beyond what I reported last year.


One of two Nokia v. Vivo cases pending before the Central Jakarta District Court was already known last year. There appears to be a second case (case no. 31/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Paten/2022/PN Niaga Jkt.Pst).


Nokia is asserting two standard-essential patents (MY-152424-A and MY-151522-A) in the High Court of Malaysia.


Last year I listed six German Nokia v. Vivo cases: three in Mannheim, two in Munich, and one in Dusseldorf. There was a hearing or trial of the two Munich cases on February 8. The Mannheim court held a Nokia v. Vivo trial on February 7 (case no. 2 O 36/22 over the SEP that won Nokia a Mannheim injunction against OPPO last year and case no. 2 O 65/22 over a patent from the same family). On March 14, a Mannheim trial in case no. 2 O 37/22 will be held.

While Vivo has also made some inroads into markets like Germany, there already is a precedent of a company leaving the German market after some patent injunctions: OPPO. For Vivo it would presumably make even less sense to remain on the German market.

I'll try to find out more about the next steps in Germany, particularly ruling dates.

Friday, June 3, 2022

European and German patent stats confirm China has taken lead over U.S. in digital communications patent filings: Huawei, Ericsson lead the pack; OPPO ahead of Nokia; Apple is nowhere

Yesterday, the German Patent & Trademark Office (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt; DPMA) issued a press release on its 2021 annual report, and the headline translates as follows:

"China ever more innovative in digital technologies"

The German PTO highlighted that China has, for the first time, overtaken the United States in the field of digital communications technology patent applications as its numbers increased by 6.8% from 4,032 to 4,308, while the figure for the United States--home to the most aggressive proponents of the devaluation of standard-essential patents (SEPs)--went down by 2.4% from 4,218 to 4,115. Even if the U.S. figure had remained stable, China would have taken the lead.

While China's ascent to the top is indisputably impressive, it's arguably no less remarkable that Sweden--a relatively small country --is #4 on the list as it overtook Korea. Sweden's patent filings in this field went up by 3.6% (from 1,223 to 1,267--more than quarter of China's numbers!), while Korean patent applications declined by 5.8% from 1,249 to 1,176.

If we want to understand these dynamics, which are immensely important from an innovation policy perspective as well as with respect to pending SEP litigations (Ericsson v. Apple (Apple is countersuing only over non-SEPs), Nokia v. OPPO/OPPO v. Nokia), we need to take a look at the major players. The German PTO's annual report doesn't list particular filers, but fortunately the European Patent Office (EPO)--whose report equally attests to China's and Sweden's incredible achievements--provides a list of the top 10 filers in the field of digital communications (click on the image to enlarge):

Key takeaways and observations

  • Despite Trump's trade war that the Biden Administration continues, Huawei is unstoppable--and the undisputed number one in the world. They have a corporate presentation coming up next week, and I plan to follow it over the livestream--it's a must-attend given that company's strength in wireless patents.

  • The other Chinese companies among the top 10 filers in the field are OPPO (#5), which is in the top 5 and has surpassed Nokia (688 v. 658), with which it is embroiled in two-way litigation; ZTE (#7), which is increasingly interested in outbound licensing and has recently started enforcement actions and Vivo (#10), which is being sued by Nokia but also countersuing in Dusseldorf.

  • Ericsson is #2, clearly ahead of Qualcomm in the third place and more than twice as strong as Nokia (#6). Sweden's strength in digital innovation is almost entirely attributable to Ericsson alone. One cannot respect innovation without applauding Ericsson's engineers.

  • But what about Apple, against which Ericsson is enforcing SEPs? Nowhere on the list. Over the years they've acquired SEPs (such as from Nortel and Intel), but that's about it. It's been a few years since they acquired Intel's mobile chipset business, so I'd have expected them to play a more significant role already. But... they are nowhere to be seen.

    Apple is a luxury goods company making the closest thing you can find in the digital economy to a Veblen good. More than anything else, Apple brutally exploits its market power over everyone, with my primary concern being how it treats app developers. It squeezes suppliers and seeks to deprive employees of their rights to form unions (just yesterday, Microsoft announced a far more cooperative stance on unions).

    Policy makers in the U.S. and elsewhere must understand where Apple is coming from when it takes positions on patent policy and on mobile app stores. It seeks to substitute market power for foundational research. That formula, however, doesn't yield a consumer surplus. Nor are deceptive lobbying practices by Apple-funded organizations the answer.

    Apple won't change unless it has to. It's up to policy makers, competition regulators, and the courts of law to require Apple to compete on the merits, to fairly reward innovators, to open up iOS app distribution, and to invest not only in its expansion into ever more markets (it's like an insatiable octopus in that regard) but also in the digital communications technologies without which its gadgets wouldn't work in the first place.

    The United States has no one but itself--and above all, Apple's ability to perpetuate its market power and spawn monopoly after monopoly--to blame for having lost the lead in this field to China, and for trailing (relative to population size) a country like Sweden by a huge factor.

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Friday, September 24, 2021

ZTE reportedly goes on the offense, sues unnamed Chinese smartphone maker over 4G standard-essential patents: possibly Tinno or Transsion?

The Wechat platform may be an unusual place for patent litigation information to leak, but that's what just happened. According to this Chinese article, Chinese smartphone maker ZTE has brought a 4G standard-essential patent (SEP) case against a fellow Chinese device maker in Shenzhen. The defendant has not been announced yet--and according to the article may not even have been served yet.

Rumor (on the same webpage) has it that ZTE is suing a company with a small market share in China but a much larger one abroad. If true, that would rule out companies like Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, and OnePlus. The more likely targets would then be Tinno Mobile, which is known as a contract manufacturer (Original Device Manufacturer, "OD"M) but also owns a French device maker named Wiko, or Transsion, which is huge in Africa and has a presence in South Asia. Transsion's brands include Tecno, Itel, and Infinix.

A recent ruling by the Supreme People's Court (SPC) of the People's Republic of China" laid out the criteria for Chinese jurisdictions over a global SEP dispute. At a conference hosted by Renmin University of China, IP-specialized judges discussed that case in a wider context. While it weighs in favor of Chinese jurisdiction over a worldwide FRAND matter if the implementer generates a high percentage of its worldwide sales in China, it is not an absolute requirement as other factors, particularly where products are developed and manufactured, are also considered in the Chinese judiciary's very case-specific and fact-intensive decisions.

Five months back, ZTE touted the value of its patent portfolio in a press release. The company has filed over 80,000 patent applications around the globe, about half of which have been granted. Some studies consider ZTE to be one of the top three 5G SEP holders (based on declarations to ETSI). The April 2021 press release stated an intent to monetize the portfolio "through transfers, licensing and other management methods to build a closed loop of sustainable development of 'Innovation - Operation - Re-innovation'" (emphasis added). In connection with "transfers" it's worth noting that ZTE assigned dozens of patents to OPPO earlier this year (according to a Chinese report,

ZTE is no longer as successful in the smartphone market as it used to be. As a result, patents are an increasingly important asset and licensing will be a key revenue stream going forward. ZTE is not the only company in the mobile device business to place greater emphasis on patent monetization. South Korea's LG Electronics recently exited the smartphone market and is likely to enforce its intellectual property rights more aggressively. Huawei has been hit by trade restrictions, and probably holds the most powerful patent portfolio in the industry. In July, Huawei announced a license deal with an unnamed Volkswagen supplier, and the company has always had significant patent licensing revenues, with Apple and Samsung presumably being its top two licensees. Interestingly, about 10 years ago Huawei sued ZTE to collect patent royalties, a dispute that reached the European Court of Justice and resulted in some clarification regarding SEP injunctions. It's another story that the related ruling has largely been vitiated by the German courts (which claim to faithfully apply it but do so in a way that is much more similar to Germany's original Orange-Book-Standard SEP case law).

