Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Foisting Joy

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Happy Pi Day!
It always makes a task sound better to say that it's an honor and privilege. I'm glad I spelled that word correctly because it's weird with the vowels. There have been a few comics that I've uploaded only to type out something from the text and realize I need to go make an edit. Spelling is difficult. Putting a toddler to bed is also difficult.

Blog Update: I have a due date coming up soon, and there's a chance I'll fall behind with my scheduling so there might be a lull in updates. I don't plan on abandoning this blog, because I find it enjoyable to share my thoughts as comics, but finding the time to draw and upload will be more difficult. 

L: Would you like the honor and privilege of putting our darling to bed, or would you rather foist that joy upon me?
M: *panicked deliberations*
L2: {just happy to be here, not at all sleepy}

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Pouring Joy

I'm learning about the Fruit of the Spirit in my class on Sunday and someone mentioned pouring joy into someone's life and I thought this up. That would be a slippery situation. One could say Cinderella was in a slippery situation with the whole shoe (slipper) ordeal. I might have just thought up another comic.
I guess I should say, as they do on YouTube and other channels when they mention a brand name, Not A Sponsor.

A: Why is my room all slick and soapy?!?
B: I poured Joy (R) into your life!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Joy vs Dawn

My class on Sunday is going through the Fruit of the Spirit and Dawn is not one of them. But I think every Christian thinks there are some fruits they struggle with but other they are doing a good job with. However when you dig into it and realize what choosing joy or peace or gentleness means, you come to the conclusion that you actually have a lot of room for improvement. That's how I am with joy. And actually with most of the fruits. I know I struggle with some more than others, but knowing you have a struggle is the first step in overcoming it I think.
Disclaimer: I don't actually know the price points of these soaps and which one is a better deal. I thought this up while in class and someone mentioned asking for joy.

A: I asked for joy!
B: But Dawn (R) was cheaper.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Out of Joy

My class on Sunday is going through the Fruit of the Spirit. We're on Peace currently, but I thought these up when we were covering Joy. My brother-in-law is leading the class and we're going through the book The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges. I recommend the book - it has some good stuff.

A: I'm all out of joy.
B: You can use my Dawn (R).

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sparking Joy

We watched one episode (the first one) of Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, and she has some good points but her religion (Shintoism) really shapes her delivery so be prepared for that. I do agree that staying de-cluttered is important for stress relief and she has many good ways to organize.

M: I heard about your electrical accident while tidying up with your friend.
L: I sparked Joy.