Showing posts with label Devilgrass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devilgrass. Show all posts

~Heavy Dalga~ show #310 (2021-04-01) [S09E17]

 Show #310 [S09E17] was broadcasted live: 1st April 2021
photo by: Elena Kalis
The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.
01. Greenleaf - On Wings of Gold
02. Moana - Scarab
03. Moths & Locusts - Cocaine Kangaroo
04. Samsara Blues Experiment - Orchid Annie
05. Grande Fox - Brutal Colors
06. Hermano - The Bottle
07. The Vulcan Itch - Got No Time
08. Curly Mane - It's A Shame
09. The Brunswick - Stargazer
10. The Quill - Left Brain Blues
11. Dollar Llama - Supercvlt (NEW SINGLE)
12. Devilgrass - Witchburner
13. Instant Boner - Big Bang
✭ see all the shows on Downtuned Radio ✭
heavy dalga #310 poster, photo Mary Ellen Mark

~Heavy Dalga~ show #258 (2019-11-14) [S08E04]

The show #258 [S08E04] was broadcasted live on 14th November 2019
01. Morphine Social Club - The Pilgrim (4:58)
02. Morphine Social Club - The Hunt (2:59)
03. Tidal Shock - Apache Ritual (9:27)
04. Plasmawine - Grog 'n' Tonic (7:18)
05. Drunk Jackals - Weird Way Around (3:34)
06. Potergeist - Rain Over Hell (4:58)
07. SuperSoul - Blackhorse (3:00)
08. Snakeoil - Bar Cinzia (5:31)
09. devilgrass - Nebula 13 (3:39)
10. Maeth - Ganges (6:45)
11. Maeth - Wytches (5:09)
12. TRITA - Color of Hope (7:00)
13. Chronoboros - Unit 731 (feat. Panos Agoros) (3:08)
14. Viral Tyrant - Vosturan (7:44)
15. Uranium Scrap - Lost in Dunes (4:37)
16. Uranium Scrap - Visions of the Stoned Whaler (10:00)
17. Jalayan - Vimanas (6:08)
18. Quantum Fantay - Astral Projection (8:03)
19. Hidria Spacefolk - Pajas (7:20)

The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.

Check the show's page for more info
FB group:

see all the shows on Downtuned Radio