All in all, the story of ZTE suing a Chinese device maker in Shenzhen is highly plausible, and I get the impression that the industry is taking those reports seriously for the time being. I have no doubt that we're going to hear a lot more about patent enforcement by companies who have either exited or lost ground in the smartphone market but hold formidable wireless patent portfolios. In that industry, yesterday's net licensees are tomorrow's net licensors. ZTE has gone in that direction as have some others before it. This is a challenge for today's winners in the marketplace who seek to maintain their competitiveness by keeping patent licensing costs low, an interest that I have traditionally been very sympathetic to, but it's equally a fact that they stand on the shoulders of giants who developed essential wireless technologies. Licensing is the answer, as no one could seriously dispute, but what royalty rate is FRAND often gives rise to litigation.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Dusseldorf Regional Court reinforces position on access to standard-essential patent injunctions: analysis starts with SEP holder's licensing offer

On Monday, the press office of the Landgericht Düsseldorf (Dusseldorf Regional Court) issued a press release on six Conversant v. Huawei and ZTE cases scheduled to go to trial tomorrow (Thursday, June 18, 2020). Of note, the court that adjudicates more patent infringement cases than any other European court (though most smartphone cases, including cases over cellular connectivity in cars, go to the rocket dockets in Mannheim and Munich) reiterates its position on the availability ofcinjunctions over standard-essential patents:

"Nach der Rechtsprechung des EuGH darf ein Unterlassungsanspruch aus einem standardessentiellen Patent, für das eine FRAND-Erklärung abgegeben wurde, nur geltend gemacht[] werden, wenn der Patentinhaber dem lizenzwilligen Benutzer zuvor eine Lizenz zu fairen, angemessenen und nicht diskriminierenden Bedingungen (FRAND) angeboten hatte."

My unofficial translation:

"According to CJEU case law [i.e., Huawei v. ZTE], injunctive relief over a FRAND-pledged standard-essential patent may only be sought if the patentee previously offered to the willing licensee a license on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms."

The above sentence reaffirms that the starting point of the FRAND analysis will be what the SEP holder demanded. Should the SEP holder have failed to discharge its FRAND duties, no injunction will issue.

The three leading German patent litigation venues continue to approach and adjudge this legal question inconsistently:

The legal test is extremely important, but let's not forget that a lot depends on how a test is applied. If the analysis begins with the SEP holder's offer, but even the most egregious of royalty demands are deemed to be FRAND-compliant, it won't really help. Conversely, if a court approaches a case like the Mannheim Regional Court's Second Civil Chamber in Nokia v. Daimler, but doesn't set the bar unreasonably high for the implementer of the standard, then the outcome may still be pro-competitive. That's why next week's Mannheim ruling will be a particularly interesting one to analyze.

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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Trolls and Qualcomm invite UK Supreme Court to render Non-Discrimination part of FRAND meaningless: Unwired Planet v. Huawei

This is my seventh post on this week's UK Supreme Court hearing in Unwired Planet v. Huawei, after which I'll focus (until there's further news from the London case) on some other topics, such as a couple of filings in the Northern District of California (one of which, like Unwired Planet v. Huawei, involves leveraged financial engineering behind patent lawsuits) as well as the Munich I Regional Court's 10-year anniversary, and forthcoming SEP-related extension, of its Local Patent Rules.

For your convenience, here's a list of the six previous posts on the UK hearing:

This case has worldwide implications for two separate reasons: not only does it involve the adjudication of patent-related questions (validity, infringement, exhaustion, valuation) in other jurisdictions by UK courts but affirmance would, besides bringing the UK as a jurisdiction into disrepute, likely set off a global race to the bottom, in which other countries might offer even more patentee-friendly decisions. Throughout the hearing, Lord Briggs most actively asked questions and made remarks. Initially, one could see that he wasn't too familiar with the intricacies of patent and particularly standard-essential patent law, but he demonstrated unparalleled intellectual curiosity and understood some key issues--including the one of a potential race to the bottom (he noted that affirmance would only attract a lot of patent infringement cases to the UK on the assumption that other countries wouldn't "follow suit."

The combination of that realization with Deputy President Lord Reed's acknowledgement of the international ramifications and diplomatic dimension of the matter are two of the reasons for which I expect some kind of reversal. Also, I believe it will bear significant weight with the UK justices that U.S. judges wouldn't adjudicate foreign patents unless both parties consent to it, and some U.S. judges even declined to do so at the parties' joint request. But the UK Supreme Court's attention to detail suggests they are looking for a way to identify maybe just one seemingly small disagreement with the lower courts in order to clean up the mess without having to be too harsh on Lord Kitchin, who authored the opinion of the Court of Appeals and has meanwhile been promoted to the Supreme Court. A finding of forum non conveniens would be possible, though the fundamental issues raised by imperialistic judicial overreach weigh in favor of a broader holding than that.

That said, I don't expect the ruling to be quite so narrow that the lower courts' efforts to read the "ND" (non-discriminatory) out of "FRAND"--by letting Unwired Planet get away with a fundamentally higher royalty demand from Huawei than what Samsung once agreed to pay--would become outcome-determinative. But what the trolls' lawyer and Qualcomm's submission said about the non-discrimination part of FRAND is disconcerting, and appears likely to resurface in other cases in various jurisdictions--for an example, the Dusseldorf Higher Regional Court places great emphasis on the non-discrimination aspect of the FRAND licensing requirement. That's why I wish to express just a few thoughts on that part. In previous FRAND cases I commented on, the focus was on the FR in FRAND, but in Unwired Planet v. Huawei, discriminatory pricing is an issue.

The trolls and Qualcomm try to gut the ND part of FRAND in two ways:

  1. They argue that the ND requirement is not a hurdle in its own right, but merely a factor to be considered when looking at a set of licensing terms as a whole.

  2. In any event, the trolls argue that FRAND has its origins in antitrust law, so the ND part can only be violated if there is competitive harm as defined in that field of law.

The most natural way to understand the "A"("And") in FRAND is that it's a logical connective--as a programmer, I'd call this a logical operator (which means the same). Therefore, a licensing offer by a SEP holder to an implementer must be fair AND reasonable AND non-discriminatory. Each requirement must be satisfied; a failure to satisfy one of them is a failure to meet the FRAND requirement. Whether the "fair" adds anything (as the more common term in the U.S., prior to this decade, was "RAND") or is duplicative of "reasonable" in this context is the subject of academic debate. At least I'm not aware of any case in which a court held terms unreasonable but nevertheless fair, so I assume that "fair" sounds nice (it also gives the acronym a better flow) without raising the bar.

Not so for FR vs. ND. Those elements are distinct. There can be discrimination within a range of fair and reasonable terms; and if a party licenses some implementers at a rate below the fair and reasonable range, but then starts to demand fair and reasonable terms from others, such a behavioral change may result in discrimination. Also, terms can be applied in a non-discriminatory way, yet be too high to be deemed fair and reasonable.

No proposal was made in the course of that hearing for how a conflation of FR and ND should work without simply letting a SEP holder argue that reasonableness alone can satisfy the FRAND requirement.

Conflation is counterintuitive when considering that FR protects an implementer against overcharging while ND protects against being put at a disadvantage. Neither effect would be acceptable.

