Showing posts with label Dragon Warrior 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragon Warrior 2. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2021

Dragon Warrior III (Game Boy Color, 2001)

In 2001, DQ3 hit the Game Boy Color. This version borrows a lot from the Super Famicom version and so far it's a blast.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Dragon Warrior II (Game Boy Color, 2000) - Epilogue

I have unfinished business with Dragon Warrior II for the Game Boy Color. I asked around online to find out what the level cap was for this version, and couldn't get a straight answer anywhere. So I decided to find out for myself. Is it 50/50/50 like the Android remake or 50/45/35 like the NES original?

Friday, February 28, 2020

Dragon Warrior II (Game Boy Color, 2000) - B Side

Will I defeat this Metal Babble, or will it escape? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT. It might even defeat ME. Who knows?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dragon Warrior II (Game Boy Color, 2000) - A Side

Dragon Warrior 2, yet again. I missed out on playing this on the original NES until the advent of emulators in the late 90's. In a world without emulation, I likely would have been into this portable version of the game back in 2000. Let's see how it translated into a smaller-screen format. Many years before we had the fancy high-res phone version, we had this. Note: I'll be using Warrior and Quest interchangeably here when talking about the game, but I'm specifically referring to this as Warrior in the title because that's what it was called at the time. 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Dragon Quest II (2014 Remake) Pt 2 - Desafinado

The two Gremlins can be a real challenge if you're underleveled, or they can be a glorified regular enemy fight if you're not. Either way you've gotta fight FOUR of them like a half hour later, so things aren't getting any easier.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dragon Warrior II Finale - Praetorian Guard

The final installment of Dragon Warrior II! Will Mal learn a spell? Will Bran become a powerful character? Will the towel-wearing Illyria put on some real clothes? The answers are all No.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dragon Warrior II #2 - Harbingers

Here we go... it's time to rock Charlock. What awaits inside the ultimate dungeon of the first game? A secret uberboss? A new DragonLord? Mad loot? A beautiful, seductive woman who wants both Mal and Bran, and hopes that they think that's cool... say word?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dragon Warrior II (NES, 1990)

 This time... there are more than one of them. This game should have been called Dragon Warriors. You know, like Aliens.