So recently, a bunch of house sparrows have been eating my grass and garden seeds I had put down for late fall planting. Finally I got pissed off enough to make a bird trap. I've been super busy with my most recent real estate purchase, so I cut some corners. However, it turned out nicely and worked well.
How to Build a Live Bird Trap
1. Make the basket. I used a shopping basket.
2. Make a balance stick that looks like a 7. Place a notch in the right place and angle the bottom.
3. Make a stick to put into the ground and on top of which the balance stick will rest.
4. Find a wishbone type stick for the trigger.
All of this requires a little finagling in order to get the right sizes and shapes of sticks.
How to Set Trap
This part is a little tricky. Notice the shim board I used as a post. I forced it into the ground for stability. The balance stick (backward 7) is balanced on the post. The top holds up the basket, and the bottom holds the trigger. The trigger wedged at the back of the basket. Weight of the basket puts force on the trigger. When a bird steps on the trigger, the basket falls.
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