Should the court decline the invitation to read the ND out of FRAND, the trolls would at least like the justices to apply the competition law standard: there would have to be competitive harm in terms of, more or less, forcing an implementer out of the market.

While it is true that FRAND (or its syonym RAND) is an antitrust term. Professor Rafal Sikorski has looked at the origins of that concept, and found that it goes back a very long time. The first time I made a FRAND argument was not even related to patents, but at the intersection of sports governance and the commercialization of soccer broadcasting rights. Without a doubt, it's not SEP-specific terminology.

The idea that a single royalty demand is not discriminatory short of forcing someone to exit a market must be rejected for two reasons:

  • The FRAND licensing commitments made by participants in standard-setting are a proactive/pre-emptive remedy because otherwise standard-setting would be anticompetitive (as it is about powerful players sitting at a table and effectively excluding competing technologies). The standard for competition remedies is not that the failure to comply with a remedy must be proven to constitute a new antitrust violation. Implementers have a contractual right to non-discriminatory treatment. I understand that some believe this makes the ND part of FRAND more or less identical to a "most favored nation" clause, but that may just be an inevitable consequence of respecting the requirement.

  • Where (as in the vast majority of all cases) a standard is set by a group of companies, there will typically be multiple--possibly even numerous--SEP holders (even more when companies like Nokia and Ericsson engage in privateering). Whether one views the effects through the lens of competition law or that of contract law, one must not lose sight of royalty stacking. A single discriminatory royalty rate may not cause competitive harm in a strict antitrust sense--but in the combination of several license agreements that disadvantage one company, that effect may arise, and the only way to prevent discriminatory royalty-stacking is to ensure that every single license agreement is non-discriminatory.

    There are situations when one particular market participant, or a group of similarly-situated market participants, will be disadvantaged repeatedly. While FRAND-pledged SEPs weren't involved at the time, I remember how HTC was most patent holders' favorite first target among Android device makers earlier this decade. HTC was first to take an Android patent license from Microsoft--but I guess that if they hadn't, they (and not Motorola Mobility) would have been sued first. HTC was the first Android device maker Apple chose to sue (in March 2010). And there were countless other patent infringement actions others brought against HTC at the time. In my recollection they were almost always one of the defendants when patent holders brought complaints against multiple alleged infringers.

    HTC was an attractive target because it had a very significant share in the market for Android devices, but hardly any patents to defend itself (unlike Samsung--the world's #1 patent holder according to some statistics-, Motorola, which was acquired by Google shortly after threatening to leverage its patents against rival Android OEMs, or LG, which has asserted patents against others on a variety of occasions).

    If--in an alternative universe--the license deals that resulted from this had all involved SEPs (in reality, they were about non-SEPs), HTC could have ended up paying discriminatory rates in several cases. No single instance of discrimination might have satisfied the requirement of competitive harm in a strict sense, but in the aggregate HTC could have been forced out of the market.

The trolls' lawyers argue that Unwired Planet simply offered Samsung a sweet deal at the time because Unwired Planet was tight on cash--and, obviously, signing deals with major players like Samsung helps to build credibility for a portfolio. But the circumstances of the party that has to meet a FRAND obligation don't count (while different pricing may be justifiable if one licensee is financially more--or less--stable than another). It's easy to see why commercial operators like Unwired Planet would want to enjoy the flexibility to offer better deals when they need a cash infusion and then charge others more. However, if they want to do that, they need to play that game with patents that are not FRAND-encumbered. Their dire straits or their greed cannot serve to justify FRAND violations--just like one can't drive through a red traffic light only because one's car is running out of fuel.

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Friday, October 25, 2019

Judicial imperialist Birss called "madness" what is just a hypothetical consequence of patent holder's rent-seeking: Unwired Planet v. Huawei

In the England & Wales High Court's Unwired Planet v. Huawei ruling that had given rise to the four-day UK Supreme Court hearing that concluded yesterday, Mr. Justice Birss, a judicial imperialist (who wants UK courts to set FRAND licensing rates even for patents in other countries, on other continents, and--if only he could--in other solar systems or galaxies) wrote that a country-by-country resolution of standard-essential patent (SEP) licensing disputes would be "madness."

I disagree with those who believe this is a factual finding that the UK Supreme Court will have to defer to. It's not a finding of fact such as a damages determination. It's just an opinion--the opinion of an outlier judge and patent extremist.

"Madness" is a particularly absurd label in light of a simple fact: prior to that decision, no other court anywhere in the world did anything similar (there have been a few cases in which courts in one EU member state thought they could adjudicate issues relating to other EU countries, but they didn't get far), yet the industry has been able to avoid parallel SEP litigation in many countries for the most part. The only exception I remember is that--at some point earlier in this decade--Samsung was asserting SEPs against Apple in nine countries, but the dispute had started with Apple asserting non-SEPs and was not the commonplace situation in which a SEP holder just seeks to be compensated.

Most of those disputes get resolved based on a decision in one key jurisdiction, or maybe two. And rarely three. But that's about it.

Justice Birss made up a problem that never existed just so he could solve it. In his extremism he didn't merely legislate from the bench. He actually tried to conclude a global trade agreement between 200+ countries, singlehandedly. The patent system is a country-by-country system. Justice Birss is not alone in seeing the potential benefits of a unified global patent system--but he hasn't been elected to represent even a single nation on Earth, much less the 200+ countries he'd have to be authorized to speak for to achieve what he wants by allowing patent holders--including patent trolls--to leverage the threat of injunctive relief.

There's another reason for which Justice Birss's "madness" opinion is misguided. If a patent holder spends money on patent attorneys' fees, examination fees, registration/renewal fees etc. in order to obtain patents in multiple countries, why would it be unacceptable for that same patent holder to be required to prove validity, essentiality, and value on a country-by-basis unless a commercial agremeent is reached? Implementers won't want to incur the cost of unnecessary scattershot litigation around the globe--provided that a licensing offer is fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory.

It's amazing that the Supreme Court had to spend approximately 20 hours this week just listening to oral argument over this question. The U.S. Supreme Court would just have needed about one hour, and after no more than 15 minutes it would have been clear that sanity would be restored shortly after the hearing. In the UK, however, where the Supreme Court justices are addressed as "My Lord" and "My Lady," they just have a different style.

The U.S. Supreme Court has heard and decided many patent cases in recent history, so its justices are well-versed in patent law. The five-judge panel of the UK Supreme Court that heard Unwired Planet v. Huawei (consolidated with Conversant v. ZTE) this week required a whole lot of explanations, and the justices often admitted this appeal involved some terminology they weren't too familiar with.

Terminology isn't always critical (when Huawei's counsel said "Federal District," he obviously meant the Federal Circuit), but in some contexts it does make an important difference. When the reliability of any inference from a UK ruling on the validity and essentiality of a patent with a view to the value of a global portfolio came up during yesterday's closing argument, Huawei's counsel first engaged in hyperbole (he said such inference was "100% wrong and it would be a dangerous work route to go down"), but then did the very opposite and agreed with statements by Lord Briggs and Lord Hodge that overstated the reliability of such inference.

Here's the first part:

Lord Briggs: "I think it is common ground, is it not, that the concept of family relates to a single invention, to use that in a completely non-technical sense."

Mr. Howard: "Being completely non-technical it relates to the same invention, but the fact that it relates to the same invention does not lead to the conclusion that the patent of that invention in the United Kingdom and the United States and Germany and China is valid."

And shortly thereafter, the second part:

Lord Hodge: "[...] National courts do look at other experienced national patent courts as a check when they are dealing with a patent validity, patent infringement case. There is no doubt about that. But, yes, you can have a patent which is upheld in the UK but turned down in Germany.

