Showing posts with label My Sleeping Karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Sleeping Karma. Show all posts

~Heavy Dalga~ show #312 (2021-04-15) [S09E19]

Show #312 [S09E19] was broadcasted live: 15th April 2021
photo by: Michal Pudelka for Numero France, May 2015 (Feu de Camp)
The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.

The Noise Figures - Pilgrims Of The Dark
02. The Dirtbombs - Pray For Pills
03. Viagra Boys - 6 Shooter
04. The Screaming Fly - Animal
05. Breanna Barbara - Daddy Dear
06. Felipe Arcazas - Carl Sagan
07. GÅS - Epitaph
08. GÅS - The North Wind Blew South
09. Helicon - Sound Of Confession
10. Population II - Il eut un Silence dans le Ciel
11. Karkara - Space Caravan
12. White Manna - Pilgrim's Progress
13. Saturnia - Smoking in the Sun
14. Mythic Sunship - Into Oblivion
15. My Sleeping Karma - Prithvi 
✭ see all the shows on Downtuned Radio ✭
heavy dalga poster, show #312, photo by TSUYOSHI HASEGAWA

[Compilation] Psychedecade ('10s) - [Vol.5]

psychedelic compilation Psychedecade Vol. 5

Psychedecade ('10s) is a series of compilations dedicated to the decade that passed (2010-2019). Each part contains songs that can either be categorized as psychedelic or have such influences and belong to the wider spectrum of rock music (be it garage, alternative, shoegaze, etc etc).
We tried to avoid the heavier part of this scene and focus more on the atmospheric one and also attempted to embed releases by lesser known bands from the global underground scene.

Here is Volume 5. You can listen to it on mixcloud below. Scroll lower to see the whole playlist and more info regarding each song selection.

CHECK ALSO: - vol. 1 -  - vol. 2 -  - vol.3 -  - vol.4 -
tracklist and info:
01. My Brother The Wind - Into The Cosmic Halo
☛ Sweden, 2014 || Once There Was A Time When Time And Space Were One

02. Obskuria - Under The Gallows
☛ Peru, 2010 || Burning Sea Of Green

03. Mugstar - Time Machine
☛ UK, 2016 || Magnetic Seasons

04. Pyramidal - Sons of Light
☛ Spain, 2013 || Frozen Galaxies

05. Ancient Sky - Two Lights
☛ USA, 2015 || Mosaic

06. U.S. Christmas - Suzerain
☛ USA, 2010 || Run Thick in the Night

07. The Heads - You Can Lean Back Sometimes
☛ UK, 2010 || Time In Space Vol II

08. My Sleeping Karma - Vayu
☛ Germany, 2015 || Moksha

09. Vibravoid - Do It Allright
☛ Germany, 2011 || Minddrugs 

My Sleeping Karma: A Tour Documentary

Tim, the guy behind, recently created an interesting 20min tour documentary for My Sleeping Karma during their 2012 tour, supporting Monster Magnet:

"This 20 minute tour documentary was filmed over six days on tour, following My Sleeping Karma non stop. Hamburg, Paris, London, Manchester, Stuttgart. It focuses on the live shows, but also allows the audience to experience one day of a normal band on the road : Driving long distances, soundchecks, press interviews, photoshootings, load outs, jamming and just being yourself. All this is combined with interviews by the band commenting on the tour life and the "Flow" which My Sleeping Karma are kind of famous for in the underground scene."

"It was not only a pleasure and honour to be on tour with Monster Magnet, the band which brought me to the so called Stoner Rock, but much more so: My Sleeping Karma, one of the bands which still keeps me so interested in this flourishing genre. I had a lot of fun with the nicest people, I hope you will too while watching the movie.". Tim,"

For more info check

Subcultural Tunes: Top Picks 2012

Subcultural Tunes: Top Picks 2012

Few hours before 2012 leaves us, check out the list by Maria from Subcultural Tunes radio show, the only female dj of Downtuned Radio, including the split from Farflung and Black Rainbows (well done!)...