So we have the Walking
Dead and it’s a tale of two storylines. One which is really interesting and
desperately what i want The Walking Dead to become and the other is just
dull dull dull and needs to end quickly
Sadly I think I will
be disappointed
So the dull dull dull
first. Alpha has arrived at the gates of the Hilltop and is demanding her
daughter. They’re a relatively small crowd of several unarmed people in scary
masks. People take this seriously because of Luke and Alden they have hostage.
Daryl still wants to tell them to jog on (and while I appreciate the sentiment,
Jesus may have died but he didn’t make you king, Daryl) but his threat to mow
them all down is weakened because they have a baby.
Plenty of targets
besides the baby, just saying
So they need to
exchange Lydia for their two hostages, only Henry who is REALLY TRYING to make
me hate him has decided to rescue Lydia and run off with her because it’s all
so mean and unfair. In fact, the meme MUST exist by now
Ah, internet, thank
Daryl catches up with
them and Lydia says how she totally misses her people in a “I’m not lying
honest” way and agrees to go back. She does point out that Alpha is breaking
her rules by coming for her. There’s a prisoner exchange and Henry pouts. Aldren
and Luke are greeted with hugs, Alpha slaps Lydia for calling her momma.
Oh but before that
the dead move in and the baby won’t stop crying despite the zombie masked
mother’s attempts to quiet them. Alpha has a simple rule - the baby is quiet or
they leave it for the dead - and the mother leaves the baby on the floor to be
eaten. Connie, who never made it to the wall, runs out to save the baby,
alerted by Luke signing, and there’s a hairy moment of running through a corn
field full of zombies carrying the baby (especially hard for the Deaf Connie
since the corn restricts her vision and she can’t hear the dead advancing on
her) before Darryl and Kerry rescue her - and the baby.
Henry is super pissed
about all this but Enid and Darryl both make the point to him that sometimes
things are awful and you have to live with it. He even invokes Daryl’s own
history of abuse to demand how he could send Lydia back - which is just rubbing
salt in the wounds.
Henry leaves in the
night to save Lydia, Daryl goes after Henry and Connie goes after Daryl because
we need to centre these new characters somehow.
Ok someone has to
tell me why the Whisperers are so scary. Or how they even work
I mean, when we first
met them directing a herd? That was scary. In the dark, whispering? That was
scary. But outside of that context they’re like a haunted house with the lights
turned on