Life Lately According To My iPhone

Just sharing some photos from my camera roll - some instagrammed, some not. ;)

Bosco Had Eye Surgery

This past Wednesday, my sweet little Bosco had eye surgery. A little over a year ago, we noticed a lump started growing over his right eye. We didn't really think to much of it at the time, but over the months it started getting bigger.... and bigger... and bigger. And because of his age (14 1/2) we really struggled and debated over and over (and over!) on what to do. We love this little fellow so much!

Life Lately According To My iPhone

Guys! It's been a hot minute since I blogged. I'm so bad at it lately, but I really want to get back into it. Maybe now that the weather is cooling down and longer days inside with not much to do, maybe I'll get back into it.

Other than me not being a good blogger, things really haven't been that exciting. We live pretty boring lives, especially when Brandon was working days (which was the whole Summer). He just went back to nights, so we're hoping to get out a little more.... But I wanted to pop in and say hello... and share some photos from my camera roll, some instagrammed, some not. ;)

Life According To My iPhone

 NY Summer Visit 2016 - Creative Index

So we've already been back about 2 weeks. And I already want to go back.
We didn't do anything that exciting. I didn't get to check out all my favorite spots or eat at my favorite restaurants - all the Buffalo things I miss so much. At first I was a little bummed, but then, it didn't really matter to me. I really just enjoyed spending most of the time with family.

Life According To My iPhone

 life lately | creative index blog
As you may have noticed (or maybe not!), I've fallen off the blogging bandwagon again. Kind of on purpose and kind of not.... life hasn't been super busy, just a little different. Brandon has a new work schedule that we're trying to get used to and I'm trying (very slowly) to re-brand this blog and my shop... so I just haven't felt like blogging here. But I wanted to pop in and say hello... and share some photos that didn't make it to instagram... ;)

Random Thoughts....

 beach photo by creative index

.... that are more like complaints! haha

+ Has the the weather been really crappy where you live too? Because it really sucks here. In the four years living here, this has been the coldest, rainiest, gloomiest Spring... and it's really bumming me out! We've had one "real" beach day (hence the pretty photo above) and it's even to chilly/rainy to keep the windows open very long. I love when the cool breeze comes through the windows because soon we're gonna be stuck with the A/C running 24/7......

+ I'm tired of doing the dishes! Not just tired of it... I really HATE it! We don't have a dishwasher, so I wash every single dish and after 4 years, I'm SO over it. You don't really realize how many dishes you use throughout the day... and that's why I don't bake as much as I'd like. I don't want any extra dishes! And getting Brandon to help is like pulling teeth - plus I usually just have to re-wash them anyways. So gross!

Strawberry Picking

 strawberry picking | creative index blog

Last week we ventured up to Virginia and went Strawberry picking! It's one of my favorite things to do in the Spring. There is just something about those sweet berries straight off the vine! Brandon was off and it wasn't raining (finally!) so we hit up our favorite little farm in Chesapeake, Brookedale, and picked away.....

Dream Big and Work Hard!

dream big and work hard quote by creative index blog

Dream big. Work hard. Make it happen.... These simple words have been on my mind a lot lately.

Even though I have the dreams/vision, the making it happen part, I've been slacking with. To be honest, I've just been lazy. This blog, my design work, my shop... are not exactly where I want them to be. (I guess I can throw in eating healthy and working out! Totally fell off the wagon there too!) You get out of life what you put in and I need to stop making excuses and be more proactive. You aren't going to see any results if you don't put in the effort. A few weeks back when I worked with Marigold + Mars on some of her branding, it really lit a fire inside and I don't want it to fade.....

Here's to a new week and working towards our goals- whatever they are!! Time to believe in ourselves, not be afraid of change or mistakes and stay focused on the bigger picture!

Let's do this!

According To My iPhone // Frederick, MD

photo by creative index blog
photo by creative index blog


Brandon and I ended up taking a little trip to Frederick, Maryland to visit his sister and it was a really great weekend! Honestly, we've both been in a funk lately and this little getaway was just what we needed. Visiting family and having a change of scenery does the soul good! We had originally planned on going to Charleston with my sister, but it kind of fell through and since Brandon had the days off and it's been over a year since we've been to Maryland, we decided why not?!

