The Blame Game, Redux: Yet Another Stoopid, By – Guess Who?

From over at The Heated Atmosphere, we see reference to the latest verses of an old and stoopid song:

Liberals’ new message: You know who is responsible for Ebola outbreak in America? Conservatives

Hey – what a shock…who knew, right?

The first sloppy effort to brand the Republicans as the party of Ebola came from MSNBC host Joy Reid who insisted that too few are focusing on the federal response to the disease’s spread and not the fact that hemorrhagic fever is catching in a private hospital in a state run by the GOP!

Joy Reid ? @JoyAnnReid

To the anti-government wingers in my thread: so far, the only “spread of Ebola” in the U.S. was caused by a private hospital in a red state.
1:33 PM – 12 Oct 2014

Indeed – never let a crisis go to waste, no matter how it actually happened and/or was aided, abetted and – so far – rather epically bungled, right?…’specially, just before an election.

Or, as Hot Air’s Rothman puts it:

Oh, if only the “index patient” Thomas Eric Duncan had checked into a Veterans Affairs hospital.

This characteristically juvenile and failed attempt to sling mud would not even be worth mentioning if had not proven the vanguard of a larger movement on the left to reclaim the issue of Ebola, which has become an election year issue if only because it exposes a culture of incompetence and rampant wastefulness plaguing the federal government.

As referred to, of course, the real big-time fun now commenced.

Via the Puffington Host’s Sam Stein, an interview with the –

…National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins who assured the HuffPo scribe that his agency would surely have developed an Ebola vaccine by now if it were not for reductions in his agency’s budget after 2004.

“NIH has been working on Ebola vaccines since 2001. It’s not like we suddenly woke up and thought, ‘Oh my gosh, we should have something ready here,’” Collins told The Huffington Post on Friday. “Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready.”

“We would have been a year or two ahead of where we are, which would have made all the difference,” he said.

– leading, quite “naturally” enough to –

…the partisan point that Stein and his cohorts were trying to make was effectively made. The left gleefully jumped at the dubious opportunity to suggest that pro-limited government conservatives are somehow to blame for this deadly Ebola outbreak.

“Gee, thanks, Republicans!” the Democratic strategist Paul Begala exclaimed. “We’d Have Ebola Vaccine if Not for Budget Cuts.” He was one of many to proclaim that this witless plea from an agency head for more funding (a not unusual occurrence, to be sure) represented the GOP’s Waterloo.

To be sorta even-handed – this has produced a bit of “punch-back twice as hard”, at least regarding the alleged effect(s) of “Budget Cuts” (which never really happened, of course, to NIH or any other Big-Gubment do-gooder agency):

“This was a really bad strategy,” columnist Rich Galen observed. “Oppo researchers find every dumb program CDC/NIH ever funded and make them look silly.”

And that is exactly what they did.

The Twitter user CounterMoonbat did perhaps the best work on Sunday night accumulating examples of the NIH and CDC’s experimental boondoggles which somehow took precedence over the miracle Ebola cure researchers have supposedly been working on for at least 13 years.

As can be imagined, there was a whole bunch of that to be reported on, too – research on rabbit massage, how boy fruit flies prefer younger girl fruit flies,and why people watch Seinfeld reruns, and on and on, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of “Gubment Revenue” dollars – each…

You may want to RTWT –

The concluding statement seems to fit fairly well, too:

It seems this attempt to indict the American right as complicit in the Ebola outbreak of 2014 will be a dismal failure. The fact that it is even occurring, however, tells you just how seriously this crisis undercuts the public’s faith in big brother’s ability to watch over them.

I’d say it also kind of underscores the Progtards’ ever-increasing anxieties over the possible/probable outcomes looming on Election Day. Here’s hoping those anxieties are well-founded.


The Blame Game, Redux: Yet Another Stoopid, By – Guess Who? — 1 Comment

  1. I’ve been having a lot of schadenfraudulent fun musing about the many ways this Ebola thing damages the entire progressive project, not to mention its poster boy, Barack Obola.

    As you note, it brutally exposes both the incompetence of government bureaucracies, while giving the lie to the entire notion that such bureaucracies can keep us healthy, wealthy, and safe.

    The possibility of Ebola triggering a mass stampede north across our unprotected Mexican border underlines the truth that, yes, Virginia, there is a reason nations need to secure their borders, because Bad Things can come into the country if they aren’t secured.

    The fact that Ebola is out of control in sub-saharan black Africa, a continent of corrupt kleptocracies who make Muslims look competent and modern, extends at least a bit of backwash that rolls into our own Oval Office and its constant racialization of, well, everything.

    The fear that murderous Muslim fanatics might make use of this horrible disease to make war on us here at home paints a bright line beneath the true nature of the Islamist threat.

    And it may even be encouraging a sort of self-reliant prepper mindset which is anathema to the entire Nanny State fantasy trade of liberty for security.