Do you use any of these National Geographic KIDS books in your classroom? They are amazing! The pictures are fantastic- these books are full of facts and vocabulary and they are just the right reading level for a first/second grade class.
I am doing my best to try and incorporate more non-fiction text in our first grade class and one of the easiest ways to do this (for me) is during guided reading. Only problem, I don't have 6 copies of these to use with my kiddos BUT...that is where Donors Choose comes in!
Last week I wrote a Donors Choose project to get more non-fiction text for my guided reading groups. I requested 6 copies of 19 National Geographic books in various Science and Social Studies topics. I wrote to a parent in my class who's family owns the Earnhardt Car Dealership in our sunny state of Arizona and they were thrilled to help fund my project. I was so amazed by this family, they also were willing to make a donation to our entire school library!
I had the opportunity on Saturday to meet Mr. Tex Earnhardt and I was so thrilled. I grew up in Arizona and I have watched his commercials on TV since I was very little and I honestly felt as if I was meeting a celebrity! The Earnhardt family invited myself and our school librarian out to the Grand Opening of their new Dodge Dealership where we got to talk on the radio and thank the Earnhardt family for the donation to our school. AMAZING!
Note: When I say "we" talked on the radio what I really mean is Laura our Librarian talked on the radio. Things like that give my hives and I just CAN'T do it, I would sound like a rambling mess but she was awesome! Laura our Librarian just began her TpT career
stop by her store and show her some LOVE because I adore her, and you will too when you see her cute stuff.
If you have never tried a Donors Choose project, I really encourage you to. It is amazing how willing families are to help out teachers they love. I am beyond thrilled that my project received funding and so excited to get those readers in the hands of my students! THANK YOU Earnhdart family!
Tomorrow we are starting our -
Story of the Pilgrims Thanksgiving Books tomorrow. This book is the #1 Top Seller in my TpT store!
We make this book every year to go along with our study. This book takes us about a week to complete and my kids learn so much when we are finished.
This 24 page packet includes:
- front cover for student book (pictured above)
- direction page with pictures and activity suggestions
- mayflower art page with black lines for ALL shapes and labels for the parts of the boat
- mayflower facts writing page
- Mayflower suitcase black line with suitcase label
- Mayflower suitcase writing page
- Black lines to create pilgrim boy and girl
- Life as a Pilgrim sorting activity
- Black lines to create Squanto. Labels to describe his important role helping the pilgrims
- Letter to Squanto page
- Black lines to create Thanksgiving Turkey
- Venn Diagram to compare current Thanksgiving traditions to those of the past.
Here are a few of my favorite books that help us with our study of Pilgrims and Native Americans. My favorite of all is
If You Sailed on The Mayflower in 1620 by Ann McGovern!
On a totally unrelated and personal note....
My baby turned one today! AHHHH! Such mixed emotions as a mom because it is thrilling to watch her learn and grow each day but sad because she is my baby. We had a low-key birthday at the park with my family. She LOVED the cake and dug right in. I am so grateful for my beautiful girls.