Showing posts with label Best of 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best of 2008. Show all posts

Monday, December 29, 2008

Best of 2008!!

I was thinking what to post for the last post for the year 2008.I felt a round-up,a sort of looking back on the year that went past would be a great idea.Even better if I can send it to an event,in this case Best of year 2008 event by Srivalli.

Technically,this December would be my first blog anniversary as I started this blog last December.I was too awed by so many food blogs where I was a regular and decided that I wanted to do that too.I didn’t think much about the name as it was done in a hurry.I wanted to have it named Easycooking-for the blog header as well as the URL.But Easycooking was already taken so divyascookbook came into existence.

I started posting by March and was so excited about it.I felt so good when people started reading my blog and appreciated me.Now,when I look back,I feel it is due to the comments/appreciation that I got that I am able to post regularly.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank all my fellow bloggers and readers.Without your support and encouragement,I couldn’t have come this far.Thank you folks!!

1.Top 5 Recipes of 2008

1.Zebra Cake – I came across the blog world while looking for cake recipes and this is one of the best cakes I baked so far.It looks so spectacular that people might think you struggled to get the stripes right,while its just the easiest thing to do.If you guys haven’t tried it yet take my word and go for it-Surprise your friends and family with this one!!

2.Masala Dosa with Ulli chammanthi – An all time favorite which saved my pride during my first cooking disaster.I make a small onion chutney which goes well with it.It has become a family favorite,one which my bro-in-law demand whenever they are in Chennai!!

3.Eggless Butter Cookies – Another one of my favorites-this recipe gives me the same result all the time.A favorite among my friends and family,I have made this at least a dozen times and everytime I get to hear people say..hmmmmm!!

4.Paneer Butter Masala – One of my ever favorite curry,I almost screamed Eureka the day when it tasted like my favorite restaurant version.It makes me nostalgic when I make this as this was one of those dishes which me and amma tried to recreate at home!!

5.Shevai – The Konkani version of the famous idiyappam.Though the process is quite difficult,the taste will make you forget all the trouble you went through to make it.One of our favorite breakfasts which my ma-in-law makes without fail whenever we land in Bangalore.
2.Best dish of the month
MarchDudhi Alchikeri~Pumpkin curry.I always feel nostalgic whenever I try to recreate the dishes I grew up on.One of my favorite curries served in our temple and I always crave for a second helping!!

AprilBeetroot Salad.I started out with preconceived notions about this one determined to hate it since I was not much a salad person.But this one made me a convert.A healthy salad which features in our menu at least twice a week!!

MayKadala curry Thattukada style.One of my so called masterpiece dishes..I always get compliments whenever I make it with Puttu.To think that I messed up big time making puttu-kadala for the first time..;-)!!

JunePuran poli~Ubbatti.Even though I blogged about it,my contributon to this was just clicking photos!!My ma-in-law and co-sis made this while we were in Bangalore and honestly Puran poli hot from the tawa is just irresistible!!

JulyNo fry Gobi Manchurian.My ma-in-law’s recipe which was perfected by my vanni(co-sis),we were almost licking off the gobi from the bowl,it is that tasty.One could never guess it was a no-fry version!!

AugustChocolate Yogurt Cake.Again,one of my vanni’s masterpiece recipes.I love the chocolatey flavor of this cake and it just doesn’t smell of eggs which I guess is one of its plus points and it is made in the microwave too!!You feel like eating this cake,it is ready in less than 15 minutes!!

SeptemberBread Pizza.Feel like having a pizza and can’t wait??Then this one’s for you!!Gives a satisfied feeling,almost like eating a pizza!!

OctoberGajar ka Halwa.One of the most traditional recipes which is made easy.I love gajar ka halwa but absolutely dislike the fact that it takes up so much of your time.Stirring and stirring..not my kind of a sweet!!An easier version and tasty too.I would prefer this one over the so called ‘traditional gajar halwa’ anyday!!

NovemberPineapple Upside down cake.The Recipe Marathon month where a bunch of bloggers took up the challenge of posting daily and completed the challenge successfully!!It is my birthday month too,so the birthday cake has to take the cake..;-)!!

DecemberPaal payasam.Again,a traditional recipe made easy.I felt so much like having a payasam and couldn’t think of standing next to the gas stove for hours and adding oodles of sugar and milk.I made this one using just a packet of milk and a cup of sugar..sheer pleasure!!

3.Top 5 recipes tried from other blogs

1.Vanilla Cupcakes – Thanks to Deeba,I have stopped buying cupcakes from Bakery,I make my own cupcakes now!!One of my hubby’s favorites-I have to even hide it sometimes to make him stop eating it!!Perfect recipe which yields exactly 18 cupcakes each and everytime!!

2.Cinnamon cookies – A cinnamony twist to my favorite butter cookies.I made this recipe following Lakshmi’s recipe and keep making it whenever I feel like munching on cookies-with a twist!!

3.Pizza – One of our favorite,even though we try to restrict our Pizza outings owing to our diet.I made my first home-made Pizza base using whole wheat flour using Shilpa’s recipe-needless to say,her recipes are always a hit and this one was no different!!

4.Dates Cake – Again one of Shilpa’s classic recipes-this one takes the cake!!My first cake and one the famous and most loved too.I have made it several times and each time I get the same fabulous result which demands “more,more,more” from everyone who has a piece!!

5.Baked vegetables with Crumbs – I developed a love for exotic vegetables when I went on a strict diet.I have tried many dishes with veggies and this one’s the latest.Raaga’s recipes always give me great results and her recipes are keepers,always!!

4.Best meal of the year

Vishu Sadya.Even though we don’t celebrate Vishu,we make a sadya without fail..after all who doesn’t like to gorge on a sadya..??

5.New things discovered in the year

I started baking in the Microwave as I have one where I could cook/bake in the convection mode too.Saved me the trouble of buying an OTG.

6.Best post picture of the Month/Year

To sound clichéd,even though I take horrible pics,I love each and every one of them!!Posts,same as #2.Best dishes for each month.

7.New blogs discovered

I found out so many blogs and cooking sites and have benefited from each one of them.Made so many friends during the Recipe Marathon too,can’t name one in particular as there are so many!!

8. Cooking resolutions for the Year 2009!

Try out new arenas in cooking,in 2008 it was baking and in 2009??don’t know!!

One of my blogging resolutions though,is to post traditional recipes and yes,to post on a regular basis-at least 3 posts in a week!!

I hope you enjoyed reading through my Best of 2008!!

Wishing all of you a very happy and prosperous new Year 2009!!!

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