Calling Jersey Fats….

NJ dad says state is threatening to take away son after pencil twirling incident | PIX 11

A simple pencil-twirling incident landed Ethan Chaplin in hot water with his school, which threatened to suspend him after a classmate claimed he was spinning the writing utensil like a gun.

Ethan’s father says his son was just twirling the pencil, not pointing it like a gun.

After media attention from PIX11 and around the world, school officials backed off — but child protection agencies did not.

Letters to Ethan’s father, Michael, show the school found his son did nothing wrong at all, and that there would be no disciplinary action.  The superintendent was even confident the issue would be behind all of them.

And that’s exactly what happened, until Ethan’s father received startling communication from New Jersey’s Department of Child Protection and Permanency and Department of Children and Families.

“I received a letter from them saying they had found an incident of abuse or neglect regarding Ethan because I refused to take him for psychological evaluation,” Michael said.

In an effort to play along and clear his name, Michael agreed to take his son for an evaluation.

READ RELATED: Father claims son was removed from NJ school for twirling a pencil

Ethan was seen by a social worker, and had his blood drawn and urine taken.  In the end, no behavioral problem was found.

The state, it seems, is ignoring that set of testing, demanding further evaluation and threatening that if Michael doesn’t comply, they are will terminate his parental rights and free Ethan up for adoption.

The State of New Jersey, you say?  Isn’t that the state in which the agencies fall under the Executive in the person of Chris Christie?

So when is Jersey Fucking Fats going to step in and defend this father and son against the gun-crazed hysteria of his own people?

About Bill Quick

I am a small-l libertarian. My primary concern is to increase individual liberty as much as possible in the face of statist efforts to restrict it from both the right and the left. If I had to sum up my beliefs as concisely as possible, I would say, "Stay out of my wallet and my bedroom," "your liberty stops at my nose," and "don't tread on me." I will believe that things are taking a turn for the better in America when married gays are able to, and do, maintain large arsenals of automatic weapons, and tax collectors are, and do, not.


Calling Jersey Fats…. — 1 Comment

  1. Ethan’s father received startling communication from New Jersey’s Department of Child Protection and Permanency and Department of Children and Families.

    “I received a letter from them saying they had found an incident of abuse or neglect regarding Ethan because I refused to take him for psychological evaluation,” Michael said.

    In an effort to play along and clear his name, Michael agreed to take his son for an evaluation.

    Ah, well…that was his second mistake, here – his first being, of course, in not having gone on-record, at the very outset of that whole “spinning-a-pencil-like-a-gun” irrationality, via a knowledgeable attorney, with the entirety of the State of Noo Joisey’s public agencies that deal in any way with children, that a) this is a bullshit “issue”, and b) once this has been settled, there is to be no “follow-up” by any other “agencies”.

    Ethan was seen by a social worker, and had his blood drawn and urine taken. In the end, no behavioral problem was found.(emphasis added)

    Third mistake: Unless the “agency” involved was a) prepared to allege – in writing – some sort of pretty specific physical and/or drug abuse, and b) had obtained – and supplied a copy of – a court-ordered warrant specifying the exact purpose for the taking of blood and/or urine specimens, this was an unlawful search, and should not have been permitted by Dad.

    The state, it seems, is ignoring that set of testing, demanding further evaluation and threatening that if Michael doesn’t comply, they are will terminate his parental rights and free Ethan up for adoption.

    It may, of course, already be too late, but – at this point, Dad and Mom sorely need to get heavily lawyered-up, find themselves a reasonably even-handed judge, and petition the court for a hard-nosed Restraining Order – Permanent, if possible, minimum 90-Days Temporary at the least – against the State of Noo Joisey, preventing any and all of the threatened – and clearly-unwarranted – actions from taking place. They should probably also remove their son from N.J. physically, as far-distant from that state as feasible, to an undisclosed location – possibly removing themselves, as well, for the time being – until such time as that restraining order can be put in place.

    Meanwhile, of course: Make no direct response to any communication regarding this matter – or any other matter re: their son – from any “agency” of the State of Noo Joisey, except as directed by their lawyer; instead, direct all communications to the lawyer. Also – sit their son down, and tell him, quite clearly, he is not to discuss anything on this issue with anyone unless one or both parent and/or the lawyer is present.

    Probably, they should keep him out of the public school until they either get him out-of-State safely or until that restraining order is solidly in place, whichever comes first, as well. A State “agency” would ride rough-shod right over any local school “authorities”, if they pulled the pin on “taking over custody”, which would seem to be a distinct likelihood.

    Pretty obviously, if they continue to “cooperate”, those “agencies” fully intend, on whatever pretext they can create, to physically remove their son from their “custody and control” and, to the greatest extent possible, to obliterate their “parental authority and/or rights” – and, although I am NOT a lawyer* of any kind, I can state with certainty, if that happens, it’s going to be much, MUCH harder to end this whole bag of statist-generated bullshit on anything like a positive note than it already will be.

    I wish ’em the very best of luck, and of lawyering – they’re going to need both.

    Back sorta-on-topic: You don’t really have any expectation that Chris “jersey Fucking Fats” Christie would condescend to take a moment from his next puerile attempt at becoming a Presidential candidate in order to actually deal with a li’l ol’ thing like Parental Rights versus Statist Pre-Emption Of Same, do you?…I didn’t think so…After all, it IS Noo Joisey, and he IS, quite clearly, a typical Noo Joisey type of Statist, no matter what he may claim that momentarily might seem otherwise…

    (*Although I’m willing to impersonate one, if there’s money in it, and no jail time for me involved)