Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast 2015 Episode 5

It's time for episode 5 of the Fangs for the Fantasy podcast! We continue our critical analysis of the genre in all it's many forms, all through our social justice lens

We're going to look at Walking Dead, Bitten, Constantine, Vampire Diaries and no doubt many more shows - as well as the books we've read including our book of the week.

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

This week we discuss The Walking Dead, Z Nation, Bitten, Constantine, Vampire Diaries, Helix

We also look at the treatment of marginalised people in Dystopians.

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

2nd February - 9th February: The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr
9th February - 16th February: Fury’s Kiss by Karen Chance
16th February - 23rd February: Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop
23rd February - 2nd March: Dark Debt by Chloe Neil
2nd March - 9th March: Fury's Kiss by Karen Chance
9th March - 16th March: Ash by Malinda Lo

Monday, February 2, 2015

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast 2015, Episode 4

It's time for episode 3 of the Fangs for the Fantasy podcast! We continue our critical analysis of the genre in all it's many forms, all through our social justice lens

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

This week we discuss Sleepy Hollow, Vampire Diaries, 12 Monkeys, Helix.

We also discuss netflix and the growing diversity of media and diversity as a selling point as well as tokenism.

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

26th January - 2nd February: A Lady Integrity by Shelly Adina
2nd February - 9th February: The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr
9th February - 16th February: Fury’s Kiss by Karen Chance
16th February - 23rd February: Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop
23rd February - 2nd March: Dark Debt by Chloe Neil
2nd March - 9th March: Fury's Kiss by Karen Chance

Monday, January 26, 2015

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast 2015, Episode 3

It's time for episode 3 of the Fangs for the Fantasy podcast! We continue our critical analysis of the genre in all it's many forms, all through our social justice lens

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

This week we look at the season finale of Lost Girl, American Horror Story, The Librarians (on which Renee is totally wrong), Resurrection. We also discuss The Returned (US) and the terrible appropriation in Grimm, Sleepy Hollow and the terribleness of Katrina.

We also discuss lack of LGBT characters in our current shows and the cancellation of In the Flesh

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

Like all  the Fangs for the Fantasy podcast(archives here) we read a book and discuss it on the show. 

19th January - 26th January: Unbound by Jim C Hines
26th January - 2nd February: A Lady Integrity by Shelly Adina
2nd February - 9th February: The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr
9th February - 16th February: Fury’s Kiss by Karen Chance
16th February - 23rd February: Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop
23rd February - 2nd March: Dark Debt by Chloe Neil

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast 2015, Episode 2

It's time for episode 2 of the Fangs for the Fantasy podcast! We continue our critical analysis of the genre in all it's many forms, all through our social justice lens

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

This week we discuss the new show 12 Monkeys, Resurrection, Leftovers, Helix, Grimm.

We also discuss meta and the need for overarching plot and "Enigma Shows" and the use of religious themes in Urban Fantasy

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

Like all  the Fangs for the Fantasy podcast(archives here) we read a book and discuss it on the show. 

12th January - 19th January: The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde
19th January - 26th January: Unbound by Jim C Hines
26th January - 2nd February: A Lady Integrity by Shelly Adina
2nd February - 9th February: The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr
9th February - 16th February: Fury’s Kiss by Karen Chance
16th February - 23rd February: Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop

Monday, January 12, 2015

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast 2015, Episode 1

It's time (after a brief technological interlude) for our first podcast of the New Year! We will continue to examine Urban Fantasy in it's many forms through our social justice lens - with some praise, lots of snark and occasional mermaid jokes!

We looked at The Librarians movies, The Librarians series, Helix, Constantine, Lost Girl, Sleepy Hollow (and all that is wrong with Katrina), American Horror Story

And series we just want to die: American Horror Story, Vampire Diaries, Under the Dome, The Strain.

We're also stunned that Beauty and the Beast is renewed.

Our books of the week were Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews and Dark Currents by Jacqueline Carey

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

For those reading along, our next few books of the week are below (we occasionally have to exchange them due to unforseen availability problems or new releases)

22nd December - 5th January: Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
5th January - 12th January: Dark Currents by Jacqueline Carey
12th January - 19th January: The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde
19th January - 26th January: A Storm of Swords by George R R Martin
26th January - 2nd February: A Lady Integrity by Shelly Adina
2nd February - 9th February: The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr

Monday, December 22, 2014

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast: 2014, Episode 27

It's time for this week's episode of Fangs for the Fantasy podcast - this is the last podcast before the Holiday break. We will be back on the 5th January at our usual time (but full of much much more turkey)

We're looking at the season finales of the shows we follow as the end for the holidays including Originals, Vampire Diaries, Resurrection, Constantine and more

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

15th December -  22nd December: Odin Ravens by  K.L. Armstrong, M.A. Marr
22nd December - 5th January: Hidden Legacy by Ilona Andrews
5th January - 12th January: Unbound by Jim C Hines
12th January - 19th January: The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde
19th January - 26th January: A Storm of Swords by George R R Martin

