Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Fade to Black

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And cut! Gotta get all spiffy for the holidays.

Explanation: A "fade" is a hairstyle for men. "Fade to black" is a cinematic idiom (often at the end of a scene) where the lighting fades all the way to dark. 

B: You want a trim and dye job?
C: Yep, make it fade to black. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

No Hare Out of Place

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My pastor preached on 1 Corinthians 11 last week and he titled his sermon "Not a Hair Out of Place" and that spawned this comic. 

Explanation: "Hair" and "hare" sound the same but mean very different things. This comic plays on the phrase "not a hair out of place" which means everything is in order. And if the rabbits are all back in their enclosures, then things would all be in order. So it works both ways?

A: Did you get the rabbits all back in their enclosures?
B: Yep, not a hare out of place anymore.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

West Virginian Hair

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And now I have the "Country Roads, Take Me Home" song stuck in my head. So the slogan of West Virginia is "wild and wonderful" and I wasn't sure how well known that fact is so I wanted to include it. Robin's hair is getting curly and she has spectacular bedhead which needs to be tamed so it isn't WV. 

Extra pun: the "state" of her hair is WV. Wanted to make sure everyone catches that.

M: Darling, just look at the state of your hair!!
R: It's West Virginia.
M: Yes, wild and wonderful.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Gray Hairs

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This comic makes more sense when spoken aloud. But also without the written text, it sounds rather morbid (since there isn't an audible difference between 'dye' and 'die'). The nice thing about getting some gray hairs is that people know your hair color is natural, so there's that. Also, as the song says, "I'm not afraid of getting older - I'm one less day from dying young." Embrace the age you are!

R: Wow, you are getting some gray hairs there.
L: Well, the alternative is to dye. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Dyer Emergency

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I mean, Go Ravens? I do think purple is a nice color, but I have no plans on dyeing my hair. And I just found out that's how you spell 'dyeing'! Because calling it 'dying' looked... wrong. 

The pun is that 'dire emergency' means an extremely serious or urgent emergency, and an emergency about hair dye could be considered 'dyer'. 

A: Aaaahhhh!!! I wanted black, but it's purple!!! [lady talking about her hair color]
B: That's a dyer emergency.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Hair Gel

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She really likes to grab hair. She thinks it's the best. Also, her hands are always sticky. Probably due to how much she drools and sticks random things in her mouth. 

P: Your hair looks different - did you use gel?
L: Nope - sticky baby hands. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Hair Styles By My Brother

Or lack thereof

 A discussion on hairstyles happened while I visited family and this lovely image was imagined. I hope this was never a thing but I'm a little curious yet scared to look it up. Well, I did not make it through this article but apparently the dual party look was a thing. Ew. Please don't do that.

N: I'd like a mohawk in the front, and a mullet in the back.
L: So a party in the front, and a different party in the back? 

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Hair Styling and Bakery

I realize this one might benefit from a frame around it, since the top sign is kinda just hanging there but I think it works.
I don't remember what made me think of this but I think Princess Leia would approve? My hair is far too short for buns but I do like cinnamon buns. Also sticky pastries and clipping hair would just be gross.

Sign: BUNS - Hair Styling and Bakery - OPEN
M: It seemed like a good idea but it's not.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


My husband looked at this (I just gave him a haircut) and said "nope, that's not how that works." I kinda want to try this at a salon, but then you're messing with someone who can really make the next few weeks unbearable depending on what they do, so maybe don't try this.
This one time we were at an Orioles game and they have a player named Adam Jones and there was a little clip with a jingle "Adam Jones gives a fan a haircut" and he just buzzed a line across a guy's head and said "You got Jones'd" and it was memorable.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Weave Got This

So I just searched on 'weave got this' and got several hits, so apparently other people think like I do.