Speak No Evil

The liberal mainstream media is doing its damndest to cover up John Kerry’s lies. I guess this will meet with the approval of “moderates” like Matt “See No Evil” Welch” and Jeff “Hear No Evil” Jarvis.

You know, if I’d picked up a felony drug conviction back in the Sixties (real easy to do – just about any drug possession charge was a felony – pot was equivalent to heroin in most states), today, forty years later, there would still be jobs I couldn’t be hired for. Yet wooly-headed moderates want to apply lower standards to the job of the chief executive of the United States. How long should the statute of limitations be on massive demonstrations of flawed character, guys? Five weeks? Months? Years?

The straw man that attempts to show equality between Kerry’s deeds and Bush’s supposed “AWOL” is totally spurious. There is not one shred of proof that Bush was ever AWOL. The only place that plays is in the fever dreams of lefties and Bush haters. And they were perfectly willing to make a huge issue out of it.

Actually, the “let’s moveon.org” moderates don’t care about character and job qualifications. They just want to see John Kerry elected. Full disclosure, guys. Who are you going to vote for this fall? I, personally, am still undecided whether I will vote at all, but if I do, it will be for Bush. How about you?

About Bill Quick

I am a small-l libertarian. My primary concern is to increase individual liberty as much as possible in the face of statist efforts to restrict it from both the right and the left. If I had to sum up my beliefs as concisely as possible, I would say, "Stay out of my wallet and my bedroom," "your liberty stops at my nose," and "don't tread on me." I will believe that things are taking a turn for the better in America when married gays are able to, and do, maintain large arsenals of automatic weapons, and tax collectors are, and do, not.


Speak No Evil — 7 Comments

  1. I’ll vote for Bush, definitely. I may not be totally happy with how Bush has prosecuted the WOT to date, but at least he’s trying. I think JFK will look for the first convenient excuse to say “ok, that’s good enough” and draw down. Tacitus recently had a good analysis on this point on redstate.org talking about this.

  2. The Left never forgave Nixon’s character flaw of attacking and defeating (can’t remember her name) the woman he beat for his US House seat. They also never forgave him for being right about Alger Hiss. (Actually, despite massive evidence from frickin’ Soviet records, they typically still refuse to admit Hiss was guilty.) They didn’t need Watergate (or Kennedy/Johnson’s War) to hate him and consider him unfit to command.

    Some things matter and some things don’t.

    I guess I’ll (reluctantly) vote for Bush, since the Democrats couldn’t be bothered to offer a reasonable choice.

  3. Who are you going to vote for this fall? I, personally, am still undecided whether I will vote at all, but if I do, it will be for Bush. How about you?

    I’m actually asking Matt and Jeff, both of whom, I suspect, have already made up their minds to vote for Kerry, but are hiding their decisions behind a fog of moderate fluffblather.

  4. Dunno about Jarvis, but Welch is on record as a Kaus-like, “joyless” Kerry supporter. His blogging for Reason from the convention said it, and he’s not shied away from making his sentiments known.