Mr. Howard: "That is right, but you have to remember the position becomes more acute in our particular case because what you are doing in China is things might have been translated into Mandarin and as a result of that you may not have quite got it right; there are all sorts of issues that can arise. There are also different approaches. There are whole lot of issues and we can summarize them without going into detail."

What should have been made in this context is a distinction between the national parts of European patents (= EPO patents) and others. Something may get lost in translation to Mandarin, but also in translation to Finnish. The real issue is not translations. It's that unless you have multiple national parts of an EPO-granted patents, different patent offices may require the inclusion of different claim limitations before they grant a patent. So there can be significant differences in depth. Only the EPO provides a centralized examination that results in multiple national patents with identical (apart from translation) claims. Those national parts are still subject to jurisdictional differences, but at least the critical part--the claims--won't differ.

When different patents from the same family are examined by different patent offices, it could be that China granted a particular patent only in a narrower form, in which case it may not be truly essential, or in a broader form, in which case it may not be valid as granted.

Furthermore, there are derivative patents, such as divisionals and continuations. In that case, differences in scope can be even greater.

One cannot license or assert an "invention." One can license or assert patent claims. The name of the game is the claim--it's what defines the scope of the right. The discussion quoted above was meant to be "completely non-technical," but when the term "invention" comes up, technical aspects can't be avoided 100%.

After four days, the UK Supreme Court appeared very well aware of what's at stake, even in diplomatic terms--at a time when the UK may soon have to conclude a vast number of international trade agreements. It has also been made clear that this is a case of rent-seeking by patent holders trying to use the UK courts as a tool. But there is a limited risk of the justices still believing that a validity and essentiality determination on a UK patent provides a reasonably reliable basis for setting the terms of a contract involving members of the same patent family in other countries. The distinction between a patent family in the sense of multiple national parts of one EPO-granted patent and patents that were granted by different patent offices is an important one as the key non-UK jurisdiction in Unwired v. Huawei/Conversant v. ZTE is China.

The part about courts looking at decisions in other countries on related patents is for the most part just a European thing--because the national parts of an EPO patent have identical claims.

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Leveraged patent engineering meets leveraged financial engineering: Unwired Planet v. Huawei (UK Supreme Court hearing)

Many--obviously not all--policy makers and judges way overestimate the "innovation" behind standard-essential patents (SEPs). In reality, the intrinsic value of the "inventions" covered by SEPs is usually anything but impressive, and most of what licensees agree or are forced to pay for SEP licenses is due to patentees mostly capturing the value of the standard.

A rational valuation needs to focus on the commercial value of the incremental technical benefits of a claimed invention over the state of the art. That delta is all it's worth. Typically, that value is very low because there are numerous ways--sometimes practically an infinite number of them--to solve the kind of technical problem at hand, such as encoding a data stream for the purpose of radio transmission or giving priority to the handsets of first responders over regular users of a network at its capacity limit. But once a patent becomes a SEP because a particular technical solution (again, usually one of many viable options) it covers is adopted as part of a standard, all implementers of the standard need a license. Otherwise, if the patented technique hadn't made it into the standard, very few companies or maybe even none at all would pay for a license, given the availability of numerous replacements or workarounds.

It happens all the time that technically superior inventions are not adopted as part of the standard, especially because standard-setting is a horse-trading exercise along the lines of "I'll vote for some of your technical proposals today if you support some of mine tomorrow."

Those sitting at the standard-setting table aren't always true innovators. You find companies there that spends billions of dollars on research and development, and a portion of it on the kinds of techniques become part of a standard. But you also find plenty of opportunists who capitalize on their involvement in the process, and whose "engineers" don't truly invent useful things but primarily seek to anticipate where the standard-setting discussion is headed in order to file for SEPs. Those aren't engineers in a traditional R& D sense--they're practically patent engineers.

I prefer not to name examples, but I'll describe a couple without identifying them. There's a former handset maker that has massively reduced its investment in genuine R&D and is nowadays far more interested in opportunistic patenting. There's a non-producing entity that participates in standard-setting and litigates quite often, but contrary to what they claim, companies focused on making products believe that the NPE's "engineers" spend the bulk of their time just writing opportunistic patent applications.

Two researchers, Byeongwoo Kang and Rudi Bekkers, authored a paper on this subject on behalf of the Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies (ECIS), entitled "Just-in-time inventions and the development of standards: How firms use opportunistic strategies to obtain standard-essential patents (SEPs)". They examined the patenting behavior of participants in standard-setting and identified unusual filing activity around key standard-setting meetings:

"Our data reveals a strong relationship between patent timing and the occurrence of meetings. We observed a remarkable phenomenon that we call 'just-in-time-inventions': the patent intensity of about-to-become claimed essential patents is much higher during or just before these meetings than in other periods. At the same time, they are of considerably lower technical value ('merit'). This suggests that the just-in-time inventions are only beneficial to their owners, whereas for the public they merely invoke unnecessary costs. Finally, we observed that the phenomenon of just-in-time inventions is highly concentrated among specific types of firms, above all vertically integrated ones, and the incumbent champions of the previous technology standard."

Obtaining SEPs is a high-leverage form of patent engineering. The fruits of that effort are sometimes sold to non-practicing entities, which is called privateering. Yesterday, counsel for Huawei in the UK Supreme Court hearing in Unwired Planet v. Huawei (consolidated with Conversant v. ZTE) explained the business models behind those SEP assertions:

"You need to feed into the mix that these are actions by NPEs, non-practising entities, owned by private equity funds [separately, Mr. Howard clarified that there's nothing wrong with private equity and he frequently represents such firms] who see an opportunity to profit through this tactic. That is revealed -- I mean it is fairly startling. If you could go to the supplementary bundle and to Apple's intervention, [...] and what has happened, what one first got was the Unwired Planet case. Following that Conversant jumped on the band wagon against Huawei. What has given rise to the $8 billion claim against Apple and this is based upon -- so what you get is a golden ticket or a golden patent, you establish this '818 [patent] works and you then get up, gather round a whole lot of other patents and of course the owners of them, who have them in a portfolio, people like Ericsson and Nokia, would be quite happy to sell off a proportion of their patents which they have in a portfolio in order to allow this to take place where they also get part of the return [...]"

Mr. Howard also discussed specifically the strategic situation of Nokia and Ericsson, the companies that provided patents to Conversant and Unwired Planet:

"Yes, and one can infer that is what is happening in the other one. The reason -- one needs to it look at the commercial reality of this. Nokia and Ericsson have these portfolios of patents. Why are they commercially doing this? It is, when they embark on cross-licences as is what had been happening with people like Huawei, then they get a certain value but then they are getting mostly done through the cross-licensing effect, but as their interest in mobile phones has declined because they missed a trick in the market and they got overtaken by Huawei, Apple, Samsung and so on, they exploit [he means through making products] the patents less and they have an opportunity -- and this is in the evidence, the judge dealt with this -- Ericsson for instance saw this as a means to extract more money. I do not say again there is necessarily anything wrong, but what one does need to see is that this case, Unwired Planet and Conversant and the claim against Apple is all about a form of leveraged financial engineering. One should not, I would respectfully suggest, have one's blinkers on about that." (emphasis added)

A few minutes prior to the last passage I quoted, Mr. Howard named the investors behind the privateers:

