Showing posts with label 12 Days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12 Days. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Modern 12 Drones of Christmas

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Happy early Birthday to my brother! 
If they're all birds, and birds aren't real, then did your true love give you nothing??? Also, as I figured out in my previous 12 Days of Christmas comic, if you do the additive version then it's 364 drones. You could make a cool lights show with that many. 

Explanation: people wearing tinfoil hats are (usually?) conspiracy theorists, and a popular conspiracy is that birds aren't real. 

A: How was your Christmas?
B: Excellent, my true love gave me a modern 12 Days of Christmas so -
A: 78 drones?!
B: Yep!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

13th Day of Christmas

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I did the math, that's 78 birds if you ascribe to the "they're all birds" theory of the 12 Days of Christmas and you don't repeat the birds (i.e. on day two you just get the 2 doves, not the partridge again). That is an excessive amount of birds, whether they are for a menagerie or a feast. And if you do the additive version, where you get all the previous days on top of the new day's gift each day, that's 364 birds. That's a lot of birdseed.

Title: After the 12th Day of Christmas
W: Finally, the Amazon package that I have been expecting for two weeks!
TL: Is it birdseed? 'Cause we need a bit of that.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Twelve Days of Christmas Repost

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This one was originally posted way back on December 8, 2012! And it took me a while to find it because my search wasn't working and I also didn't write much on the posts back then so I needed to remember the title and I did not. I know there's symbolism in this song but when you think of the gifts in actuality, it's a bit weird. Also I recall reading somewhere that gifting someone 13 waterfowl is not an act of true love, but rather an act of violence, especially since the geese were in nesting mode. And that's just the waterfowl! There's nine more birds, for a total of 22 bird gifts. Most people could not handle that. 

Lady on phone, holding 5 golden rings and with 5 of the bird gifts in the background: Please stop all further shipments. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Pear Tree Partridge

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It's a package deal, if you have a pear tree then you need to have a partridge. Just one per pear tree. If you have multiple pear trees (and therefore multiple partridges), that means you have multiple true loves and that's something you need to think about. Yes, this applies to everyone, even orchard owners. And now I'm thinking about the Relient K cover of the song - "What's a partridge? And what's a pear tree? Well, I don't know so please don't ask me. But I can bet those are terrible gifts to giiiiiiiiiive." Also, I like their Christmas album names - "Let It Snow, Baby... Let It Reindeer" and "Deck the Halls, Bruise Your Hand." Actually they are quite good at album naming in general. 

A: Is that a pear tree?
B: Yep.
A: Where is your partridge?
B: Don't have one.
A: *gasp*

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Sixth Day of Christmas

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Yes it's the seventh of December but this comic posts on Sun Tues Thurs so it happened to not line up with the sixth. This is based on a true story - when we were looking for a house last year, there was one that we didn't even venture inside because we did a quick check of the yard and there was a fully fenced in back yard with chickens and geese happily milling about. I hear that means the grass would be very fertile but it just struck us as odd that the listing didn't mention anything about the backyard barnyard. Also there was a retention pond right there without a fence or anything around it, so that was also a negative mark on the house. 

♩♪ On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me - six geese a-laying ♪𝅗𝅥

R: And this house will have you totally prepared for the sixth day of Christmas!
M: Yeah, we're gonna pass.
L: Hard pass.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Day 12

Twelve runners running.
Why are they running?

It's the Red Octobear! Where is Sean Connery???

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Days of Christmas

This is days 2, 3, 4, and 6. Yes, that's my interpretation of a turtle-dove.