Monday, December 15, 2014

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast: 2014, Episode 26

It's time for this week's episode of Fangs for the Fantasy podcast

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

8th December - 15th December: Staked by J.F. Lewis
15th December -  22nd December: Odin Ravens by  K.L. Armstrong, M.A. Marr
22nd December - 5th January: Hidden Legacy by Ilona Andrews
5th January - 12th January: Unbound by Jim C Hines
12th January - 19th January: The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde
19th January - 26th January: A Storm of Swords by George R R Martin

Monday, December 8, 2014

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast: 2014, Episode 25

It's time for this week's episode of Fangs for the Fantasy podcast

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

17th November - 24th November: Loki’s Wolves by K.L. Armstrong, M.A. Marr
24th November - 1st December: The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde
1st December - 8th December : Death’s Mistress by Karen Chance
8th December - 15th December: Staked by J.F. Lewis
15th December -  22nd December: Odin Ravens by  K.L. Armstrong, M.A. Marr
22nd December - 5th January: Hidden Legacy by Ilona Andrews
Since we missed last week's podcast we will try to discuss the last 2 books of the week as well as the current one

Monday, November 24, 2014

Podcast Delay

Not technical this time! (I know, with our skills with technology that is something of a shock) Alas, Renee has been struck down by the dreaded Moositis, a deeply unpleasant and soggy sounding Canadian plague (clearly one that thrives on the cold). She is unable to communicate by any means other than deeply disturbing squishing noises and some hoarse rasping that means either illness or being strangled by a polar bear.

We shall delay while Renee tucks up with poutine and Timmys while I mock her affliction provide comfort.

We will be back with you as soon as possible!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast: 2014, Episode 24

It's time for this week's episode of Fangs for the Fantasy podcast

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

10th November - 17th November: Under Suspicion by Hannah Jane
17th November - 24th November: Loki’s Wolves by K.L. Armstrong, M.A. Marr
24th November - 1st December: Tempest Revealed by Tracy Deebs
1st December - 8th December: Death’s Mistress by Karen Chance
8th December - 15th December: Staked by J.F. Lewis
15th December -  22nd December: Odin Ravens by  K.L. Armstrong, M.A. Marr

Monday, November 10, 2014

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast: 2014, Episode 23

It's time for this week's episode of Fangs for the Fantasy podcast

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

To give people a chance to read along with us we include a list of our planned books of the week for the next few shows, so people can get the books, read them and join in the conversation.

3rd November - 10th November: West of Sunset by Dennis Upkins
10th November - 17th November: Under Suspicion by Hannah Jane
17th November - 24th November: Loki’s Wolves by K.L. ArmstrongM.A. Marr
24th November - 1st December: Tempest Revealed by Tracy Deebs 
1st December: - 8th December : Death’s Mistress by Karen Chance

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast: 2014, Episode 22

It's time for this week's episode of Fangs for the Fantasy podcast

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

This week we discuss American Horror Story (the right and the wrong), The Walking Dead (and Beth stepping up), Constantine (sadly tired tropes), Vampire Diaries (and the awful treatment of Bonnie), Z Nation, Grimm and Haven.

To give people a chance to read along with us we include a list of our planned books of the week for the next few shows, so people can get the books, read them and join in the conversation.

27th October - 3rd November: The Prince Lestat by Anne Rice
3rd November - 10th November: West of Sunset by Dennis Upkins
10th November - 17th November: Under Suspicion by Hannah Jane
17th November - 24th November: Loki’s Wolves by K.L. ArmstrongM.A. Marr
24th November - 1st December: Tempest Revealed by Tracy Deebs 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast: 2014, Episode 20

It's finally time for our podcast! After much delay we've finally got back on track (curse those weremoose)

You can join us here and you can listen live on our youtube channel, here, or in our sidebar. All will also carry a recording after the show is finished. As ever all our previous podcasts can be found in the archive

The podcast begins at 7:00pm EST (technology willing)

To give people a chance to read along with us we include a list of our planned books of the week for the next few shows, so people can get the books, read them and join in the conversation.

13th October - 20th October: Allegiant by Veronica Roth
20th October - 27th October: Midnight’s Daughter by Karen Chance
27th October - 3rd November: The Prince Lestat by Anne Rice
3rd November - 10th November: Tempest Revealed by Tracy Deebs
10th November - 17th November: Under Suspicion by Hannah Jane
17th November - 24th November: Loki’s Wolves by K.L. ArmstrongM.A. Marr

Fangs for the Fantasy Podcast Returns!

After a summer hiatus our podcast is back!

We will be starting again tonight at 7:00pm EST (12:00am GMT). You will be able to listen to us on our youtube channel, or by the link in the sidebar or by the post here that will be posted. We hope to see you there

Like all  the Fangs for the Fantasy podcast(archives here) we read a book and discuss it on the show. 

To give people a chance to read along with us we include a list of our planned books of the week for the next few shows, so people can get the books, read them and join in the conversation.

13th October - 20th October: Allegiant by Veronica Roth
20th October - 27th October: Midnight’s Daughter by Karen Chance
27th October - 3rd November: The Prince Lestat by Anne Rice
3rd November - 10th November: Tempest Revealed by Tracy Deebs
10th November - 17th November: Under Suspicion by Hannah Jane
17th November - 24th November: Loki’s Wolves by K.L. ArmstrongM.A. Marr