Showing posts with label Listening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Listening. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Some Randomness!

Here are some random ideas from the past few weeks....

So, I have a REALLY challenging bunch of firsties. Lots of behaviour issues, so we spend a lot of time practicing behaviours and expectations. One thing we did this week is talk about being a good listener. I read this book:

Then I showed the students this picture of a student. I got the clipart from here, put the image on my projector, and traced/coloured it. I asked the students what they noticed about this boy and how was he being a good listener at the carpet. I taped the cards to the poster as the students noticed those things. One student said his brain was thinking about what was going on. I thought that was super cute so I added it to my list of cards! If you would like the labels you can download them here. I keep this poster by the carpet area all the time so I can refer back to it everyday!

Today was our school-wide Terry Fox Run (for all you Canadian followers). My little ones did really good with the 45 minute walk to the park. They were a TEENSY bit tired on the way back though! Yesterday we talked about who Terry Fox was and why we do the run every year. There is a really good video about Terry Fox on YouTube. Click the picture for the link!

I found this sneaker activity on Scholastic (download here). We each decorated a sneaker and cut them out to show our support for the Terry Fox Run. They look pretty good up there all together!

I loved this management idea from First Grade Glitter and Giggles. My first graders are always asking "Can I use markers?" or "What do I do first?" I have a label for all the supplies we use and put them up in order of which supplies I want them to use first. Feel free to download the label cards here. Just laminate and stick some magnetic tape on the back!

American spelling of "color" can be downloaded {here}.

Here is another behaviour management ideas... I had A LOT of tattling going on the first few weeks. So I read the book "How to Be a Friend" by Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brown. We talked about ways to be a friend and ways to NOT be a friend. We did some role playing with some common conflicts (name calling, not sharing, cutting in line, etc.) Then we talked about the plan:

 1. Stop what is going on.
2. Talk about the problem.
"I don't like it when you _______."
3. Fix it!

  Download the pictures and signs here.

All I need to do now is say, "Stop, Talk, Fix!" and they know that they have to try and solve their own conflict!

Well, that's all I have for tonight! To come tomorrow.... Math Stations - Set 1!

Good night, everybody!