So Many Reasons to Be Happy

 creative index art prints

I definitely have to remind myself of that sometimes.
Even though life seems to throw some curve balls our way, there are still things to be happy and thankful for. Over the last few months, I've definitely found myself being a bit more negative/sad, even depressed for a whole range of things - Brandon's job, where we live, car issues, trying to save money when things are tight as it is, Bosco's age and health, not having a baby yet, etc. etc.... I've been a roller coaster of emotions. Even the smallest things lately seem to set me off - either in a crazy bad mood or a crying mess, I know there are still things to be happy about!

Life Lately

life lately by creative index
Nothing terribly exciting going on over here. Spring has definitely arrived in NC! And I'm pretty happy about it! The flowers and trees are blooming and everything just looks so nice - bare tree branches be gone! We've had a few days in the 80s already! The days are getting longer and I feel more productive. More walks have been happening and we're all taking time to stop and smell the flowers! ;) How's the weather in your area? Feeling the Springy temps yet?

A 14th Birthday!!

 bosco's birthday - photo by creative index

Today is Bosco's 14th birthday!!!!!!
Brandon was out of town the past few days and since I was bored and had some extra party supplies around, I tortured Bosco with a little photoshoot. Yes, I'm aware that I'm a #crazydoglady ..... and I'm proud of it!! We've been through a lot these past 14 years and I love that little fluff ball more than anything!

First Beach Day & A 31st Birthday!!

 photo by creative index
 photo by creative index
 photo by creative index

This past week/weekend was absolutely gorgeous! We had our first little taste of Spring and the 3 of us were LOVING it!! We jumped in the car and headed down to the beach! We stopped for some donuts and coffee and enjoyed the warm sun on our faces! After the beach, we hit up one of my favorite antique/thrift shops. I don't go in there too often because I would probably go broke, but I'm having major regrets for not buying an old painter's ladder. I think I need to go back and see if they still have the tall ones.....

A Cozy Weekend

creative index blog

So we had a very low-key and cozy weekend! Brandon had to work and I've been feeling under the weather, so our weekend consisted of a whole lot of nothing! We cranked up the thermostat (wish we had a fireplace!) and were couch potatoes all weekend. We did take Bosco to the groomers to get a haircut, that's why he's wearing his little sweater. He hates it, but it was cold out there for an almost naked pup!


creative index - currently
Donuts. Too many donuts! Those sugary gems have a serious hold on me!

scarves. More specifically, my super soft, cozy and beautifully made scarf from Three Sheep Shack! I bought the "Jessie" in light gray, but I've got my eyes on that Hunter green one. Isn't it gorg?

2016 Goals

I know we're one month down already.... better late than never!

These are just a few “to-dos” I’d like to tackle this year:

This is absolute must! I was really hoping to move last year, but as you can see, that didn't happen. Brandon's been looking for a new job (out of state), but nothing has really panned out. He's going to keep looking/applying, but if nothing works out and we're stuck in NC a little longer, we're still moving! haha 4 years in a small, outdated rental is long enough!


 creative index snapshots
 creative index snapshots
 creative index snapshots
 creative index snapshots
 creative index snapshots

A little bit of my life lately…

So life has been pretty boring since we got back from Charleston. Brandon's been working a lot! And when I say a lot, I mean it. He's been going to trainings and picking up overtime, which is good for the bank account, but it can be difficult at times. It gets lonely when you really don't have any one else around. But when he is home, we're trying to enjoy as much time outside! We've been walking this nature trail that's close to the house and we've also gone up to the beach to walk along the water. It's actually really nice, now that the tourists have left! ;)

Speaking of work, I've also been keeping busy with the print shop and the 2014 Holiday tags! See that mug up there? It's one of my new faves! The crazy dog lady mug is my other favorite, because I am one! haha! Several new prints/colors have been added, and I'm hoping to add a few more over the coming weeks! So make sure you're following along for shop promos and the release of the Holiday tags!

