Gulliver Wasn’t Weird Enough For You? Try This, Then

No, this is what florid insanity looks like.

About Bill Quick

I am a small-l libertarian. My primary concern is to increase individual liberty as much as possible in the face of statist efforts to restrict it from both the right and the left. If I had to sum up my beliefs as concisely as possible, I would say, "Stay out of my wallet and my bedroom," "your liberty stops at my nose," and "don't tread on me." I will believe that things are taking a turn for the better in America when married gays are able to, and do, maintain large arsenals of automatic weapons, and tax collectors are, and do, not.


Gulliver Wasn’t Weird Enough For You? Try This, Then — 13 Comments

  1. How to make the world a better place: when you come across a person like this, go out of your way to torment him* into suicide. The world has enough worthless** fucks*** as it is.

    * Trigger warning: Gender normative, phallocentric, cis prejudice

    ** Trigger warning: meritocratic prejudice

    *** Trigger warning: loser**** who couldn’t get laid with a boxful of beer goggles and a fistful of fifties

    **** Trigger warning: gah! meritocratic prejudice again. Dammit*****, avoiding all these triggers is hard work******

    ***** Trigger warning: cis religious assumptions

    ****** Trigger warning: ergonormative prejudice

  2. It’s not parody, nemo. Check out that Tumblr.

    Yes, there really are skinny people who believe their true fat person is trapped inside them, and try desperately to become that fat person. And like drag queens, some of them actually disguise themselves to appear as they think they really are – fat.

    I’ve seen a couple here in SF. I thought they were just crazy people, (and they are) but they’re also trans-fatties in drag.

  3. I still think it’s a parody, and am even more convinced now that I read the Tumblr. The site starts out with an an extremely hostile screed demanding that no one post anything that challenges the site’s credo (“fat” people can be and usually are just as “healthy” as thin people). The author of this post seems to have found a way to ridicule the site in a wonderfully brutal way, and, with absolutely breathtaking skill, slip the lampoon in under the radar. A tour-de-force of impressive scope. At least I want to think so.

  4. I agree with Nemo, and predict a coming-soon reality release on Bravo, or OWN, or WE.

    A ‘transfat activist’ seeking to share his own ‘story of oppression’…yeah. That tells you the important stuff is done, and we’re down to the nebulous.

    Good for us. I’m done right here. You go on without me.

  5. Well, much to the annoyance of my wife, who can’t understand why I would spend two hours researching such things, I have found this astonishing subculture of cis-this and trans-that absolutely fucking flourishing on the net. They’re all over Tumblr. Google provides a gold mine of batshit-crazy anti-ablist trans-everything whackjobs. Reading their sites is entertaining for about as long as you can watch a person eat their own tongue, and then the common themes emerge, which are quite ordinary: rage, inadequacy, attention-needy, and all the rest of the teenage afflictions that most people learn to deal with sooner or later. Not these folks.

    Bill, I can’t determine who posted what where — what you printed seems to be a Breitbart post. What’s the original source? Is there more from this loon?