Thursday, October 31, 2024

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, 2nd Half


Our Halloween festivities conclude with Soma playing a giant piano. Wasn't able to find a secret to this: It's just a giant piano, and it's there, so you can randomly play it before continuing on your way. These games are so stylish.

Side Note: So it seems that the 1999 battle between Julius and Dracula was actually the final resurrection of Dracula and he's defeated for the rest of time. Julius' 1999 battles being essentially the final battle of the Castlevania timeline (not counting Soma's future antics) makes it even weirder that we never got a game based around it.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Haunted Castle Revisited (Switch, 2024)


This is, believe it or not, the first new Castlevania game in like ten years. The last one was also a remake of an early game with Castlevania Adventure Rebirth. This uses basically the same engine and is similarly barebones with mostly left-to-right 2D stages. That said, it's a new Castlevania game. That alone is a big deal. Even though it's another 30 minute long game, it's another nice bonus on the new collection and a vast improvement over the original arcade game.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Haunted Castle (Arcade, 1988)

The notorious arcade version of Castlevania 1 that only in recent years became a subject people were interested in (likely because of the total dearth of new 'Vania, so people are going back and mining what exists). Much easier to play now due to its inclusion on the new Castlevania Dominus Collection. While usually arcade versions came before their console counterparts, this one was actually released after the original Castlevania (or Vampire Killer on MSX2).

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Pokemon Leafgreen Finale - Many Pokemen (Wish Death)


After going all the way around the world, the first city's gym is finally unlocked. Will LEAF become Royal Crown Chinpoko-Master, or will I hit an impasse and be unable to beat one of the easiest RPGs of the 90's? Will the sixth man Machamp pull his weight? (No.)

The cool thing about Pokemon is that nobody ever dies, they just fly back into their Pokeball until the next time they get summoned for this society-wide cockfighting sport. Just because all of their culture are cockthusiasts and accept this terrible practice doesn't make it ok. #EndPokemonFighting

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Pokemon FireRed: The Let's Play

The whole set of videos on Pokemon FireRed to go with the LeafGreen. Had my girlfriend with me on some of these, and went solo on others. Bear in mind that we recorded these eight years ago, which is how long it's been since I really got into Pokemon on here.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Pokemon LeafGreen, Part 4 - Goro Wins

Some random guy questions LEAF's riding skills, as Pokemon LeafGreen winds towards a close.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Pokemon LeafGreen, Part 3 - Magikarp's Murder Spree


LEAF tries going on Tinder to meet girls, but all she's getting is couples trying to double team her. In other news, MYA, if that is her real name, has got it going on. Why are Pokemon women so hot?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Pokemon LeafGreen, Part 2 - Lemmiwinks' Lament


At this point I realize that I totally whiffed on getting the Town Map way back at the beginning, and need to make a trek back there through the treacherous Diglett's Cave.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Pokemon LeafGreen (Game Boy Advance, 2004)


So Gen 1 first dropped in 1998, years after the Game Boy had stopped being relevant, and single-handedly revived the system. To put that in perspective, it's like if we got a new PS Vita or 3DS game in the last couple years. It shouldn't have worked, but it did, and not only did it work, it started one of the biggest powerhouse franchises in gaming. A mere six years later we got a full-fledged remake of Gen 1, and it pretty much perfects everything that was rough around the edges in 1998.

I was a little apprehensive about covering the Pokemon remakes, as opposed to just the best versions of each original gen, which I did up to Gen 3. However, this game is technically part of Gen 3, so in a way I'm just picking up where I left off. Someday I'd like to do the rest, but who knows.

The remakes are their own beasts, with some new content and new spins on everything. Regardless, the Pokemon posts on this site are their own rare breed, and a bit more adult-oriented than the usual. Nothing is sacred here. Rated M for mature. You've been warned. Enter at your own peril!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Onimusha Tactics, Finale: The True Genma King.

There are a lot of other things I could be doing right now, like watching a Super Eyepatch Wolf video called "How Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Destroys Me" or something like that. But instead here I am finishing Onimusha Tactics. I always finish what I start, unless it's Dragon Quest VI.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024