
This Could Brighten Your Day — 4 Comments

  1. Hmm… I guess it’s all relative. She’s good for a 10 year old, but I am really tired of that overblown style of singing. Her mannerisms are also a direct copy of female singers 3 or 4 times her age.

  2. Here’s my – and Mark Levin’s – favorite version of America the Beautiful.

    I just listened to it. God, I love my country. I always have, even when I was a dumbass leftist who thought I could make it better by destroying the very things that made it great. I know better now, unlike the groveling, crawling, bowing, apologizing, appeasing man in the White House.

  3. On december 16, 1773, local residents boarded 3 ships of the British East India Company and tossed 342 crates of tea into the Boston harbour. This pivotal act was a clear message of defiance against unfair taxes and a government that didn’t care about the people. This was the Boston Tea Party, a key point in the American Revolution.

    This april 15, it’s time for the american people to rise again. Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, or an Independent – it doesn’t matter. There’s a feeling that stretches across this country, from sea to shining shore. We are all Americans, and all of us have been betrayed by our politicians, and our Republic is slowly slipping away. There are few in Washington who are really looking out for us. Politicians are too wrapped up in their own nonsense, and it’s time we Americans reminded them just who they work for.

    Protests are scheduled to be held around the country. If you’re unable to attend, there is still a way for you to participate and be a part of this historical moment. Here’s how you can join in the fun:

    Whether it’s to congress, the senate, the white house, or your local politician – place a tea bag in an envelope and mail it to your designated official. Mail as many as you like, and be sure to pass on this message to any many people as you can.

    Let the revolution begin!