Showing posts with label diaper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diaper. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Dry Baby Wipes

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Why do we have paper towels in the diaper bag? Well, they are useful for drying up messes. Like when your kid drinks too much of your DD frozen hot chocolate and pukes it out on a cramped airplane flight. The flight attendant gave us a whole stack and I stuffed the extras in the bag for next time and thankfully there hasn't been a next time. Also, I'm more careful with what she eats when traveling (especially when traveling).

M: The wipes in that pocket are dry as a bone.
L: Those are paper towels.
L2: *silently judging*

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

High, High Hopes

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 So I was listening to the radio and "High, High Hopes" came on and these lyrics just made more sense to me. The actual lyrics are "Mama said don't give up, it's a little complicated" rather than what I came up with. But yeah, mom life. 

Song: Mama saiiiiid - don't give uuuuuup - you're a little constipated
Baby: *grunting*

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Classic Escape

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I feel like this phrase, while very accurate, won't catch on due to the gross factor. Like, we all know it happens but we don't want to be reminded of it. Speaking of that, I need to go stain-kill my daughter's high chair cushion. 

P1: She escaped?!?
P2: Like poop from a diaper.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Eau de Ewww

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Happy Birthday to my niece! She is not the child pictured in this comic :) 
What is Eau de Ewww? It's earthy with sulfuric notes. 

A: What is that awful smell?
L: Eau de Eww.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Out of Containment


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So our little one has had some blowouts of massive proportions and this comic just sprang into my mind. Usually she passes gas so forcefully I just don't see how it could be contained, but that's what the diaper is built for so usually it holds it all in. But sometimes it fails. 

The phrase "asset out of containment" is used in the Jurassic World franchise to say a dinosaur has escaped. I'm using the phrase in this comic in reference to poop getting out of the diaper.

L1: Let's hope no assets are out of containment!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

A Wee Bit Concerned

This was a conversation from earlier and it's true, a loose diaper is concerning. And the pun just had to be made. We have already had our share of leaks and blowouts and apparently that will just keep happening until she's toilet trained. 

L: I think her diaper might be loose and that makes me... a wee bit concerned.
M: *holding baby, has no response to that amazing pun*

Updated comic to give Lucy her crown!