"At paragraph 5 Apple explain who Unwired and Conversant are and they have brought up these patents. If you look at footnote you will see that PanOptis, which is the company that owns Unwired, is owned by funds managed by affiliates of Brevet Capital Management, a private equity company and Conversant is owned by a group of investors led by Sterling Partners, another private equity company. I am not saying there is anything wrong with private equity. Fortunately, they often send me instructions. But what I do say is that what one has to recognize is that this case is about what is perceived to be an opportunity to leverage. What is happening is the English courts' injunctive powers are being used in order to, frankly, make a nice return." (emphasis added)

If that leverage incentivized true innovation, it could still be a good deal for society at large. But for the reasons explained further above, that's not the case, at least not to the tune of $8 billion (the claim against Apple alone), which has several more zeroes than the intrinsic value of the claimed inventions--the one they'd still have it they had never made it into the standard.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

President-designate of UK Supreme Court recognized diplomatic dimension of Unwired Planet v. Huawei FRAND case

This my fourth post this week on the UK Supreme Court hearing in Unwired Planet v. Huawei (consolidated with Conversant v. ZTE). After a preview, I had reported on Apple's and Qualcomm's interventions, and on Unwired Planet's $8 billion royalty demand from Apple. Also, I'd like to recommend reading the views of the Fair Standards Alliance on the key issues in the case.

The implications of this case are huge not only for the technology industry but also from a comity-of-nations point of view. The most senior justice on the panel of five, current Deputy President of the UK Supreme Court Lord Reed (who has already been appointed to become the court's president next spring), made this clear yesterday:

"Just before you do that, just for a point of information, it has struck me in the last few minutes sitting here that the issues in this case are of such international commercial significance, and also have a certain diplomatic significance, that it is a kind of case where one might have had an intervention either from our own government, let us say the Department of Trade, or from other governments, such as the Chinese government. I do not know if the parties have notified these proceedings to any interested governments?

"It might have been useful to know what, for example, our own government thought of the idea that we should be exercising the sort of jurisdiction that you are describing."

Huawei's counsel didn't have an immediate answer, but promised to check.

In the United States, the court would have requested the views of the Solicitor General of the United States ("CVSG"). In the UK it's apparently up to the parties to notify.

In the UK, not only the Department of Trade but also HM Treasury might have been able to offer some perspective. Why should judges that are on the payroll of UK taxpayers adjudicate issues involving foreign patents (such as valuation) only because a patent holder asks for it? It doesn't make sense.

The two trolls are presented by the same lead counsel, 8 New Square's Adrian Speck. He started yesterday afternoon and had all the speaking time today. I found the things he said unimpressive and boring. The justices had some questions here and there, but it didn't appear to me that anything Mr. Speck said was too likely to be outcome-determinative.

Mr. Speck did, however, misinform the UK Supreme Court by falsely suggesting that German SEP injunction are (apart from a successful appeal) irreversible by offering to take a license on terms the court would deem FRAND. That's plain wrong. Specifically, Mr. Speck--when addressing Huawei's reference to how foreign jurisdictions handle comparable situations--made the following misrepresentation today:

"It is quite plain. If Unwired Planet and Huawei were before the German court adopting the positions that they had 16 done in this case, it is quite plain what the outcome would have been. We would have had an injunction, not limited in the way that Birss J's injunction reserves the right for Huawei to change their mind. There would be no protection for it. It would simply be enjoined. That would be the end of it. So why does my friend rely upon Germany? As I understand it, it is the recent decision in the German litigation between the parties."

What is "quite plain" is that Mr. Speck either didn't do his research or he's a liar; the former is far more likely than the latter, though there are indications that he likes to say things that are in a gray area between tactically-motivated selectivity and untruthful distortions.

German SEP injunctions simply don't have to come with the open door to accepting terms deemed by the court to be FRAND-compliant because the law provides for this anyway. It's not like Justice Birss in the UK had been more generous than his German counterparts would be; it's that it works differently in Germany, and I don't just mean the question of whether a SEP holder would get an injunction in the first place but, specifically, whether a defendant can "change mind" to avoid (further) enforcement.

In Motorola v. Apple, the Mannheim Regional Court handed down a SEP injunctions, and Apple asked the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court for a stay. This didn't work out initially, but Apple kept modifying its offer to take a license until the appeals court determined that Apple had now (though not at the time of the trial) created a situation in which further enforcement of the injunction was no longer acceptable.

While that case may have been special in some ways, German law always provides for the possibility of a "Vollstreckungsabwehrklage" ("action opposing enforcement"). When new facts render the (further) enforcement of an injunction unacceptable, such an action enables the court to evaluate the new situation and, if warranted, lift the injunction. In a SEP case, that's what would happen if the implementer made the patentee an offer to take a license on terms that the German court deems FRAND. Such terms could simply be the ones that the SEP holder offered: in order for a German court to enter a SEP injunction, the patentee's offer must be deemed FRAND-compliant.

Tomorrow will be the fourth and final day of the hearing. I was cautiously optimistic after day one, far more optimistic on and after day two, and Mr. Speck's arguments haven't changed a thing about my belief that reversal looms large, though there are psychological factors here, particularly with Lord Kitchin having authored the Unwired Planet v. Huawei opinion just before moving up to the Supreme Court, so the five justices here have to overrule a new colleague but I can't see how any other outcome would make sense. Mr. Speck referred to Lord Kitchin by name all the time (instead of just "the Court of Appeal") for that reason. But there's no reason to believe that deference to the courts below would be unlimited when so much is at the stake that the man who will soon be the UK equivalent of the U.S. Chief Justice views this as a case of international relevance and diplomatic significance.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ericsson privateer Unwired Planet seeking $8 billion from Apple over standard-essential patents, submission to UK Supreme Court says

Yesterday it became known that Apple is an intervenor (as is Qualcomm with its diametrically opposed views) in the UK Supreme Court appeal of Unwired Planet v. Huawei (consolidated with Conversant v. ZTE).

Day 2 of the hearing just started. Brick Court Chambers' Mark Howard, counsel for Huawei, came out swinging--he's more forceful today than he was yesterday, though the point he drove home on Monday that the implementer of a standard is entitled to dispute validity and infringement (an entitlement that would be vitiated by a SEP holder just being given all the leverage in a single jurisdiction to force the defendant into a global portfolio license).

Given how outrageous the lower courts' rulings in this case were, I would have expected more judges to make the kinds of statements we heard from Lady Black, who so far appears to have the best grasp at both the theoretical/dogmatic and practical levels of the case. And by now the most senior judge on the panel, Lord Reed (Deputy President of the Court) appears to have totally understood the difference between a declared-essential patent (with declarations being made even before it's clear what the ultimately-adopted standard looks like, which is but one of the various uncertainties between a declared-essential patents and an established-essential patent). This is closely related to that brilliant point I mentioned: it's not about turning SEP licensing (in my words) into an implementer's jukebox--it is, as Mr. Howard made clear yesterday, about the entitlement to dispute validity and essentiality, which involves issues on which one jurisdiction may very well reach a different conclusion from another (as has been proven in this case, where Unwired Planet is on the losing track in China so far).

Another strong point in this context was just made: "You get paid for the rights you have, not rights you assert." And that's the whole problem with portfolio-based determinations that are detached from the merits and substitute the law of the strong (strengths flowing from a single-patent, single-country injunction) for the rule of law.

A tipping point may have been reached by now, but we'll see. There will likely be some other observations to share on this second day of the hearing, but I did want to do a post early in the day because of a very important--in economic as well as legal terms--revelation.

Mr. Howard made reference to Apple's submission, and Apple itself is embroiled in litigation with Unwired Planet. That non-practicing entity is a patent privateer: it received patents from Ericsson in a transaction I once denounced as a "pseudo-sale" and is basically just serving as a licensing agency that uses the threat of, or actually brings, litigation in order to extract supra-FRAND royalties for Ericsson.

