Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Tearable Idea

Halloween disclaimer/warning: today's comic is a little gross so if you're squeamish maybe skip it.
You have been warned.
Proceed at your own risk.

There's not much else to say about this one. I debated posting it for a while then realized it could work for this holiday that's all about icky things. 

Explanation: I'm not gonna explain this one. Just think it through and notice the terrible/tearable pun. 

A: Holding a baby while wearing dangly earrings is a terrible idea.
L: Yep, tearable. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023


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Happy Birthday to my niece!
So I thought this up after Halloween last year and held onto it for a whole year and what do you know, October 13 is indeed a Friday! Celebrate by.... asking people who come to your house to give you candy? That would be a surprise to the solicitor. 

Explanation: Halloween is on October 31, and if you reverse those numbers you get 13. If you flip the word "Halloween" backwards you get "Neewollah." And Friday the 13th is traditionally unlucky, which fits the Halloween vibe of black cats and such. 

A: Why are you so excited about October 13 being a Friday?
B: *holding a jack-o-lantern, wearing a witch hat* Neewollah :)

Sunday, October 30, 2022



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The cutest version of Bowser. I like his little wig, really completes the outfit. The guy needs to wear a red hat to fit in with the rest. I had to look up what Princess Peach's crown looks like - I was thinking it was more of a tiara but it's actually a standard round crown. Why does she wear pink instead of, I don't know, peach? Tis a mystery. Maybe the wiki page explains but wow that's a lot of info there so you can peruse if you'd like. 

M: Why is your dog wearing a spiked turtle shell?
P: Bow-Wow-Ser!
B: *silently looking awesome*

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Halloween Husbands

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Is this a strawman argument? Now that I think about it, Frankenstein's Monster would have had a heartbeat, so maybe a vampire would have worked better in this. Oh well, it was thought up about a week before Halloween and this is what I came up with. Remember to stock up on candy in preparation for Monday! What if you don't usually have kids stopping by? Stock up anyways, it's for yourself! But what if you want to get the discount day-after candy sale? You can do that too! Like the candy which doesn't taste all that great, you can buy both Now and Later. 

Scarecrow Lady: Why did you leave your husband?
Bride of Frankenstein: He was a deadbeat.
Scarecrow Lady: At least he had a brain.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Double Double AGAIN


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I originally posted this back in 2013. I thought about updating it to my current style since I can't think of a Halloween one for this year but I kinda like how my old look looks. Back in the day of pencil, ink and color, scan, trim, then post. I had a stack of little scraps of paper where I'd doodle all my first draft ideas then tuck them into my sketchbook - it was crammed full. Maybe I should scan in a few of them for nostalgia. I would come up with ideas at all times of the day, at work or church or wherever. I would transfer the idea doodles into my nice sketchbook when I was ready to work on comics - I made the border by tracing around a scrap of paper that was cut to be the size I wanted my comics (so two could fit on a page of my sketchbook). 

Now I have a Google Note on my phone where I write the text of my comics as the ideas hit me throughout my day - sometimes I'm too vague and when I go to make the comic I have no idea what I was aiming for. When I'm ready to make comics, I open the note and open my editor and draw what comes to mind. 

*Three witches around a cauldron*
Two of them: Double Double Toil and Trouble
Third one: I ordered a triple!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Animal Costumes


Deer to fox: You cannot make fun of my Bambi costume when you are dressed as Zorro

I drew this after Halloween last year AND stored it in the proper folder AND remembered to check said folder before the holiday passed by again! I feel like I need a sticker or something. Maybe a sticker to remind me to check my holiday folders when a holiday is approaching. The deer's costume would be the spots since adults don't have those but maybe judging from the size it's a little fawn so therefore he did nothing for his costume, and I tried drawing the classic Zorro hat on the fox but it just didn't look right so I left it off. Also totally forgot about the rapier but I'm not sure how I would have worked that in anyway.

FYI "zorro" is Spanish for "fox". I feel like everyone should know Bambi and Zorro but if you don't, please click the links and learn about them. 

Deer: You can't make fun of my Bambi costume if you're a fox dressed as Zorro. 
Fox: *wearing cape and mask*

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Happy Medium

Well this is really a throw-back - I somehow didn't post this one from back in the day when I pencil-and-ink drew my comics! It is just so much easier using a tablet - no capturing the image via scanner or camera then uploading and cropping and etc. I do like the quality of pencil-and-ink and I do it for cards (except when mass-produced at which point I print them). There just is a certain charm with the pencil coloring. I like it. But not enough to go back.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Possible Ghost Sighting

I think this is an EXCELLENT costume. Also I feel like this comic might need a border, or maybe some fill for the cape and sheet. But it should be a white sheet to complete the look, so then it needs a background color instead and that is just too much work after the fact, since there's text.
I was up in CT a few weeks ago and learned about some PJ show that my nieces like and when I see a superhero I now think "night time is the best time to fight crime!"
The costume could also be a person struggling to fold a fitted sheet - that's a good idea as well. Just trying to help those who are trying to come up with an awesome easy costume.

A: Are you a ghost?
B: No, I'm just struggling to hang up a sheet.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


It's a throw-back to when I first transitioned to digital and was experimenting with not hand-drawing but rather typing and using shapes. I do like the nicely rounded circles and very straight lines, but there's a charm to hand-drawing.

A: Why is your jack-o'-lantern wearing sweatpants?
B: It's a bumkin!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Treat!

 Was listening to the radio this weekend and someone on 91.9 called in with this story.
 Sorry for the late comics - busy Easter weekend and then I was out sick.