Try the New Old Bullshit Diet

The Dukan Diet: French weight loss method examined

Sherman says the diet may work, but doesn’t make physiological sense.

“Low-carb diets with less than 35 per cent of the daily recommended intake have not been studied,” she said.

Not to mention the possible side effects listed, tiredness, dizziness or headaches, “that can’t be good.” And diets with “high protein can adversely affect the kidneys and cause nutrient deficiencies.”

Sherman says she counsels her clients that the best diet to be on “is the one you don’t know you’re on.” She cites Canada’s Food Guide as the perfect starting point for everybody.

“Experts” are still ladling out this drivel in the face of tens of millions of examples of abject failure.

“It may work…but it doesn’t make…sense?” What sort of mindless, drooling “science” is that? Hell, what sort of logic is it?

Of course, these hacks then follow up with outright lies: “‘Low-carb diets with less than 35 per cent of the daily recommended intake have not been studied,’ she said.” Actually, they have. And they demonstrate amazingly better results than your “balanced” starvation diets.

And one more useful piece of advice from Sherman: visit developed by experts and based on research studies that offer an online program with 12 practical sessions to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, track progress and is tailored to you.

And has a long term weight loss success rate of something between 0 and 2 percent.

And did we mention it’s free?

And did we mention that it is scientifically improbable, and almost totally unsuccessful at controlling weight long term?

But hey. Bullshit is always popular, and there is never any shortage of bullshitters ready and willing to ladle it out to you with a shovel. Especially if they can figure out some way to get paid for doing so.

About Bill Quick

I am a small-l libertarian. My primary concern is to increase individual liberty as much as possible in the face of statist efforts to restrict it from both the right and the left. If I had to sum up my beliefs as concisely as possible, I would say, "Stay out of my wallet and my bedroom," "your liberty stops at my nose," and "don't tread on me." I will believe that things are taking a turn for the better in America when married gays are able to, and do, maintain large arsenals of automatic weapons, and tax collectors are, and do, not.


Try the New Old Bullshit Diet — 1 Comment

  1. I’m sick and tired of this “low carb-high protein diets shouldn’t work” meme. It’s tiresome. My experience is that you lose weight, and quickly. My experience also taught me that

    a) You need to increase salt intake a bit, especially if you don’t eat any. This prevents you from feeling washed out from the constant stream of fluid passing through and over your kidneys
    b) I can’t run more than a mile or two while on such a diet. Glycogen stores are important.

    There was an article 10-15 years ago which stated that these diets were quackery and that the only reason people lost weight is because their caloric intake was so limited. I put the lie to that idiocy because I ate a four egg, cheese and bacon omelette breakfast, two double-cheeseburgers sans buns for lunch and a big freaking steak or an entire chicken for dinner. My snacks consisted of hard cheese multiple times throughout the day. So I was ladling fat, protein and calories into my body while dropping weight at an incredible weight.

    Again, I’ve decided that these diets just aren’t for me because I like to do long endurance runs. However, saying that they don’t work, or that they shouldn’t work, merely makes you like borderline retarded.