Hi Friends! I stumbled across an amazing little modern nursery on Facebook last week and have been chomping at the bits to share it with you! Designed and transformed by fellow mom Myla, this modern made nursery is nothing short of a work of art! With a beautifully designed chalkboard wall setting the stage, Myla added budget friendly decor and furniture that coordinated perfectly with the theme. The monochromatic tone with pops of orange is the perfect way to create a bright yet soothing space to bring baby home to. I can't say enough about this modern yet playful baby oasis so I'll let the photos do the talkin'!
Crib: Wayfair
Black & White Striped Rug: Overstock
Teepee: Hobby Lobby (**don't forget to use your 40% off coupon)
Dresser: Ikea
Fox Stuffed Animal: JelllyCat
Stuffed Raccoon: Target
2 Stuffed Animal Fox: Target
Oversized Raccoon Pillow: H&M Home
Mathematic Throw Pillow: Ikea
Orange Throw Pillow: Ikea (DIY Stenciled: "shhhhhh.")
Orange Ottoman: Thrift Upcycle By Myla
Mobile: DIY
"Clever Fox" Print: DIY
Black and White Striped Throw: Ikea
Various Prints: Etsy
Showing posts with label Black and White Nursery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black and White Nursery. Show all posts