Showing posts with label DBZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DBZ. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Part 16 - The 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament (B-Side)


It seems like a lot of DBZ games count these last few episodes of DB (with older Gokou) as part of DBZ. The Super Famicom fighting games generally start with this fight, for example. I'd say this DLC is actually a really good place to start Kakarot, rather than the beginning of the main story, so it's kinda like the game got a new and much more exciting intro chapter.

In any case, here we go, last Kakarot episode...until they put out the final DLC.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Part 15 - The 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament

I'm still doing these? I'm still doing these. The latest (and 2nd to last) DLC for The Best DBZ Game is the only one to actually go outside the realm of DBZ. The first couple DLCs were based on movies that could be "Dragonball Super movies" or "Dragonball Z movies" depending on how you want to measure them. This, though, is a retelling of the last few episodes of the original Dragonball series. Since Gokou is older in those episodes and there was a time jump, lumping them in with DBZ works for me.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout (Playstation, 1997)


As a kid I was super into this game. It was the first DBZ related game we got in the US that I know of, and it was pretty awesome just to be able to finally play as some of these characters in a game. Does it hold up after all these years? But it was something. Also gonna have a lot of notes about what I thought of this back in 1998 or so when I played it, with limited DBZ exposure at the time. Suffice to say a lot of it was interesting!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 13 - Bardock: Alone Against Fate


I briefly considered putting DBZ posts up only at 6:00 AM Eastern on Sunday mornings, since back in the 90's that was the only time we could watch it. And we did, too. Staying up on Saturday night wasn't unheard of, and I had some groggy Sundays. Yep, one episode a week (sometimes two) at 6 in the morning. Sounds terrible right? Actually it was awesome. Every episode meant something and we were glued to the TV. It was an EVENT. No show gets me anywhere near that excited as an adult.

Anyway, here's DLC #4.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 12 - History of Trunks Pt 2 (The Future)


We rejoin Trunks as he heads back to his own timeline/dimension. It's still the catastrophic mess it was when he left, even though he helped save the world in our timeline.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 11 - History of Trunks


Time for a mini DBZ Month of sorts as I have a few things to wrap up in that category. DBZ 2-3 Weeks? I don't know. Starting off with the third of the Dragonball Z: Kakarot DLCs, which continue to be great. Got two more of these to cover, and apparently they've still got ANOTHER two in the works for some later time. Maybe those can be in next year's DBZ 2-3 Weeks.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 10 - Resurrection F


On the second day of Christmas, my true love did NOT come to me. Instead I get Freeza.

That's right, time for the return of Freeza. Except now he's gold, because he trained. I liked it more when Freeza's power was largely static and new forms were his only avenue for powerups. Being able to gain power incredibly fast through training is a unique Saiyan trait, and to a lesser extent a Namekian trait. Now that Freeza and his minions can all power up super-fast from training, the specialness of Saiyans is diminished a bit, and it raises all kinds of questions about the Freeza Force. Regardless, load up your Maximum the Hormone playlist and let's get to it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 9 - Battle of Gods


The 12 Days of Christmas begins: 12 days, 12 posts. Every day at about noon, a new post. No reposts, just entirely new ones.

A variety of stuff, some of it leading into projects that I'll do more with in 2023. Starting things off with some DBZ.

This DLC is mostly just a grind, very little to it. They can be excused because they made this DLC in 2020 while short-staffed. Movie 14 was pretty cool though and I'm glad they added it to this game. Beerus is a great "villain" (though he's more like a neutral party).

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 8 - Mystical Brohan

 Moments after this picture was taken, Vegeta went on a blistering media scrum and buried Gokou and Gohan!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 6 - Cell Games


This game could have easily just ended after the defeat of Freeza and left the rest for a sequel. In this day and age, it's pretty cool that they just went ahead and kept going with it.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 5 - Second Variety


It's time! It's Android time! Look at their massive foreheads. However, the threat posed by these guys is nothing compared to the threat posed by...Android 20? What?

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 4 - Pissing On The Dreams of Tyrants

 I totally missed out on a bunch of stuff from this part of the game. Like I took zero screenshots of the whole "Gokou = Ginyu" part. Rest assured, we missed nothing. That part almost feels like filler to me now. You fight Gokou (as Gohan) and stuff happens. Regardless, moving on with the story...Freeza interrogates Nail to find out how to use the 'balls. Let's just get to the actual Freeza battle before the show PTSD starts again. Regardless, Captain Ginyu is defeated, all the body-switching stuff is over with, and Gokou is laid-up in a healing tank. That's right, he's out of action AGAIN.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Dragonball Z: Kakarot Part 3 - The Green Zone


We get the "Vegeta, I hear you've had quite the battle" scene from the show. The first time I saw this, I thought Cui was Freeza. Expected Freeza to show up soon as the next big villain, didn't know what he looked like. Soon as this guy appeared, I was like "Freeza?" ...I'm glad he wasn't.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Dragonball Z: Kakarot (Lots of systems, 2020) - Part 1 - Saiyan Saga

Here we are, the ultimate evolution of those DBZ RPGs on the Famicom and Super Famicom that I liked so much. Will I like this one? I hope so. It's more of an RPG/Fighting hybrid.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Suikoden vs. The World

The Suikoden series is one of my favorite RPG series out there, when it comes down to it.  Because Suikoden has so many characters (108 per game), there's bound to be some name overlap between the cast of the series and the rest of the media that exists in the world. Today I find out who would win in battles to the death between the Suikoden cast and their namesakes elsewhere.