Help Wanted!

Here’s a kid who has more guts than brains, and he seems to have a lot of brains.

A Chicago teen accused of bringing a loaded gun to Urban Prep Charter Academy feared he would be killed by gang members who harassed him for years, his mother said Wednesday through tears.

Darnell Hamilton, 17, faces gun charges after police found a 9mm semiautomatic handgun loaded with several live rounds in his school locker Tuesday morning, prosecutors said.

Hamilton told police that he was being “hassled by the gangs and he bought the gun for protection,” Assistant State’s Attorney Erin Antonietti said Wednesday when Hamilton appeared in his white button down shirt and khaki pants before a Cook County judge.

We should start a scholarship fund for this kid.

About nemo paradise

Nemo has been perversely fascinated by finance since emergence from college as an English major with little or no math. His opinions, analysis and observations are generally subjective, and employ vast amounts of quantitative analysis the same way that an elephant turns savannahs into useful energy, with impressive piles of dung as a by-product. Nemo has been professionally employed in the trading and analysis of and commentary on financial markets since 1972. Nemo makes no short-term predictions, except when seized by caprice. The future is inherently unknowable, but is subject to analysis. Very, very infrequently, this analysis uncovers situations where outcomes are not random over the longer term. And, as you can tell, Nemo is a smug son of a bitch who has learned from his mistakes to guard his projections very, very carefully, but has no hesitation in attacking like a starving wolverine the misconceptions, idiotic assumptions and howling fallacies that financial pundits offer with stunning frequency.


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