The new information is now that what Unwired Planet demands from Apple amounts to $8 billion.

If those patents are really that valuable--and it's not like Ericsson doesn't know a thing or two about cellular SEPS--, why would Ericsson have transferred them to Unwired Planet without a substantial one-time payment due upon the signing of the agreement? It's because Unwired Planet is not a regular and genuine acquirer. It's, as I just said, a licensing and litigation agent. No legal issues concerning the transaction itself or directly related to it, such as standing, are at issue in the UK case. But this is important context because it shows the policy implications of the lower courts' misguided decisions.

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Monday, October 21, 2019

Six months after settlement, Apple and Qualcomm opposing each other in UK court: interventions in Unwired Planet v. Huawei

It's been little more than six months since Apple and Qualcomm's settlement during opening statements in their San Diego FRAND/antitrust litigation. Not only is Apple, somewhat surprisingly as most settlement agreements would rule this out, still challenging the validity of some patents Qualcomm asserted in Germany, but the two companies' diametrically opposed views of what flows from a FRAND licensing obligation have resulted in interventions in the UK Supreme Court review of the Unwired Planet v. Huawei global FRAND rate case (consolidated with Conversant v. ZTE).

Apple's intervention was mentioned by Brick Court Chambers' Mark Howard (counsel for appellant Huawei) about a half-hour into the four-day hearing that began today. On LinkedIn I learned from IAM (Intellectual Asset Management) Magazine's Joff Wild that there are two other intervenors, Qualcomm and Ericsson. Given those companies' well-documented positions, it's obvious that Apple is supporting the two handset makers (Huawei and ZTE), while Qualcomm always sides with patent trolls. Ericsson tends to be very monetization-focused, too, and is the company that fed Unwired Planet with the little patent portfolio at issue in this litigation--a practice often denounced as "privateering" (or, more recently, as a "Wild West" method by a German appellate judge) and purely designed to exacerbate the problem of royalty-stacking.

There is a lot at stake in this case (for the technology industry, this is bigger than Brexit), and the panel of five justices, led by Deputy President of the Supreme Court of the UK Lord Reed, will hear argument over the course of four days--or a total of roughly 20 hours, which is about 10-20 times as long as a U.S. Supreme Court hearing in a comparable case would be. While this case involves certain questions specific to standard-essential patents (SEPs) that the UK Supreme Court must delve into, it wouldn't actually be hard to find a dispositive error. But the UK Supreme Court doesn't seem to be looking for a shortcut. They're trying to narrow the actual issue of dispute down with a jigsaw as opposed to just disposing of the case with a chainsaw. While courts at all levels, and especially top-level courts, generally seek to rule narrowly rather than broadly, there's always the risk of not seeing the forest amid all the trees.

After the first day, there is no clear indication as to what's going to happen. Huawei's counsel had all the speaking time today, and drove a few points home, but hasn't dealt the lower courts' misguided rulings a knock-out blow yet.

One circumstance that has me concerned is that Lord Justice Kitchin, who was on the appellate panel that upheld Mr. Justice Birss's reasoning, is now on the Supreme Court--not on the panel hearing this case, but he appears to seize each and every opportunity, be it a Munich conference that I attended earlier this year or a recent interview with ManagingIP magazine, to advocate affirmance instead of letting his colleagues form their own opinion without a questionable kind of attempt to influence their thinking (indirectly, as I don't presume he actually talked to them about this case).

It's hard to draw conclusions from the fact that the justices ask Huawei's counsel some tough questions--with Lord Briggs being a relentless identifier of potential self-contradiction. It does appear that for now the court is unconvinced of the need to overrule the courts below, but that doesn't mean the justices agree with the two appellees. My guess is that Unwired Planet and Conversant will face similarly tough questions. Should this assumption be wrong, then there would be a strong inclination toward affirmance.

The most important hurdle for Huawei to overcome now is to convince the justices of the distinction between a coarse and ultimately unfair path to a result that resemlbes the outcome of a real-world negotiation--and the actual, proper derivation of the terms of a license agreement from a multiplicity of patent-, product-, and party-specific parameters.

It's a fallacy--but a very dangerous one that Huawei must counter forcefully--that Justice Birss's ruling simply produced, under the threat of the enforcement of injunctive relief, what would have been the outcome of FRAND licensing negotiations between the parties. In my preview post I labeled as "primitive"--in connection with the question of estimating how many patents are truly essential to 4G--the approach of just meeting somewhere in the middle between the parties' positions (without a reasonably sophisticated analysis of why both parties are equally off base, though quite often one party is further from the truth than the other). But even if the methodology had not been quite so blatantly unsophisticated, the biggest problem is an approach that comes down to "it only takes one bullet to kill": if just one patent from a portfolio has been proven, the enforcement of an injunction kills a product or, depending on how important a market is, potentially even an entire company.

The justices made some statements today that suggested they believe a SEP holder has already proven that its portfolio as a whole has a market value relative to the number of declared-essential patents in it after only proving a single declared-essential patent--in a single jurisdiction--to be valid and to actually read on the standard. That's plain wrong. It means to focus in the most superficial terms on the result--which most of the time is a global portfolio license--rather than the proper derivation.

A single success in just one venue may very well be attributable to circumstances that cannot be replicated elsewhere --maybe not even with other patents from the same family (as there are jurisdictional differences), but certainly not with respect to patents from other families. It's a bad idea to turn such a one-hit wonder into a lucky punch that lets the winner take it all.

"It only takes one bullet to kill" is right when injunctions are enforced. But it's just not true that, absent an unwarranted enforcement of injunctive relief, parties immediately agree on a license agreement based on the number of declared-essential patents in a portfolio just because one of those patents is deemed valid and infringed. The number of actually-essential patents--lethal bullets in that analogy--does make a difference. Over the years I've watched case in which parties needed to prevail in court on multiple SEPs before the dispute settled. Patent holders like to call his "holdout," but there may be very legitimate reasons for which an implementer is not persuaded by sheer portfolio size.

Huawei's counsel had his strongest moment when he responded to a question from a justice with the clarification that the possibility of the scope of a license being less than a global portfolio license does not mean that the implementer gets to call the shots. No, it's simply that the implementer is entitled to dispute the validity and essentiality of the patent (and to possibly raise other defenses, such as equitable ones). The implementer is, however, deprived of this entitlement if a SEP holder can use leverage in a single jurisdiction to coerce a settlement that precludes the implementer from disputing validity and/or essentiality in one or more other jurisdictions.

That entitlement wasn't abolished by the CJEU's Huawei v. ZTE ruling. But that leads us to the other point I wish to make (as there'll be opportunities on the following days to look at this case from more angles): I got the impression that the UK courts--at all three levels--are influenced far too strongly by that Huawei v. ZTE decision and the idea that FRAND goes both ways (though the reciprocal-license requirement in an ETSI FRAND declaration is irrelevant to this, and Lady Black made a very important when she stressed that the FRAND undertaking estops the declarant, but does not prevent the implementer from disputing validity and infringement). Brexit hasn't happened yet, so CJEU rulings can still govern UK cases, but what needs to be considered is that Huawei v. ZTE came from Germany, a jurisdiction that doesn't distinguish between legal and equitable remedies. But UK law does give judges more discretion with respect to the grant of injunctive relief. Huawei v. ZTE may be the only line of defense (until Germany finally brings its national patent law into compliance with the IPR enforcement directive of the EU) for a company held to infringe a SEP. It's an antitrust defense. In the UK, however, courts don't even need to resort to antitrust law in order to find that a patent holder--in this case, one that doesn't make any products--can simply be made whole with money, even if it may take a couple of rounds of litigation to get there.

