Designing For Title
Peachy Keen Stamps Alumni

I've Been Published!

Scrappin' Navy Wife
Copyright Information All content included on my site is copyrighted Emma v. Aguilar. My projects & photos are shared for your personal inspiration & enjoyment only & may not be used for publication, submissions or design contests. So please don't claim my work as your own. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

MCT "I Need A Favor"

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome to another "I Need A Favor".

Today is the day that we create FAVOR ideas for you! 

I don't have a project for you today, BUT, my Mom does! :)  She created this GORGEOUS favor idea using the products I listed below! 

If you are interested in any of these items, this is the time to pick them up because our sale is going on NOW & will end tonight at 11:59pm PST! :) All the info is below!

Click HERE to see my video! 


Now onto the talented Miss Kendra! Click on her name to see what she used to create her ADORABLE favor here! 

Just a reminder that this sale is going on now & will end tonight (May 10, 2023) at 11:59pm PST! This is a 24 Hour FLASH Sale! Don't forget to use the code: FLASH at checkout to get 20% off of your entire order! Sale applies to in-stock items only! ;) HAPPY SHOPPING MY FRIENDS! 

I hope you were inspired here today! Thanks so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you all back here soon! ;) xoxo

Friday, January 27, 2023

MCT "Guest Designer"

HELLO my sweet friends! Today I have a special post for you all.

My Mom is "Guest Designing" for me! 🥰 

She created this adorable card using the products listed below! :) 


I hope you all were inspired here today! Thanks so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you all back here soon! :) xoxo

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

MCT "I Need A Favor"

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome to another "I NEED A FAVOR".

Today is the day that we are sharing a few different FAVOR ideas! 

We are all using one of my FAVORITE dies "TREAT SLEEVE DIE". I just LOVE our newest CANDY CORN 6x6x Paper pad because there are some SUPER CUTE ready made tags in them! 


My team has created a few FABULOUS ideas for you using this die! Click on each name to see what else they used!

I hope you were inspired here today! Thanks so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you all back here soon! :) xoxo

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

MCT "Tag It Tuesday"

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome to another "TAG IT TUESDAY!"

Okay, before I start, I made an error! This week we were supposed to use "Beach Colors" for our projects! lol.....CLEARLY, mine is NO WHERE NEAR beach colors! This is what happens when you look at the schedule AFTER you have complete the projects! lol.... It was too late to make something else, so we are going to just GO WITH IT today! ;) 

Click HERE to see how I put this together! :) 

~ Trick or Treat Dies (will be back in stock on 8/19/2022)

Now onto my AWESOME design team! Click on each name to visit each blog to see what they used to create these FABULOUS tags here for you today! :)

I hope you all were inspired here today! Thanks so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you all back here soon! :) xoxo

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

MCT "I Need A Favor"

HELLO MY SWEET FRIENDS & welcome to another "I Need A Favor!"

Today is the day that we create a few different FAVOR ideas for you! 

Click HERE to see my video on how I put my favor together! :) 

Now onto my awesome design team! Click on each name to visit each blog to see what they used to create these awesome favor ideas here today! ;) 

I hope you all were inspired here today! Thanks so much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you all back here soon! :) xoxo

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

MCT "3-D Wednesday"

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome to another "3-D Wednesday"
Today is the day that we create projects other than cards.  Click on the link below to see my video on how I put my treat together! :) 


Click HERE to see my video I have for you today! :) 

Now onto my AMAZING design team!  Don't forget to click on each name to visit each blog to see what they used to create these FABULOUS projects here today! :) 

I hope you all were inspired here today! Thanks so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you back here soon! :) xoxo

P.S.  I am letting the sale go past 4pm! The sale will end tonight (11/4/2020) at midnight PST! Use the code: VOTE2020 to get 20% off of your entire purchase! Sale applies to "in-stock" items ONLY! :) You can start shopping HERE!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

MCT "Gift Card Giving"

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome to another "Gift Card Giving" day!   Today is the day that my team & I create a few different gift card holder ideas for you!  Which is PERFECT since the holidays are rapidly approaching! 

Watch my video below to see how I put my gift card holder together! :) 

Here it is opened with the gift card! 


Click HERE to see my video I have for you today! :) 

Now onto my AWESOME design team! Click on each name to visit each blog to see what they used to create these FABULOUS gift card holder here today! ;) 

I hope you all were inspired here today!  Thanks so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you back here soon! ;) xoxo

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

MCT "3-D Wednesday"

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome to another "3-D Wednesday!"
Today is the day that we create 3-D projects for you! 

Click on the link below to see how I created my project here for you today! :) 


Click HERE to see my video I have for you today! ;) 

Now onto my AMAZING design team!  Click on each name to visit each blog to see what they used to create these FABULOUS projects! 

I hope you all were inspired here today!  Thanks so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you all back here soon! ;) xoxo

Monday, April 13, 2020

MCT "Manly Monday"

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome to another "MANLY MONDAY".
Today is the day that my team & I create nothing but masculine projects!

You can see in my video below how I created this!  As you can see by the picture, I switched the tag so it can look more masculine~! :) 

MCT Products Used:

Here is my video for you today! :) 

Now onto the TALENTED Miss Kendra!  Click on her name to visit her blog to see what she used to create this FABULOUS card! :) 

I hope you were inspired here today!  Thank you so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you back here soon! ;) xoxo

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