Showing posts with label Prometheus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prometheus. Show all posts

Friday, December 11, 2020

Alien Vs. Predator (Super NES, 1993)

Today I'm going to take a quick look at a game that actually features Xenomorphs rather than look-alikes or knockoffs. I also wonder why there aren't more Versus properties like this. There's Robocop Vs Terminator, but why not Terminator Vs. Aliens? Or Robocop Vs Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket? The possibilities are endless!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The 2012 Year in Review

2012. It saw a ratings record-setting NBA playoffs series between Boston and Miami, a huge Superbowl featuring Boston Vs. New York City, a seemingly-endless presidential election that featured candidates from Boston and Chicago, and a Wrestlemania main event between Boston's own John Cena and Miami's own The Rock.

My town, Boston, lost all of those.

What follows are just my opinions; your mileage may vary. If I haven't seen or played something, it probably won't be mentioned. Exceptions can be made if I have fairly extensive knowledge of a game or movie. Before you lose your mind because the latest Call of Duty wasn't included, I didn't play it and don't know very much about it. With that said, let's go.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Movie Review: Prometheus (Blu-Ray, 2012)

What if God was one of us?

Directed by Ridley Scott
Written by Damon Lindelhof and Jon Spaihts
Starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron

In ancient times, the titan Prometheus was said to have given fire to humans – and been punished by the gods for his efforts.