The ruling that is being reviewed here does not contain a proper derivation of a result from the starting parameters. In this case, as Huawei's counsel outlined, the major market is China, as is the place of manufacturing, and Unwired Planet has already lost multiple patents there and may end up having failed to prove the infringement of a single valid patent. In such cases, a real-world defendant will, in the absence of judicial imperialism, base its negotiating position largely on the parties' positions of strength and weakness in the most relevant jurisdiction.

It was British understatement when Huawei's counsel said toward the end of the first hearing day that the UK wouldn't be a major patent litigation venue in the smartphone industry (except in the event of affirmance) as it is neither where those phones are manufactured nor the place where most of them are sold. The UK market isn't small or poor, and many parties have litigated there (such as by seeking declaratory judgment of invalidity) just to be handed decisions that would serve as persuasive authority in other countries, such as Germany. And one can submit UK rulings in many other jurisdictions even without having to translate them (while translation costs are a non-issue, it's always preferable to present an original decision).

There would be "demand" for UK patent rulings. The question is not whether the UK would be a very significant patent jurisdiction. It's whether it wants to compete in a race to the bottom with other jurisdictions by giving patent holders undue leverage, just to become Ground Zero for SEP litigation. Even if that panned out, it wouldn't last long because some other country would sooner or later offer SEP holders an even "better deal" (better for plaintiffs, but worse from a public-interest point of view).

This first day could have gone better, and I'd have expected more visible headway for Huawei already, but I still can't imagine the UK Supreme Court would uphold a decision that is, to put it diplomatically, not conducive to the reputation of that jurisdiction on the world stage.

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Judicial imperialist Birss rewound 3,000 years to crown himself King Solomon of FRANDland--dethronement is nigh: Unwired Planet v. Huawei

First things first: CONGRATULATIONS to now-Lord Justice Richard Arnold, who was sworn in a few days ago as a new IP judge at the UK Court of Appeal. For the time being, Justice Colin Birss is now the only (at least the only well-known) patent-specialized judge at the court below, the England & Wales High Court (EWHC). Some thought Justice Birss was going to be promoted sooner, but Lord Justice Arnold, whom I listened to earlier this year, is far more likely to bring balance to the appeals court.

Who knows--maybe the decision-makers read Justice Birss's Unwired Planet v. Huawei ruling, which came down to letting a SEP holder enforce an injunction only because the defendant declined to enter into a global (as opposed to UK-specific) portfolio license on terms dictated by the UK court, is not just an outlier. It was and, until overruled, continues to be outrageous. If considered, that one would have done nothing to boost his chances. But what's easily ten times worse is that the UK Court of Appeal affirmed it.

The next four days--Monday through Thursday--the Supreme Court of the UK, which granted the equivalent of a cert petition by Huawei, will hold a hearing that is the last chance to dissuade the UK judiciary from going further down Disaster Road.

Unlike in the U.S. or Germany, where hearings by the top court for patent infringement cases are focused on narrow legal questions and take only a couple of hours, the Supreme Court of the UK will look at this in great depth and from many angles. While Unwired Planet is where things went awry first, that appeal was consolidated with Conversant v. ZTE.

Huawei has more than one potential way of winning. For an example, the grant of an injunction was reversible error simply because Unwired Planet was found not to have made a FRAND-compliant offer--enough of a reason under the CJEU's Huawei v. ZTE framework to deny injunctive relief. And he reads the "ND" part out of "FRAND" (or at least applies it in antitrust--not contractual--terms). But the two most fundamental--and interrelated--questions are whether a UK court should coerce a defendant into a global portfolio license at all, and even if that was considered a possibility under some circumstances, whether that would even apply in a case like this: Huawei generates only about 1% of its worldwide sales in the UK, making the choice of venue nothing but (extreme) forum shopping on Unwired Planet's part.

Apart from patent monetization-centric companies like Qualcomm, Ericsson (which fed Unwired Planet with patents), and Nokia (which sold patents to Conversant), the technology industry at large stands behind Huawei and ZTE. The last case of a similar profile in which everyone I talked to hoped for reversal by the highest court was the design patent damages (to the extent of unapportioned disgorgement) Apple v. Samsung case.

In January 2015, Justice Birss himself was still on the right track in Vringo v. ZTE:

"I could see a very different circumstance if Vringo had made a FRAND offer for the [UK patent-in-suit] itself and that offer had not been accepted. Then an injunction might well follow. In that sort of case, unlike the one based on the global portfolio licence, the threat of the injunction, which is after all a territorial remedy, would not be being used to create some sort of international coercion or coercion about other patent rights." (emphases added)

Between that sensible holding, a subsequent occasion on which he reiterated that view, and the Unwired Planet v. Huawei mess, Justice Birss--one of many European judges who are anxious to see the Unified Patent Court put in place at long last--radicalized himself and went off the deep end.

It's a longstanding principle of patent law that it confers territorial rights. Even if multiple patents belong to the same patent family as they share an original specification and its priority date, a British patent is not a U.S. patent is not a Chinese patent.

With "coercion," Justice Birss, prior to his self-radicalization, was spot-on. While his Unwired Planet v. Huawei ruling doesn't formally order Huawei to enter into a global portfolio license agreement, that's simply the net effect unless Huawei would prefer to just exit the UK market. Unwired Planet's enforcement of the injunction would serve the purpose of what would otherwise (in the event of a court ordering specific performance) be contempt sanctions--very draconian ones in this case.

It's not in the interest of justice to let a court in one country simply presume the validity and infringement of patents in another jurisdiction, given that patent law does differ. In a decade of watching patent infringement cases closely, I've seen many situations in which patents from the same family fared differently not just because of judges taking different views (that happens even within the same jurisdiction all the time, especially with patent cases) but for venue-specific reasons. For an example, I've seen parties raise prior use defenses in Germany, and what they presented had (to have) happened only in Germany. I've seen prior art being deemed eligible in one jurisdiction but not in another, simply based on whether something one could find in a particular unversity library wasn't deemed public knowledge elsewhere.

It's disrespectful of other jurisdictions to adjudicate what they should rule on. This is called comity of nations. It's also an issue in connection with antisuit injunctions, a topic Professor Jorge Contreras touches on in his new paper, "The new extraterritoriality: FRAND ryoyalties, anti-suit injunctions and the global race to the bottom in disputes over standard-essential patents." Violating that principle has been described as "judicial imperialism," which appears to have become Justice Birss's school of thought.

The fact that Justice Birss set a global base royalty rate with a potential for further increases based on the status of local SEPs held by the same party doesn't solve the problem that Unwired Planet might simply not be entitled to a single cent in some places (or, if not to nothing, to much less than what Justice Birss determined).

Justice Birss based his coercive approach on the fact that real-world negotiations typically result in global portfolio licenses. But even when a court of law analyzes what would or might happen in the real world, a court will never have the full breadth of options available that private parties do when they negotiate with each other. There must be limits as to what can be imposed on someone against his will.

