Showing posts with label Ampacity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ampacity. Show all posts

~Heavy Dalga~ show #336 (2022-04-07) [S10E13]

 Show #336 [S10E13] was broadcasted live: 7th April 2022
photo by: Belinda Fewings
The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.
01. A Tijuana Trip - Ether Desert
02. 57chevy - Diemansion
03. Hermano - Exam Room
04. 35007 - 20 09
05. 35007 - Evaporate
06. Acrimony - Million Year Summer
07. Ampacity - Ultima Hombre
08. Nightstalker - Explode
09. Los Natas - Planeta Solitario
10. SuperGiant - Petunias
11. Truckfighters - Traffic
12. T.H.U.M.B. - Lunar Flight
13. Nebula - Fin
14. Unida - Vince Fontaine
15. Monkey3 - 35007
16. Monster Magnet - There's No Way Out of Here 
heavy dalga page -|- facebook group
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[Compilation] 18+ (Vol. I)

18+ compilation by Downtuned Magazine
This is a compilation with no age restriction 😊

"18+ Compilation" is made out of tracks that have a duration greater than 18 minutes

We've chosen 13 tracks from some of our favorite bands mostly in the field of psychedelic and heavy rock and we present it to you hoping that you'll enjoy it as much as we do. Its total duration is about 4,5 hours 😜but we know you'll make it!