Great! Another Fighter For Liberty!

The AnarchAngel : Baby Boy Byrne – First Day, First Week

Over at the Anarchangel’s joint, Chris seems to have acquired a new addition to the famiy.

Which reminds me:

GOP Faces Bright Future, Thanks To Favorable Demographics –

Even more to the point, religious voters, as a famous saying has it, are going to inherit the earth, and are doing so even now.

As shown by demographer Eric Kaufman of the University of London, religious couples across all cultures are for obvious reasons (including but not limited to abortion) having more children per family than are the secular-irreligious, whose birthrates are below replacement — which means a declining population.

“After 2020,” says Kaufman, the devoutly religious of all faiths “will begin to tip the culture wars to the conservative side.”

Well, I would hope they’d tip it to the liberty-minded conservative side, but…point taken.

About Bill Quick

I am a small-l libertarian. My primary concern is to increase individual liberty as much as possible in the face of statist efforts to restrict it from both the right and the left. If I had to sum up my beliefs as concisely as possible, I would say, "Stay out of my wallet and my bedroom," "your liberty stops at my nose," and "don't tread on me." I will believe that things are taking a turn for the better in America when married gays are able to, and do, maintain large arsenals of automatic weapons, and tax collectors are, and do, not.

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