Thursday, October 3, 2024

Onimusha Tactics, Part 7: Hideyoshi's Last Stand.


Episode 43? My goodness. How many damn episodes does this game have?

Huh huh, "climax"

I'm very mature.

Nobunaga has been reading internet comment sections, and he's appalled.

Onimaru is here, and he has chosen "Kick Assu" from his options.

Before we can stop Nobunaga's ritual to summon the Evil Scrubbing Bubbles, a mystery genma appears.

Wait, what the? Hideyoshi?

That's right, Dick Hideyoshi has transformed into his true form, and... is, oddly enough, less scary-looking.

Whoa, Magoichi, turn down the racism towards lizards!

What does the G- stand for? Probably Genma. Maybe Green, like Green Pison.

Hideyoshi doesn't have many allies, and quickly gets surrounded by our heroes and beaten down.

Hideyoshi takes a moment to admire Nobunaga's fit 'bod before he keels over, and that's it for Vice President Dick Hideyoshi. Now only Nobunaga remains. And he's got a lot to say:

I don't know if he'll be able to rule anything or punish anybody, given that Onimaru... grossly overpowered at this point and can go SSJ on top of his already-OP stats, putting him in the stratosphere.

Apparently Nobunaga has already made a castle out of genma force ghosts, or something. I don't really know what's goin' on anymore.

This is it, the toughest fight in the game. Not the last fight, the toughest by a mile though. It really is a fight to the death.

We uh...we walked here?

Wonder who'd win in a fight between Nobunaga's evil genma scrubbing bubbles and Aragorn's ghost army scrubbing bubbles.

He won't be a pushover like his Veep and Secretary of Defense were.

Nobunaga is an interesting boss, because unlike every other boss in the game, he hangs back and casts heals on his guards instead of engaging right away. The guards are quite tough and do the heavy lifting here.

Nobunaga is now bundling up a Freeza Death Ball! Watch out, Kuririn!

It's an AOE that insta-kills everyone it lands on. Uhhhhh

He takes out three of my best characters at once. That seems a bit...unfair. Luckily death isn't permanent in this game, so they'll be back after the fight.

The key is to spread everyone out so the Death Ball only hits one of them at a time. And also have Onimaru go SSJ3 and just annihilate everybody, as per usual.

I chose to focus on Nobunaga instead of fighting through the guards, once it became clear how tough they were. Turns out, that's the correct play, as all of them disappear in poofs after Nobunaga is defeated.


Make no mistake, that was the hardest fight in the game (besides maybe the ones with Genma Cannons).

Mitsuhide dusts himself off and notes that his daughter is avenged. Now it's time for him to go home and grow his hair way out for his appearances in Samurai Warriors.

Onimaru tries to act like everyone else contributed/helped win the fight, but it's clear whose band this is.

But wait! A laser beam pierces the night air and kills Kuririn, as Nobunaga rises from the ashes. He's not done yet!

That's right, there's one more battle. One last struggle before this game winds to a close! The good news is, it isn't as tough as the fights before it. But Nobunaga is no slouch, and won't be losing without a pitched fight.

Final save of the game. About 20 hours to beat the game, which is a bit short for a Tactics-style game, and well worth a run. This is a good one, for sure, and one of my most-liked things on the GBA.

Next time: The final battle.

Other Onimusha Tactics Posts

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