Showing posts with label Rockman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rockman. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (Arcade, 1996)

A year later, the sequel to the previous game! Again, arcade-only at the time, confusing title. While the first was just kinda an arcade fighting-hybrid based on the first seven games, this one is more of a promotional vehicle for the upcoming Mega Man 8. They reuse almost everything from the first game so it's more of an expansion than anything else. I just played both of them and can barely tell them apart.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Rockman: The Power Battle (Arcade, 1995)


One of the two Mega Man arcade games that Japan got in the mid-90's. Eventually it made it to the US via being included as a bonus in the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for PS2-era systems. I'm playing it on the modern Capcom Arcade Stadium (it's on the second one). Was surprised to realize I never covered these on here, given that I did most of the Mega Man series. It's basically an "Oops, all boss fights" version of Mega Man.

Editor's Note: Being told that this actually DID get a release in American arcades, so correction on that.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rockman and Forte (Super Famicom, 1998)

Time to return to the Mega Man series and cover another classic. This one was released in Japan at the tail end of the Super Famicom's lifespan, too late to get a localization here since the Super NES was getting phased out well before 1998. It eventually got a portable release (as Mega Man and Bass) on Game Boy Advance years later, but I prefer the SFC version.

For a long time this game was incorrectly labeled "Mega Man 9" on the internet, but this isn't the case. It's more of a Mega Man 8.5, a fusion of elements from the seventh and eighth games. ...maybe that makes it 7.5? It also features a surprise guest. You'll never guess who it is: Forte, aka Bass. In any case, let's check it out.