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Simple things should be simple, Editomat and Plotter are easy to use, while offering enough complex features that you won't outgrow them quickly.

This documentation (and the Blog) will help you understand the tricky bits.

  • Editomat - An automated editing wizard
  • Plotter - A story plotting aid.

Editomat Instruction Videos
Editomat instructional videos will help you make the best use of Editomat.

Episode 3-6 will be along soon. The episode 7 video answers some of the questions people have been asking about using Editomat's dialog.

About Editomat
You bring your dirty clothes to a laundromat to clean them up.

You bring your dirty prose to Editomat to clean it up.

Editomat will help you lift your writing to the next level. It will show you the weak sections of your text, difficult to understand sentences and find potential issues with word choice.

Editomat will not modify your text. That's a task for a human.

Editomat highlights the areas you should examine and decide whether to rework your prose.

Editomat analyzes based on individual words, clauses, sentences and an entire piece.

Cleaning up a document with Editomat is three easy steps.

  1. Load the document into Editomat, either from the File/Open menu or by cutting and pasting from another document, or with the File/Attach to attach to a document in MS Word (Windows only, sorry.)
  2. Click one of the analysis buttons.
  3. Modify your text based on the report.


  • Highlights weak words that stain your prose instead of adding brightness or color.
  • Highlights words that are repeated nearby.
  • Shows words you use most often in a piece.
  • Shows sentences that are too long, short, or just repetitive.
  • Highlights passive voice.
  • Highlights adverbs.
  • Graphs the emotional intensity of your work.
  • Graphs sentence lengths to find repetitious phrasing.
  • Shows how your work compares to others in your genre.
And much more.
About Plotter
Some people write by the seat of their pants, some folks plot in advance. Even the pantsers sometimes need to see a short sequence events when they have multiple characters coping with multiple interleaved events.

The Plotter tool helps you lay out a complex timeline. You can track where and when each character is, what they are doing, who they are interacting with and more.

It was designed to track multiple actors performing multiple actions on different timelines and passing multiple mcguffins from character to character.

You can use plotter for short sequences where you need to keep track of just who does what when to make sure you have a body before the body is discovered, or for long sequences when you are plotting a huge opus that's too much to hold in your head.