Flashback opener – New York, 1931 with Bix and Rose in a
club, enjoying the music, playing music – and Bix drinking heavily. Cut to later
with him dying and Rose grabbing the mouth piece to his trumpet and having the
dying Bix focus on it – creating a trigger to bring him back in a future life.
To the present and Jack, having watched
Gary jump of the roof and now called the emergency services, now enters the
Reverti building, gun drawn. Inside he finds Todd, bleeding to death after Madison/Marcus
slashed open his leg. He ties up Todd’s leg and Todd tells him where the secret
passage is into the basement.
That’s two people who need emergency help Jack has just
left behind.
He walks through the dark, underground corridors and
rooms, stalked by Marcus/Madison. It’s the kind of horror scene we’ve seen a
lot before – but rarely with a 10 year old girl as the menacing stalker. Jack
overhears two men (Shepherds?) planning to kill Richard at Rose’s orders.
Detective Ron is still trying to help Madison’s parents
find Madison – but instead has found Todd’s daughter, Meadow. She’s terrified
of Madison, but the parents are far too distraught to notice. The emergency
services call Jack made, though, is connected by Ron to the address where
Meadow said her dad was stabbed.
In the tunnels, Madison/Marcus has flashbacks to Marcus’s
last life – when Rose (wait, Rose who looks like Amy? Would Rose have been in
Amy’s body then?) had Marcus walled up, alive; apparently part of the process
of ensuring he’ll never come back. After being walled up, Richard Shepherd
pulls out of a brick and shows him the cracker (way back at the beginning of
the series, this is the Trigger he used to bring Marcus back) before
re-bricking him up and agreeing to see him in 18 years.
Jack finds a library full of the journal books the Reverti
seem to use to return to life or get their bearings or just to record their
lives (it hasn’t been clearly explained). Several of them have the names of
famous people attached. He also finds a huge archive of Triggers and starts
destroying them. He only stops when he hears Madison/Marcus hammering on the
brick wall where he was entombed.
Jack sneaks up behind her and takes the hammer and almost gets slashed in the leg for it. Marcus/Madison decides to try and recruit Jack since they both hate Rose. Lots of exposition of who Madison is (Marcus says Madison is gone) and how Marcus was buried alive by Rose. Madison/Marcus points to where Marcus’s old body is and challenges Jack to check – to confirm that it’s all true. And when it’s confirmed, she expects Jack to help her kill Rose.
Jack breaks down the wall – behind which is Marcus’s
body. Marcus/Madison wants to set off to murder but Jack insists she’s a 9 year
old girl and needs to stay put. Oh Jack, you kind of deserved getting your arm
slashed there. Having cut Jack, Madison/Marcus runs off