My little sidekick. He's getting older, but thank goodness he's still pretty healthy. We've had some minor issues (nothing to serious), but my bloggy friend Jane and her pup Piri got some bad news recently. Piri was recently diagnosed with kidney disease :( My heart just breaks for them. (read more about Piri here) They have good days and bad ones and by folding these little paper cranes, we're hoping to lift their spirits and send them healing vibes! We have a few more to fold and then we're sending them your way! Sidenote: It's really nice to step away from the computer/phone screen and do something creative! We should all try it more!

Donuts! Delicious donuts! I'm posting this pic because, one, I really like it. And two, apparently so do all my Instagram followers! (I'm pretty sure it's my most liked photo!) It got me thinking though about how instagram works. Now, I don't post pics for likes. I post a snapshot of a moment... the good, the bad and even the silly. I post pics so I can remember little snippets of life. It's just funny to see which photos other people "like" because I've posted more inspiring/meaning pics and they get half the numbers. I like a "pretty" photo as much as the next person, we just have to remember there's messy homes and chaotic times behind those "perfect" moments.

So tell me, what have you been up to lately?

Long Weekend in Charleston

 charleston photo ©Creative Index

I’ve been wanting to go to Charleston since the Spring, but we never made it. I was okay with holding off a little longer and maybe going for our 5 year anniversary in August... well that didn’t happen either! (Brandon works a lot and it was really hard for him to get a few days off this Summer) So one Monday night, I was saying how I sad I was that we didn’t get to go for our Anniversary and I just wanted to get away and that I was in desperate need of some exploring, culture, good food, etc. etc. (I was probably being a little dramatic when I was saying this, but I seriously hate where we live and can’t wait to move! haha) By Wednesday afternoon, a hotel was booked and on Thursday afternoon we hit the road! :)

 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index
 charleston photo ©Creative Index

Charleston is absolutely beautiful! Charm everywhere, historic architecture, beautiful weather, delicious food, friendly people...

We spent a lot of time just roaming the streets and taking in the gorgeous scenery. We visited the City Market & Farmers Market, Waterfront Park (and its famous pineapple fountain), The Battery & White Pointe Gardens (hello, gorgeous houses!), Rainbow Row, Sullivan’s Beach, walked the Ravenel Bridge... we did so much walking, my feet hurt!

And the food was amazing too! One of the things I miss most about Buffalo is the food (good food is seriously lacking in this part of NC, just sayin'), so I was so happy to find some great eats! Butcher & Bee, Poe's Tavern, Callie's Holt Little Biscuit, Sugar Bakeshop all highly recommended! And there are so many other places I want to try next time - The Rooftop, Poogan’s Porch, Hominy Grill, Toast... just to name a few!

It was a fast, crazy, jam-pack trip, but I loved every minute of it! Can't wait to go back soon! ;)

If you've ever been to Charleston, what's your favorite restaurant/place to visit? I'm taking notes for our next trip! ;)


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 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog
 creative index blog

Just a little glimpse of what I've been up too. Nothing super exciting: a trip back home, my Mom's 50th birthday, our 5 year anniversary, trips to the beach & farmers market, and lots of walks and watermelon eating with my furry sidekick. Not the most exciting Summer, but meaningful none the less.

I'm trying to get better at documenting things we do, even if it is just a walk or beach day. I take my fancy camera with me more and I always have my phone, but honestly, I don't take a lot of pictures! So that is one of my current goals. To snap more pictures and capture the special moments and days that seem to be flying by so fast!

Hey! I'm still here!

creative index

Hello, hello! Anyone still out there?? Yes, it's me!! The girl that totally fell off the face of the blogging world!

It has been almost 5 months since I last posted! I can hardly believe it myself and my "little" break was definitely not intentional. It just sorta happened. Life happens. Summer happened and I've been enjoying as many possible days with my toes in the sand! :)

Now don't get wrong, the time away has been nice. Sometimes we have to take step back and just breathe. Enjoy life and disconnect a little. But guys, I really do miss it! A LOT! And I miss connecting will all of you! This little space was my creative outlet for a long time and I'm not ready to give it up yet! I love sharing my work, amazing artists, unique finds.... I'm ready to get back to that! I'm feeling refreshed, energized and excited to start writing and creating for this little space!

Happy Tuesday, guys! Hope everyone is enjoying their Summer! I'd love to know what you've been up too!

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