AI: In Depth

AI In Depth, presents a guide through the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence in government. With Congress contemplating new legislation to appoint Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers (CAIOs) across federal agencies, it's evident that many agencies are already ahead of the game. Numerous pilot projects and AI initiatives are already underway, showcasing the innovative ways in which AI is being harnessed to drive efficiency and effectiveness. In this series, Francis Rose dives deep into the AI efforts making waves.

Tune in September 10 at 8:30PM EST

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Zero Trust: In Depth

"Zero Trust: In Depth" is a comprehensive exploration of the zero trust security model within the federal government, featuring insights from government and industry leaders. The program highlights the significant strides and challenges in implementing zero trust architectures in agencies such as DHS, CISA, DoD, and the Department of Labor.

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Cicero famously orated against his political opponent Lucius Sergius Catilina. Occasionally the first Oration against Catiline is taken for type specimens.

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