Remember Valleyschwag, the site that sent you a monthly package of promotional material from hot startups? The idea is back with Startup Threads Monthly, which sends you a monthly t-shirt from a startup. So far, it has included Boxee, Twilio, Reddit, and BreadPig.
I'm in love with these Des Kiraz t-shirts that come packaged like collector's items in a box like a video game. From the artists Boros and Szikszai, they come in titles like The Battle of Yankee Stadium and Motorcade 9/11. I bought CVH-95 Coney Island which includes flying tigers, exploding ice cream trucks, and of course bad ass psychos on motorcycles.
Your favorite new t-shirts for the next five minutes: Novel-T. I like Prynne and Poe.
I asked for a DON DRAPER IS NOT BORED t-shirt, and of course someone made one.
Your favorite tshirt for the next five minutes: Oxygen 65%, Carbon 18%, Hydrogen 10%, Nitrogen 3%, Calcium 1.5%, Phosphorus 1%, Potassium .25%, Sulfur .25%, Sodium .15%, Chlorine .15%, Magnesium .05%, Iron .006%, Flourine .0037%, Silicon .002%, Rubidium .00046%, etc. Guess who?
NY Mag: A strangely detailed manifesto about the materials and techniques that go into t-shirts today. "How does a new T-shirt feel instantly familiar? The patina of age is a good start. It not only softens shirts and makes them comfortable, it lends them the aura of uniqueness." And so forth.
Know Your Meme t-shirts. This is how 4chan could have become cash-positive years ago. [via]
Finally, a way for you to make money off your incisive Twitter commentary! Twitshirt. You get 1 frogskin for every Tweet turned into a tee. START COUNTING YOUR CASH NOW!
I'd wear this, once anyway: Sarah & Todd & Track & Bristrol & Willow & Piper & Trig & Levi. A search engine for t-shirts.
A list of 143 t-shirt blogs. Afternoon, you are dead to me.
Thinking about buying this tee just to start random debates: "Design Is Honest. Advertising Is Lying." [via]
NYT story on the CNN t-shirts. Says that the highest-selling shirt so far has been the "Obama Makes History" headline. See also: Not a CNN T-Shirt, But Should Be.
When's the last time you were in a Gap? Me either. There's a new Whitney-curated t-shirt line though, with artists like Chuck Close, Jeff Koons, Kiki Smith, Barbara Kruger, Kenny Scharf, and so forth contributing. Some ain't bad. Buy.
Sans-Serif. Nerds.
HILLARY GTFO. Dot-com. Plus t-shirt.
Tee: #000000 POWER. [via]
Price markdown on the "Nobody Reads My Blog" t-shirt.
The Being John Malkovich of t-shirts: [via]
It looks like has fixed the hack. (With a javascript redirect? Somebody is gonna rehack that.)
Apparently it's t-shirt day here at Fimoc... but first, a little factoid for you to throw around at dance parties: Prince, Madonna, and Michael Jackson are all turning 50 this year. And they're all from the Great Lakes region. Holy fuck, time to make a t-shirt.
OMFG. See this? It's a new icon on It appears next to headlines in the "Latest News" module. It is an invitation to buy a t-shirt with that headline on it. This is the end of everything.
Update#1: Andy noticed you can hack the url to make your own. Update #2: Store and FAQ. Update #3: I wrote about t-shirts as media in Wired a year ago, so maybe I'm to blame. Update #4: Gawker is doing an offensive headline writing contest.
For Twins fans: Spirit of '87. [via]
Busted Tees added posters. That's it, college is totally uncool again.
Jennifer Baumgardner, a fellow Fargonian (it's true!), made some press earlier this week for a t-shirt that reads "I Was Raped."
Rumplo is a new-ish t-shirt aggregator. You've seen many of them before, but I'm eyeing Media Is Murder, Huge Type Looks Sweet, Ampersand, and Design is Honest; Advertising is Lying.
Facebook tees. Meh. (See also: Facebook's Death Spiral Has Begun. That's drastic!) [via]
Well, sure, of course I'm going to link to this: Venture Capital Wear. Most of the tees are dumb, but if you get seduced by their 10-slide vc pitch you can buy the whole company for $100K.
Diesel Sweeties: IT'S COMPLICATED.
io9: Kevin Kelly writes about where to get great sci-fi tshirts. Also noted: new FTW tee.
If you read this site, you probably remember the original John & Paul & Ringo & George t-shirt. And you've probably noticed all the variations (homages, rip-offs, etc).
The two previous tees from The T-Shirt Project (which you might recall creates shirts around current events) were about Myanmar and the NYC midtown steam explosion. The third one is about the falling American dollar.
