IT IS ALMOST MAY! The end of the school year is quickly approaching , YAY! But first we need to show our amazing moms some love. Here is a quick look at our Mother's Day books and Treat bags. I had MANY laughs reading what they wrote about their moms! I know that moms treasure these books forever, and I was so proud of what my students created for them.
Here is a little peek at what our Mother's Day book looks like!
We did a guided drawing lesson to create the art for the front cover of our book. Here are a few samples of what that looks like.
The first page is titled "Meet My Mom"
I put four blank writing pages in our book this year and we wrote the following prompts:
1. My mom likes to....
2. The best thing about my mom is...
3. My mom is happy when... My mom gets mad when...
4. My mom and I like to...
Then we finished our book up with a coupon page (I love getting these coupons!) and a treat bag full of Hershey Hugs and Kisses because what mom doesn't LOVE chocolate?
I hope this little project can help you in your class! Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!