Showing posts with label soda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soda. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Sibling Ramblings

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A slight continuation of the last comic, more of me and my brother after a tasty meal by our mom. The garlic sauce was great, but it was called garlic juice by someone then this spiral sort of happened. But from the previous comic, I now know that garlic soda is a thing in Switzerland. But now I need to look up if pasta soda is a thing, because that list of weird soda flavors has me questioning every ridiculous flavor as possibly being real. Ah, all the Google results are talking about baking soda in pasta, and that's not what I'm going for here. 

Title: Siblings
L: Garlic sauce.
L2: Garlic juice!
L: Pasta juice? 
L2: SodaStream that - carbonate those carbs!

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Onion Soda

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If ginger, which is a root, can be a soda (ale, which is basically synonymous with beer) then why not pick another root, onion, to be a soda? Does that mean that root beer is syntactically the same thing as ginger ale? And any root (potato, for example) could be SodaStreamed and called root beer? Things to ponder...

Also, I think this is an excellent example of why I should not ever get a SodaStream. I feel like carrot soda could be marketed to health nuts. Now I want to look up if carrot soda is a thing. The closest thing I could find is carrot cake soda, which is still quite odd but not in the health food category. WHAT THIS IS WEIRDER: both onion and garlic sodas are a thing per this article. Wait, now my comic is about an already made product... I'm not sure how to feel about that.

L: You've heard of ginger ale, now get ready for:
L2: Onion soda.
L: If you can liquidize it, you can carbonate it!
M: *facepalm* 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Carbonated Protein

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Happy Birthday to my mom! Hope your day does not involve carbonated protein. 
Tuna Soda - the drink of the apocalypse when you have to use what you have to survive, and what you have is a SodaStream and a stockpile of tuna. That's kind of a long slogan, might need to condense it somehow. I'm not sure how much protein (or any nutrients) is in the juices from a can of tuna, so the health of this drink is dubious, much like the taste. Now I'm thinking of dubious food from Breath of the Wild. 
Also, did you know that I have mouseovers on my comics? Sometimes they're funny, like the one today! To activate the mouseover, you put your mouse over the image. 

L: Why are there drained cans of tuna next to the SodaStream?!?
L3: Want a glass of carbonated protein?

Sunday, February 16, 2014