Paragraph 377 of Justice Birss's decision is a textbook example of a fundamentally flawed approach to an important question of fact: the number of relevant SEPs (i.e., SEPs reading on the cellular standards at issue in the case), as the question of how much Unwired Planet is entitled should not lead to an aggregate royalty on everyone's SEPs that would be excessive royalty-stacking:

"The number for 4G handsets [proposed by Huawei] is 1812 and is much too high. The corresponding number in [Unwired Planet's proposal] is 355 but that number is much too low if it is to represent all Relevant SEPs. I think both values are out by about a factor of two. Half of 1812 is 906 while twice 355 is 710. Splitting the difference takes one to 800. Standing back, about 800 is fair and in my judgment an appropriate figure for the pool of 4G/LTE patents. Applying that as the denominator in a fraction to determine the share S which Unwired Planet’s patents represent from the pool gives 6/800 = 0.75%." (emphasis added)

Give me a break. The part I highlighted simply assumes that justice is served by assuming either party exaggerated by a factor of two, just in opposite directions.

There's nothing there that supports either the finding that one number is too high (other than the reasonable assumption that a SEP holder obviously benefits from a lower number (because then the share is higher) and a defendant conversely would like it to be high.

This. Is. Primitive.

It might be the way that a kindergarten teacher resolves a dispute between two children. Hopefully, those kids will acquire greater analytical skills when they grow up.

A similar approach may have been deemed wise in the case of the Judgment of Solomon (whether or not that story actually happened). But nowadays motherhood could be determined based on a DNA test instead of threatening to cut a baby in half. For FRAND rates, there are studies, and there are expert witnesses.

There have been roughly 3,000 years of legal evolution since Solomon's era. Justice Birss, a patent zealot, chose to rewind those three millennia. Now there's only one time machine that can put us all back into the 21st century: the Supreme Court of the UK will hopefully--and I'm very optimistic--dethrone this self-crowned King Solomon of FRANDland.

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Friday, July 19, 2019

Vestager serves Qualcomm a double whammy for dessert: second EU antitrust fine in as many years

The term of the Juncker Commission is nearing its end, and while I'm far from enthusiastic about his successor, I'm relieved that neither that conservative-in-name-only Weber nor "Poor Man's Bernie" (Timmermans, who's less reasonable than the real Senator Sanders) got the top job. However, my preference among reasonably likely candidates would have been Margrethe Vestager, the EU's competition commissioner, as I made clear on social media, despite disagreeing with some parts of her regulatory activism, such as the "state aid" case against Ireland and certain aspects of the Android case.

Last year I wrote that Qualcomm "won" the "Antitrust Grand Slam" when the European Commission joined the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and a couple of Asian regulators in fining Qualcomm. The Commission imposed a fine of €997 million ($1.2 billion) over exclusionary conduct in the years 2011-2016 when Apple was precluded from sourcing baseband chipsets from Qualcomm's competitors such as Intel. That exclusive dealing is one of the four counts on which the U.S. FTC defeated Qualcomm in court this year (my previous post discussed some support Qualcomm got for its motion for an enforcement stay).

Yesterday's fine, based on a supplemental Statement of Objections that came down in July 2018, amounts to "only" 242 million euros (272 million U.S. dollars), so it now got a "double whammy" from the EU. The latest one is about predatory pricing. At first sight, that's counterintuitive. We all know that the allegations usually brought against Qualcomm, besides exclusive dealing, are all about maximizing revenues even in the very short term, not just for the long haul. However, we have to keep in mind that Qualcomm is not just "a monopoly" (in the sense of U.S. antitrust law; over in the EU, this is called "market dominance"), but a dual monopoly: its SEP portfolio bestows monopolistic rights (not only on Qualcomm but also on any other patent holder, provided at least one patent in a portfolio is truly standard-essential), as does its position in certain segments of the chip market, and those monopolies are mutually-reinforcing as a result of Qualcomm's practices.

So even if Qualcomm (now quoting an EU Commission statement) "sold certain quantities of three of its UMTS chipsets below cost to Huawei and ZTE, two strategically important customers, with the intention of eliminating Icera, its main rival at the time in the market segment offering advanced data rate performance," it doesn't mean that phones became cheaper or that Qualcomm lost money on those devices in the short term. Much to the contrary, we can assume that Qualcomm was able to easily afford price dumping on those low-end chipsets because it would impose its patent tax on those devices anyway (even if those device makers had used non-Qualcomm chips).

Having said that, the second EU antitrust fine imposed on Qualcomm during Mrs. Vestager's first term is perfectly consistent with findings by various antitrust regulators around the globe, and with Judge Koh's landmark ruling.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Supreme Court of the UK grants Huawei's petition to appeal lower court's claim to global FRAND jurisdiction in Unwired Planet case

Generally, the UK enjoys an excellent reputation as a jurisdiction for patent infringement and validity cases. But no UK patent ruling has ever been even remotely as controversial as Justice Colin Birss's 2017 holding in Unwired Planet v. Huawei that an injunction should issue against an implementer of a standard-essential patent (SEP) who declines to take a global portfolio license from a patent holder (in this case, a privateer asserting mostly former Ericsson patents). Justice Birss's fundamentally flawed thinking was that only because SEP holders and SEP implementers in practice typically agree on worldwide portfolio licenses, Huawei was an unwilling licensee because it refused to take a worldwide portfolio license in order to avert a UK injunction over a single SEP deemed valid and infringed--never mind that Huawei generates only a tiny percentage of its global sales (maybe 1% or so) in the UK.

There's nothing wrong with companies agreeing on all sorts of things voluntarily. The problem here is that Justice Birss's approach would effectively force companies (unless they can just forego UK revenues for some time) to let a UK court set a global FRAND rate (in order to determine whether a company is or is not a willing licensee). Under that line of reasoning, UK courts would assume jurisdiction over, U.S., German or even Vietnamese patents, without being equipped to actually assess whether the courts in those jurisdictions would, under applicable national law, deem a given patent valid and infringed (or what they would consider a FRAND royalty under their antitrust or contract laws).

While the name of the England & Wales High Court (EWHC) suggests otherwise, it's actually the lowest court for UK patent cases. But, shockingly, the Court of Appeal of England & Wales upheld Justice Birss's global FRAND determination in October 2018.

Huawei filed a petition to appeal with the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. Such a PTA is the same in the UK as a petition for writ of certiorari (colloquially, "cert petition") filed with the U.S. Supreme Court. It's not a given that the highest court of the land will take a look at a case.

In this particular case, I was very optimistic, simply because the question of extraterritorial jurisdiction is the proverbial issue for a country's top court to consider. And indeed, on April 11, the Supreme Court of the UK granted Huawei's petition, as the court's press office confirmed to me today (click on the image to enlarge; this post continues below the image):

The really important issue here is the one that first came up in Unwired Planet v. Huawei. But the Supreme Court of the UK decided, for good reason, to treat the Conversant Wireless cases (defendants: Huawei and ZTE) as related cases for the purposes of a Supreme Court review. The whole package has now been granted cert.

About a week before the Supreme Court of the UK made this decision, a former judge of the UK Court of Appeal who has meanwhile been appointed to the UK Supreme Court, Lord Kitchin, defended the decisions of the two lower courts at a Munich conference (where Judge James L. Robart of the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington noted that U.S. courts simply don't rule on foreign patents, citing one case in which a U.S. district court declined to do so even though both parties asked for a determination involving a foreign patent.

Lord Kitchin is not among the three Supreme Court judges hearing the case now. Chances are, however, that the "evangelism" he conducted at the Munich conference may also take place in London, in whatever shape or form.

The Supreme Court will likely hold a hearing in the fourth quarter.

I'm going to follow the Supreme Court proceedings closely and will also try to attend the hearing. This is about an extremely important FRAND-related issue. I hope the UK, as a patent jurisdiction, will regain everyone's total respect when all is said and done in this context.

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