Showing posts with label Black Tabasco Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Tabasco Project. Show all posts

~Heavy Dalga~ show #341 (2023-02-23) [s11e03]

 Show #341 [s11e03] was broadcasted live: 23rd February 2023
photo by: Erik Pirolt “Flashback”, Oil on Canvas, 2012
The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.

01. Son of a Lizard - A Solitary Wave of Electrons
02. Ghostland - Leave Behind (Hollow Moon)
03. Psychedelic Trips To Death - Headlock
04. Deaf Radio - Havoc
05. LOLEK - Οι Άλλοι
06. de Luar - Πονάω δεν αναπνέω
07. Elephant - Post Punk Gray
08. Mitič Threesome - Howl
09. Bora Barx - Sit stay heal
10. Dury Dava - Ηλεκτροσόκ
11. A Victim of Society - Motherfuckers
12. Kooba Tercu - Fair Game
13. Deadfile - This Hollow Land
14. Babel Trio - Black Sea
15. Big Beast No Head - Wake The Child In Me
16. The Black Tabasco Project - Motors On
Breath After Coma - For Better Or Worse
18. The Screaming Fly - Dimension X
19. NARCOSIS - Creepers
20. Monovine - Why Don't You Shoot Me In The Head
21. Alien Mustangs - Secret Days
22. This Is Nowhere - Sister 

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~Heavy Dalga~ show #337 (2022-04-14) [S10E14]

Show #336 [S10E14] was broadcasted live: 14th April 2022
photo by: @mmmaryam
The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.
01. 10 Code - Let Go
02. The Noise Figures - The Perfect Spell
03. The Black Tabasco Project - Greedy Little Sucker
04. Whereswilder - For Show
05. Holy Monitor - Southern Lights
06. NARCOSIS - Unknown Flavors
07. Dreadnought in the Pond - Prelude
08. Albinobeach - Afro Bogart
09. The Cult Of Dom Keller - Last King Of Hell
10. Two Thin Twigs - Autumn Fair
11. Those Damn Thieves - Weak In the Knees
12. Death Valley Girls - Hypnagogia
13. Death Valley Girls - Dream Cleaver
14. Heaters - Venus
15. Hashiya - Jam Session
16. Polska Radio One - Morosim (2 C-P Dub)
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heavy dalga #337 poster, rabit mask girl

[Videotheque] The Black Tabasco Project - Not A Doubt

This is the first music video by The Black Tabasco Project, from Greece, for their song "Not a Doubt".

The Black Tabasco Project is an indie rock band, formed in Athens around 2018. The group consists of Jorge jr. Cangrejo (vocals, guitar), Kostas Papadakis (drums), Vangelis Emmanouil (guitars) and Kostas Kontonikas (bass).
They introduced themselves in 2019 with the release of three singles - No one Knows Nothing, Echo και Cold Sweat and they released their debut album Bite The Pepper, on the 3rd of Dec. 2021, which includes 8 tracks that balance between dynamic, atmospheric and elegant melodies framed by loud guitar riffs and grooves able to surprise the listener pleasantly.


I never had a doubt that you would be my baby                        
Never had a doubt about your cruel intensions.
Never had a doubt that you would grab  me with your kiss  
Never had a doubt
Never had a doubt
I never had a doubt about the way you 'd move me
Dance me in the streets let’s set this night on fire
Never had a doubt I would surrender baby
Can you feel my heart beating every time you come around?

Come on baby I guess you need it too
Come on baby move now closer it feels so good
Come on baby no need for us to try
Everything goes
Everything feels right tonight

I never had a doubt about the ways you move me
Never had a doubt about your cruel intensions
I never had a doubt that you would kill me with your kiss
Can you feel my heart beating every time you come around?

Come on baby I guess you need it too
Come on baby move now closer it feels so good
Come on baby no need for us to try
Everything goes
Everything feels right tonight

Come on baby I guess you need it too
Come on baby move now closer it feels so good
Come on baby no need for us to try
Everything goes
Everything feels right tonight

~Heavy Dalga~ show #328 (2021-12-09) [S10E05]

Show #328 [S10E05] was broadcasted live: 9th December 2021
photo: Katerina Plotnikova
The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.
01. Kamchatka - Somedays
02. Harlem Lake - The River
03. Stone House on Fire - Bitter Times
04. Wine Lips - Suffer The Joy
05. The Black Tabasco Project - Superficial
06. The Black Tabasco Project - Not a Doubt
07. Holy Monitor - Blue Whale
08. Songhoy Blues - Barre
09. Ann Jangle - Heavier Than Lead
10. Deville - Speaking in Tongues
11. Domo - Astródomo
12. Aerolith - Voyager Rising
13. Black Sky Giant - Perpetual Waves To Come
14. Black Sky Giant - Yithian Time Travellers
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~Heavy Dalga~ show #328 poster