Showing posts with label a#. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a#. Show all posts

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A-Sharp #asharp #a#


A# Augmented Chord (A#aug)
A# Blues Scale
A# Diminished Chord (A#dim)
A# Locrian Mode
A# Major Chord (A#)
A# Major Scale
A# Minor Chord (A#m)
A# Minor Minor 7th Chord (A#m7)
A# Minor Minor 7th Flattened 5th Chord (A#m7b5)
A# Minor Pentatonic Scale
A# Neapolitan Major Scale
A# Neapolitan Minor Scale
A# Phrygian Dominant Scale
A# Phrygian Mode
A# Power Chord (A#5)
A# Suspended 2nd Chord (A#sus2)
A# Suspended 4th Chord (A#sus4)

Total entries:  17
Grand total so far:  69 / 489

Friday, July 18, 2014

Dictionary: A# Blues Scale

When you add a diminished 5th note to the A-sharp minor pentatonic scale (the E note, in this case), you now have the A-sharp blues scale.  Try it over A-sharp.  Any A-sharp.  You may like the results.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dictionary: A# Minor Pentatonic Scale

The A-sharp minor pentatonic scale is convenient to use for improvising solos and composing melodies over an A-sharp minor chord progression, especially if you are unsure whether to use the Aeolian, Dorian, or Phrygian mode at any given moment.

The A-sharp minor pentatonic scale sounds especially bluesy over an A-sharp major chord progression.  If you want an even bluesier scale, stay tuned ...

Friday, July 4, 2014

Dictionary: A#m7b5 Chord

A#m7b5 is an A-sharp diminished triad with a minor 7th (G-sharp note).  This chord is compatible with the A# Locrian mode.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dictionary: A#m7 Chord

A#m7 is an A-sharp minor triad with a minor 7th (G-sharp note).  This chord is compatible with the A# Phrygian mode.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Dictionary: A#aug Chord

This is not only the A-sharp augmented chord, it is also the Bbaug, Cxaug, Daug, Exaug, F#aug, and Gbaug chords as well.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dictionary: A#5 Power Chord

Two notes:  Root (A-sharp) and fifth (E-sharp).

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dictionary: A#sus2 Chord

Not sure if A-sharp suspended-2nd chord, or E#sus4 chord.

Dictionary: A#sus4 Chord

Not sure if A-sharp suspended-4th chord, or D#sus2 chord.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dictionary: A# Chord

If you're looking for a simpler A-sharp guitar chord, you can try the enharmonic Bb major chord from September 2007.

Dictionary: A#m Chord

If you're looking for a simpler guitar chord for A-sharp minor, you might try the enharmonic Bbm chord diagram from September 2007.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dictionary: A#dim Chord

You might think of A-sharp diminished as an F#7, without the F# note.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dictionary: A Note

LA.  To simplify things:  Abb is G; Ab can also be G#; A is A; A# can also be Bb; and Ax is B.

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