Well, no game is immortal, and some games such Galaxian³ are so rare. We need to preserve this game, or it will lost forever.
Only Namco has the source of their games, and I doubt they will release Galaxian³ sources in the future
With the time, repairing such arcade games will be very hard, or maybe impossible : no more spare item, no more knowledge or worse : no more interest
Impossible to let die this game !!! I'll do all I can in order to give to the Galaxian³ game the immortality and allows a maximum of gamers to see what the game is.
The bad thing is : I'm not a Mame, Daphne, or other emulator developer but... I'll make all the resources of this game available to them. But I'll keep all the boards and laser disc here. I hope they'll help me to do a good job regarding the roms dump, laser disc capture...
Ok, stop talking.
Let's start to examine how a Galaxian Theater works.
They are three boxes of electronics stuff :
Box number 1 :
Let's see closer what are these three boards, from left to right
(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)Did you notice ? All these three boards are the same.
Ok, let's carefully remove one :
(click on picture for big size)Now, in order to show you all the components, here's more views of this board :
(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)...and if it's not enough, here a scan of the board, in two parts :
(click on picture for big size)(click on picture for big size)Ok, now the questions for the dumper/developer specialists only please :
- What are the roms to dump on that board ?
- What do I have to buy in order to dump these roms (link to shops) ?
- Other things to do on this board ?