Welcome on the dbtrains.com website, an important source of information about the developing of German long-distance train traffic from 1920 until now. The information on this website is classified in four different epoches. The same epoches which are also used in modelrailroading. The following epoches are used on this website:
Epoch II 1920 - 1945 (link...)
Epoch III 1945 - 1970 (link...)
Epoch IV 1970 - 1990
Epoch V 1990 until now
The developments in each epoch are explained under the link "epoches" (accessible via the navigation at the left side of the screen). Seperate information about the rolling stock used in long-distance trains is accessible via "locomotives", "trainsets", "coaches" and "trains".
Long-distance trains
What are long-distance trains? For the clearity, first an explanation of the term "long-distance trains". Long-distance trains are high-graded trains which are running in (international) train services. Long-distance trains are trains like the FD and L-trains from epoch II, and TEE and F/Ft trains from epoch III and IC and ICE trains from epoch IV and V.
In some cases are also middle-distance trains included like the D-trains (epoch II, III and IV) and IR-trains (epoch V).