Showing posts with label Terminator: Resistance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terminator: Resistance. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2022

Terminator Resistance Videos (Now with Kyle Reese DLC)


Terminator Resistance was a huge sleeper hit a couple years ago. Now it has a DLC that is just as big as the main game. I don't know what we did to deserve a good Terminator game in the 2020's, or how they put this much effort into a DLC add-on without it being expensive at all. It's pretty clear this was a labor of love more than anything else. Here are a bunch of videos of said game.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Terminator: Resistance - Part 3 (Final)

 While this game may take place in 2029, the posts for it will end here, in the present, tonight.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Terminator: Resistance - Part 2

We're back live, as it turns out that HKs aren't too bright. Their design is iconic and all, but I wonder about its efficiency. Seems like it consists of a lot of metal and resources to lug around just to snipe people from above. How do they not run out of fuel after one day?

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Terminator: Resistance (PS4, 2020)

We've waited a really, really long time for a good Terminator game with modern visuals. After that kind of wait, all this game needed to do was be decent and not broken. Well, turns out it's a pretty darn cool game that does a lot right. It does what any post-T2 movie should have done to begin with and gives us the story leading up to the end of the war (and the beginning of the first two movies).