Showing posts with label Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My Top Ten Favorite Movies

Just what it says on the tin. Today I'll be counting down my personal top ten favorite movies of all time. This list is entirely subjective and by no means am I saying that these are the ten best movies I've ever seen from a design standpoint; The Godfather and Citizen Kane unfortunately won't be making the list. These are simply the ten that I've liked the most over the years and find myself revisiting the most often. I will say that everything on this list is quite good and well worth seeing.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Top 16 Scariest Monsters to Ever Grace Movies, Television, and Video Games

Right now I'm going to do something a bit different: a list of the scariest monsters I've ever seen in movies or TV. The only rule is: No people. Only inhuman monsters will be found here. No Joker (The Dark Knight) or Kurgan (Highlander). Though one could make an argument about either of those characters being inhuman monsters in and of themselves.

Why 16? Because it's 2016!

I'm also unfamiliar with the likes of Freddy Krueger, Mike Myers, and Jason. For now. So they won't be showing up. Darth Vader is debatable, but I think he's still human enough to not be included. Feel free to comment with your own monster nominations.