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DIY Cake Stand

Stopping in real quick like to share a super easy DIY. Who doesn't love homemade jaunts? This cake stand that I whipped up in, oh, about two minutes tops, makes a gorgeous gift. Need a housewarming present? Look no further. 

DIY Cake Stand
|| supplies ||
Large Plate (found mine at the Dollar Tree. Hey-oh)
Bowl (Dollar Tree)
Ceramic Glue (E-6000 is a good one, I just didn't have any on hand)
Twine (optional)
Cookie Mix (optional)

- I probably don't even need to type out instructions. But for those of you non-visual types, just basically put glue around the bottom rim of the bowl. 

- Place the plate's bottom on top of the bowl's bottom. Okay. Did I just make that sound really confusing? 

- Let dry. 

- Wrap the the cake stand with twine (or ribbon, yarn, whateves) and add a bag of cookie mix. Done. It's a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am type of thing.

Now go get to crafting. I also guest-posted this DIY over at Love Joleen Photography a few weeks ago!


  1. Wow!!! This is a great dIY idea, I will try it on one of my kids birthday. Thank you :)

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