Amputee Walking School of November 20, 2019!

The last Amputee Walking School of 2019 was another success as our professionals completed their afternoon study of updated course material and an enjoyed energetic evening of exercise with our limb loss participants!

The program started at noon, when physical therapists, clinicians and other health care partners attended Dr. Jonathan Forsberg’s (MD, PhD) lecture on Osseo-integration. That was followed by Meg Sions (PT, PhD) and Outcome Measures in Limb Loss. The founders of Amputee Walking School, Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler, then took over the podium for an update on training techniques for limb loss rehabilitation.

Our evening program continues with those with lower limb loss and their families gathering around Todd and Dennis to hear them talk about their own lives and strategies to heal and regain mobility. Todd and Dennis stress the importance of exercise and persistence in order to reach individual goals. They specifically encourage amputees to walk - and join their 1 Million Steps Challenge. (Click here to read more about this friendly completion!) Then everyone breaks up to work with the physical therapists and other volunteers, under Todd and Dennis’ supervision, through various exercise stations.

Amputee Walking School is a program held four times a year, co-hosted by Dankmeyer and the University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Institute (UM Rehab).   When our 2020 dates are confirmed, we will post them.

Seats still available for November 20, 2019!

Seats are still available for the program you don’t want to miss! The last Amputee Walking School of 2019 has updated course material for the professional part of the day!

12pm-1pm Osseo-integration Update with Jonathan Forsberg MD, PhD

1pm-3pm Outcome Measures in Limb Loss with Meg Sions PT, PhD

3pm-5pm Limb Loss rehabilitation update on training techniques

In the afternoon, PT, PTA, OT, COTA, Prosthetists and Orthotists are welcome. Seating is limited. We are applying for Maryland PT and OT CEU's. Registration is available by clicking here!

Amputee Walking School is a program held four times a year, co-hosted by Dankmeyer and the University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Institute (UM Rehab).   Amputee Walking School features two segments.  The afternoon segment is a learning session for professionals. This is followed by an evening session where those with lower limb loss and their families come to work with the pros on various kinds of exercises.  

At the evening session, founders and amputees Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler start out by talking about the need for exercises and persistence in order to reach individual goals. Then participants work with the physical therapists and other volunteers, under Todd and Dennis’ supervision, through various exercise stations. It is not all hard work! There are smiles and encouragement all around.

The evening session for amputees and their families is free. Registration is available by clicking here!

Now, please enjoy this album of some selected photos from past events. We will look forward to seeing you in November!