More Venn Diagram tees, these from Indexed. [via]
Tshirts + Venn Diagrams + Music Elitism = Music I Used To Like.
There's a sale on $10 Threadless tees through mid-December. I recommend Movies: Ruining the Book since 1920.
Although I mentioned it a few months back, it's worth pointing to this week's NYT Mag's "Consumed" column on one of my favorite creations of the year, Last Exit To Nowhere, which creates t-shirts for fictional places.
Impress your globally-conscious friends with this one: Trouble in Myanmar t-shirt. Btw, not to take undue credit, but I wonder if The T-Shirt Project ("We diagram the news on shirts") was influenced by my t-shirts as media piece in Wired. [via]
New Gawker tee: It's Not Whoring If You Do It For Free.
Remember the great Justice video with the morphing t-shirt? Now here's the t-shirt to buy.
T-shirt of the year: That's what she twittered.
People have been asking me for new t-shirt links, but I've been feeling bored with them. It seems the best we can do lately is "Helvetica" tees not in Helvetica. Ha. That said, I'm really into this one right now, probably because it's even less funny. It's so dumb that it sorta seems to be critiquing the entire history of witty, ironic t-shirts. Gnome sayin? [via]
Gelf on Anti-PC T-shirts. Same guy wrote Irony, to a T a few months ago.
Threadless now has brick and mortar store. Lincoln Park area of Chicago. [via]
This is pretty much my definition of genius: Last Exit To Nowhere makes t-shirts for fictional places and companies. Includes such wonderful items as The Overlook Hotel (The Shining), Amity Island (Jaws), Ludovico Technique (Clockwork Orange), Tyrell Corporation (Blade Runner), Polymer Records (Spinal Tap), Bazookos Circus (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), Devil's Tower (Close Encounters), Cahulawassee (Deliverance), and many more.
Military types are into ironic t-shirts too: Warning: they're pretty horrible.
DesignedByHumans is the new Threadless killer. [via]
This week's NYT Mag "Consumed" column is on Threadless. Though it seems impossible that anyone would dredge up anything new to say, there's actually a little bit here on online communities, with snippets on how celebrity designers have emerged and how ratings counter-intuitively yield designs.
Vote on the next set of Gawker tees. Lindsayism wants you to vote on hers: (Full Disclosure: I Know Everyone.)
Skeletees. Anatomically correct t-shirts of the skeletal, muscular, digestive, or nervous systems.
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." -Ezekiel 23:20
Alright, who's fucking with me? A music video set inside a t-shirt? That's practically a mashup of my brain.
Karl Long of has set up a "Digg for T-shirts" called Tdigger.
Battlestar Galactica tee: I Only Look Human.
I don't even live in L.A., but I want this tee.
It's been years since I linked to a Threadless tee, so forgive me: This Is Not A Pipe (Mario Style).
Alright girls, you get t-shirt links, too. Locher's is a Paris-based boutique offering shirts with discreet phrases like "No Time To Fuck," "Good Luck, Motherfucker," "I Love Porn," "I Hate Children," "Will Fuck For Shoes," and "Sorry Darling, Good Girls Don't Swallow." [via my naughty girl]
More Meh.
A photoset of geek shirts at SXSW. Um yeah, I'm in two of them.
1-31-07: Never Forget. "I'm sorry, that's not a question about haircuts."
T-shirt: Marmaduke is an Asshole. [via]
Someone asked me the other day why I don't post t-shirt links anymore. The answer: because I buy them all, and I don't want to run into you wearing my goddamn cool t-shirt. But I'm letting you have the newest Gawker tee: I Hate Your Kids.
T-shirt of the year: Say 'Blogosphere' Again.
T-shirt: Corporate Blogs Still Suck.
Corporate Hack has some good corporate strategy satire t-shirts (never thought there was such a thing, didja?).
Those elegant bachelors at Aesthetic Apparatus are getting into the t-shirt biz: Mister Hip-Hop. And I've seen the preview to a "Death Kitty" tee that will rock your socks off.
My pal Taylor sent me this t-shirt link with a note saying he just found my x-mas gift. Gosh, I'm transparent and shallow. But clever! (And at least I don't have to wear this t-shirt.)
The best architecture t-shirt in the world.
T-Shirt: Save Frances Bean. (See also: Courtney is sober and ready for a comeback. Uh-huh, me too.)
Khoi's new typeface tee: Fear of a Cooper Black planet.
Lists plus t-shirts? I'm in heaven.
McSweeney's: Acceptable and Unacceptable Toddler T-Shirt Slogans. "Not quite getting this whole 'MILF' phenomenon."
Plug in your URL and get a custom tag could t-shirt:
Graphic Equalizer T-Shirt. Supposedly actually animated based on ambient audio.