Showing posts with label mothers day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mothers day. Show all posts

Mother's Day

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

IT IS ALMOST MAY! The end of the school year is quickly approaching , YAY! But first we need to show our amazing moms some love. Here is a quick look at our Mother's Day books and Treat bags. I had MANY laughs reading what they wrote about their moms! I know that moms treasure these books forever, and I was so proud of what my students created for them. 

Here is a little peek at what our Mother's Day book looks like!

We did a guided drawing lesson to create the art for the front cover of our book. Here are a few samples of what that looks like.
The first page is titled "Meet My Mom"
 I put four blank writing pages in our book this year and we wrote the following prompts:
1. My mom likes to....
2. The best thing about my mom is...
3. My mom is happy when... My mom gets mad when...
4. My mom and I like to...
Then we finished our book up with a coupon page (I love getting these coupons!) and a treat bag full of Hershey Hugs and Kisses because what mom doesn't LOVE chocolate? 
I hope this little project can help you in your class! Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!

Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

IT IS ALMOST MAY! The end of the school year is quickly approaching and I am trying to cram in every last writing activity that I possibly can!

Over the last week we have been working on our Mother's Day books and Treat bags. I had MANY laughs reading what they wrote about their moms! I know that moms treasure these books forever, and I was so proud of what my students created for them. 

Here is a little peek at what our Mother's Day book looks like!

We did a guided drawing lesson to create the art for the front cover of our book. Here are a few samples of what that looks like.
The first page is titled "Meet My Mom"
 I put four blank writing pages in our book this year and we wrote the following prompts:
1. My mom likes to....
2. The best thing about my mom is...
3. My mom is happy when... My mom gets mad when...
4. My mom and I like to...

Then we finished our book up with a coupon page and a treat bag full of Hershey Kisses!

Do you have an instagram account? 
You can find me on instagram using user name fallintofirst
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