I’m Sure It’s Immoral

Individuals with undetectable viral load and no STI cannot transmit HIV during sex

Swiss HIV experts have produced the first-ever consensus statement to say that HIV-positive individuals on effective antiretroviral therapy and without sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are sexually non-infectious.…The statement also discusses the implications for doctors; for HIV-positive people; for HIV prevention; and the legal system.

But…AIDS is God’s punishment for poor choices. The sinners must be shunned!


I’m Sure It’s Immoral — 9 Comments

  1. Allow me to forecast yet another imminent surge in the number of AIDS patients within the next decade.

    “It’s okay, baby, the docs said it’s not really contagious….”

    “God’s punishment, sinners must be shunned…” Very cute, wisenheimer. How about BURIED. Is BURIED okay with you? Because that’s what you do with several million DEAD PEOPLE who were KILLED by the disease.

    Because apparently QUARANTINED is too big and scary a word to use when talking about a 100% incurable, 100% lethal disease that can be transmitted by a single drop of blood.

    But by all means, let us continue. We wouldn’t want to hurt any gay peoples’ feelings.

  2. RHJr,

    As SteveF said, you must be new here…otherwise, you’d be able to note the mildly sarcastic tone in Bill’s “…God’s punishment for poor choices…” remark.

    In general, it’s easily recognizable to anyone able to think clearly based upon accurate information that AIDS/HIV is: a) not “God’s judgment on sinners” any more than are the diseases of influenza, herpes, tuberculosis, Hansen’s/leprosy, Ebola or any other directly-transmittable human affliction, STD or otherwise, and b) though AIDS/HIV has a very high rate of lethality, the jury’s still out on whether it will continue to be (as are many other human contagions) “100% incurable.”

    In addition, although the danger of human-to-human transmittal of AIDS/HIV is very real, it does not come even close to a level that would require quarantine measures.
    Finally, your sarcasm, implicit in your final sentences, does not seem at all warranted in this context.

  3. the mildly sarcastic tone in Bill’s


    (Not that I have room to talk. I attributed two of Mojo’s posts to Bill in a fairly short period. Probably has something to do with Bill posting ten times as many articles as everyone else put together. Not even counting the recent tours de force on McCain.)

  4. the mildly sarcastic tone in Bill’s


    Oopsy…sorry ’bout that…(gotta remember, “read twice, post once, not the other way ’round!”)

    …right now, I’m trying to set up logons and permissions for the more than two hundred people who want to be contributors to the American Conservative Party weblog…

    Geez, Bill – sounds like another case of “be careful what you wish for – you might just get it!”

    I’m still working on getting back to something like regular-posting hereabouts, BTW – after considerable toil and turmoil, things may finally be getting back to not more than the ordinarily-chaotic…
