Showing posts with label month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label month. Show all posts

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Months of the Year Part 3


Happy almost Birthday to my sister!
A final appearance of the OctoBear for this year? Time will tell. We have left October so it's not very likely for him to show up again. Just completing the calendar for the year. Happy December! 

Months of the year, January through September, ending with the OctoBear holding a turkey and Santa. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Months of the Year Part 2

An updated calendar for the new month we have entered!

January February March 
April May June 
July August September 
OctoBear holding a turkey!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Months of the Year

He returns! I should make a compilation comic of all the times he has popped up. My blog has a search bar that can be used to find OctoBear in the meantime while I think about making that compilation. 

Explanation: "October" sounds like "Octo-bear", which is a creature I made up to be a merge of "octopus" and "bear", hence the bear with eight tentacles. In truth, I think octopi are super creepy and I don't like them, but I do like my concept of an OctoBear. 

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - OctoBear!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Month of Broken Hallelujahs

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The song being sung here is "Broken Hallelujah" which, while a pretty tune in my opinion, is not Biblically sound. It blends David and Samson, I don't understand all the lyrics which means I probably don't want to, and overall not actually about Christmas but it's sung around Christmas. Now I want to know why. Here's a theory. Nothing conclusive, basically people don't listen to lyrics and also change the lyrics via covers so now it's played at Christmas even though it's about lost love. But it has a pretty tune. 

My comic here is just the fact that "March" is an action (to march forward in victory) and also a month (right before April). 

A: 𝆕 Love is not a victory march 𝆕 -
B: Is it a victory April?